• Resolved tigere


    Hi there, l have a problem on my site, l am using woowallet. clients sale and upload financial reports. People use credits which is your plugin, when their reports are bought the client get a share 70% and l get 30% in the form of credits.

    I have added a function that adds records of share profit to add in the table see query below
    $query_sales = “INSERT INTO wp_woo_wallet_transactions (blog_id,user_id,type,amount,balance,currency,details,date)”
    . ” VALUES (‘1’, ‘{$report[‘ID’]}’,’credit’,’$member_share’,'{$wallet_new_bal}’,’EUR’,’$wallet_details’,’$wallet_date’)”;

    this is to add credits to clients.

    My problem is some records are not picked up in the Wallet balance and transactions list. but if you view the table in php my admin the records are there .

    link to site still on development server

    Your assistance will be much appreciated

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  • Plugin Author Subrata Mal



    Call clear_woo_wallet_cache($user_id); to clear plugin cache after insertion into wp_woo_wallet_transactions table because we are using caching database query for first response.



    please how can i assign a role to help people to topup wallet

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