• Hi!
    I am shure somebody already asked for this, but I must ask again as I tried to find solution for this, but I guess, I am trying to find it under wrong keywords as I don’t know exactly what is this solution called….

    I just started a blog as part of my website.
    I would like to display on home page of my website under title: “Webmaster’s Latest Post” my latest blog post. Or, at least, first few sentences and link to my post.

    My home page is in root directory of my site mysite.com/index.html, and blog is in separate directory : http://www.mysite.com/blog/

    I guess I would need to place a code in one table on my home page where would then text of my latest blog automaticly appear…

    IS there anything like that caod I can use?

    Thanks in advance for your time and effort to help me with this.

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  • I recommend using Feed2js (http://jade.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/feed/). It’s free and very easy to install. It even lets you tweak the look and length of the how much you want to display.

    The other great thing about it is that you can have it run from your server. Some of the other free services I’ve tried can be quirky, but one of them actually had somebody else’s post showing up on my site!! With it running on your own server, you can avoid that.

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