• Resolved lugox22


    I have created custom posts called “Events.” Within each post/event, I have a custom field (ACF) named “date.” However, I am encountering an issue:

    I need to filter this “date” field as if it were the date of a standard post, but I do not see the date range options displayed when I select my ACF.

    I would like to be able to use the “date” field of my events to apply date range filters, just as is done with the publication date of a post. Could you please help me configure this or guide me on the steps I need to take to achieve this?

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  • Plugin Support fesupportteam


    Hi @lugox22

    Thank you for your interest in the Filter Everything plugin.

    Currently, the date filter is working with the post date only. But as soon as we get any information about it, we will let you know in this comment thread.

    Best Regards – Victor

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