• JapeNZ


    Hi there,

    I often have to split orders and part of this process involves deactivating email types (order on hold, processing order).

    Unfortunately the process of deactivating and reactivating email types also puts the ‘additional content’ section in my emails, even if I have ‘additional content’ deactivated in the settings.

    Are you able to alter the activate ‘additional content’ setting, so it still applies if an email type is deactivated and reactivated?

    Alternatively can you add a css class to the ‘additional content’ area in the emails, so I can see if ‘display: none’ in the custom css section will keep ‘additional content’ hidden even if the email type or plugin is deactivated and reactived.

    Thank you for your help!

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  • Plugin Support Gilbert Hernandez


    Hello @japenz

    I tried to recreate your situation, but I didn’t have a problem in which the additional content appeared in emails when it was deactivated in the email customizer settings.

    From my understanding, you’re saying that you have to deactivate and reactivate emails during your workflow. This means you have to deactivate them at WooCommerce > Settings > Emails, where you can manage emails and deactivate them. However, upon reactivating the emails, are you saying that the additional content is added to emails even when the “ENABLE ADDITIONAL CONTENT” setting at WooCommerce > Email Customizer > Footer > Additional Content is disabled?

    On my test site, I disabled the additional content. Then, I deactivated and reactivated emails. However, when the emails were triggered, they did not contain the additional content in the emails. The emails continued to exclude the additional content even though the email had been deactivate and reactivated.

    Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to track whether the email has been deactivated and reactivated. However, you can add HTML to the additional content box in the email customizer. This means you can surround the content in an element with custom classes you can target with CSS if you need to go that route.

    Thread Starter JapeNZ


    Hi @ghernkadence,

    Thank you for taking a look at this for me!

    I’ve done some more testing, and you’re absolutely right! 😀
    It was happening a while back, prior to the additional content setting, so I guess I got into the habit of adding a space in the additional content area so it appeared empty.
    As the additional content area shows the text in the customizer as a placeholder, when the additional content setting has it turned off, I assumed I still needed to do it.

    Also the Woocommerce Gift Cards plugin has the additional content text ‘Thanks for shopping with us’ added to gift card emails, as I assume it isn’t currently compatible with Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer… so I’ve been seeing the additional content in some emails, making me think it would be in all emails if I didn’t keep editing them each time.

    Any chance of adding compatibility with the Woocommerce Gift Cards emails do you think?

    Thanks again for your help!

    Plugin Support Gilbert Hernandez


    Hello @japenz

    The WooCommerce Gift Cards plugin is a premium plugin that I don’t have access to test. If the plugin adds text to the additional content, you may want to contact WooCommerce support to determine if there is a hook you can use to remove it.

    If the WooCommerce Gift Cards plugin sends additional emails besides the standard WooCommerce emails, there aren’t plans to add compatibility. The Kadence WoooCommerce Email Designer plugin is only intended for standard, free WooCommerce emails.

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