• Resolved michael walker


    Thanks for a useful plug-in. I am having an issue in attempting to add an advertisement to a campaign. The ‘Edit Campaign Item’ page says “Add new Advertisement Items by using the “Add Advertisement Item” button.” However, I cannot see this button anywhere on the page. It’s not in the toolbar, nor anywhere else on the page. Maybe I am looking in the wrong place? Any help/advice appreciated. I am using 2016 as a theme, in case that helps.


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  • Plugin Author CreativeMindsSolutions


    Hi Michael,

    If you can’t clearly see the button maybe there are some CSS/JS errors which stop it from appearing.

    To debug this please try:
    – Checking the Chrome Developer Console (CTRL+SHIFT+C) and see if there are any errors
    – Deactivate other plugins one by one to check for possible conflicts.

    CM Plugins

    Thread Starter michael walker


    Thanks for the prompt response. Unfortunately this has not helped. I have checked for errors using both Chrome and Firefox (plus Opera) and none shown. I have also disabled all plug-ins without success. My next plan will be to try the plug-in on another site using a different theme.

    Plugin Author CreativeMindsSolutions


    Let us know if you managed to solve this

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