• Bakkie


    I was testing with this plugin as it seems like a good setup, but the activate your account mail gets marked as spam in gmail. Other mail from my website does not, so how can this be solved, or is it because of the lack of text in the email since i use the free version for now.

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  • Plugin Support Moshtafizur


    Hi Bakkie,

    Thank you for bringing up the Gmail spam issue. To address this, please check the SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) authentication settings.

    Additionally, verify the sender reputation, as a poor reputation can lead to emails being marked as spam. You can use online tools to check the reputation of your email server’s IP address and domain.

    Taking these steps should enhance the legitimacy of your emails and improve their deliverability to Gmail inboxes.

    Kind regards.

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