• Resolved Bastbra



    the plugin is great! I have a feature request (for the future, if this is possible): Can you add a “today” and “yesterday” tab in the overviews (Analytics, Search Console, AdSense)? Because just “last 7 days” etc. is too much, at least in my mind. Also, a “active users in real time” for the analytics tab would be great. I don’t know if you take feature requests, but these features would be great!

    Thank you,

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  • Plugin Support James Osborne


    Hi Bastbra, glad to hear you’re enjoying the plugin, I’ll certainly pass on your kind words (or feel free to leave a review). In relation to your feature request any such requests can be submitted directly on the plugins GitHub repository. If you’re unsure or if you don’t have a GitHub account I’m happy to create one for you. Let me know anyway.

    Note that there is an open GitHub issue in relation to daily graphs which you can find here.

    Thread Starter Bastbra


    Hi, I added it on Github here: https://github.com/google/site-kit-wp/issues/2757

    Best regards

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Excellent, I’ve just added a comment now to the GitHub issue. Thanks for your contribution! As the owner of that feature request you’ll be notified of any updates by email.

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