• Resolved Bastian Suivera


    Hi, my block editor buttons “add before” and “add after” just completely disappeared since a few days, Idk what triggered it nor how to recover them, any idea? I confirmed it happens with any type of block, or page

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi Bastian,

    Happy to help!

    I cannot confirm this issue on my website. Here is a screencast for your reference:

    To troubleshoot this, please try the following troubleshooting listed here:

    If the issue persists after trying the troubleshooting steps, please try using a different browser.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know how we can help further.


    Thread Starter Bastian Suivera


    Hi @chieze thank you for your help, I tried absolutely everything and issue persists, the health check thing only shows recommendation to use “object persistent cache”, I cleared all cache with LiteSpeed, tried disabling all plugins

    NOTE: I discovered that they DO show ONLY when editing widgets, they don’t show in editing homepage/pages/posts/patterns

    I also tried going back to default theme “Twenty twenty four”, uninstall Kadence theme, reinstall but nothing
    Also tried reinstalling Kadence blocks and Starter templates plugins but nothing
    Correct me if I’m wrong, the two buttons “add before / add after” are provided by the main Kadence theme right?

    What is left to try at this point? Reinstalling woocommerce/wordpress? Is that even possible?

    Hi @marioscomco,

    The Add Before and After is managed by WordPress Gutenberg and not Kadence.

    I found a similar case where the Add Before and After does not show when the Paragraph block is disabled from the list of blocks in the Gutenberg Preferences. Learn more:

    If you disabled any block, kindly enable it and see if the issue persists.


    Thread Starter Bastian Suivera


    Wowwww @chieze yes! That’s completely right, I had hidden paragraph and heading, reset and buttons are back, wow, so glad u found that!

    I was thinking my entire wordpress installation was broken or smth, considered reinstalling and everything, thank you very much!

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