• Resolved capoan



    I have an issue with the plugin as it is disconnecting the account sometimes. There is no pattern on the moment of the disconnection but some times is just doing this and is creating some problems as the forms are not submitted. The forms are via Gravity form.

    Is there a reconnection time necessary or something that we can do in order to have it stable for a long period of time? It can help also if on the moment that a form is submitted and the form information are not going to HubSpot, to send a notification.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by capoan.
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  • Hello @capoan,

    Thanks for your submission. There is not time limit for the plugin to disconnect automatically. Once you connect the plugin it should stay connected until you manually reset it.

    Is there a possibility that a task or another plugin that may be cleaning up some options in WordPress? We store the portalId and other data necessary in the options and if they get removed it will disconnect the plugin.

    Can you please specify the plugin version you have? Also do you work with third party cookies enabled or disabled?

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter capoan



    I am using for cookie policy “GDPR Cookie Compliance”. I am not using other third cookie modules. Other plugins that I am using are Gravity Forms / Gravity Forms Block Email Domains / Gravity Forms Polls Add-On / Gravity Forms Webhooks Add-On / Gravity Forms Zero Spam / Hubspot All in one Marketing / Hubspot for gravity Forms / Layered popups / Recent posts widget with thumbnails / Redirection / W3 Total Cache Wordfence / Yoast SEO

    Hello @capoan,

    Thanks for the information. I do not see any of the plugins being listed there causing any problems.

    As I mentioned we do not have any time out that would cause the plugin to disconnect. Are you the only user in the wordpress instance?

    The only thing I can think of that can be disconnecting the plugin without a user intervention is some operations that clean the WordPress database but this would not be related to the plugin itself

    Thread Starter capoan



    Based on the discussion with HubSpot on the moment that I had this problem, they are telling that the issue is in the integration as a cookie is conflicting. This is what I understand from this. Maybe is something in the template that is conflicting with this or an update process of an plugin. Is there something else that I can search trough the source code?

    Answer from HubSpot:

    I see what is happening, so this is a cookie issue that is not being sent which won’t allow linking form submission to existing contacts.

    So you would need to fix this with your developer. You are using an API to send this form submission information. The issue you are seeing is 'The cookie needed to link form submissions to existing contacts isn't being sent. You'll need to ask your developer to update the integration for this form'. This is usually present if you are submitting forms using HubSpot API, however, you are not passing on the context data within the body of the request in order to pass on cookie information.Here is an example within the body of the request:
    "context": {
        "hutk": ":hutk", // include this parameter and set it to the hubspotutk cookie value to enable cookie tracking on your submission
        "pageUri": "www.example.com/page",
        "pageName": "Example page"
    You can find full details on API form submissions in our developer documentation here, so I recommend forwarding this to your developer to make the adjustments to the API call:https://legacydocs.hubspot.com/docs/methods/forms/submit_form

    Oh! I see. So your plugin does not disconnect but rather your form submissions are not being captured in HubSpot isn’t it?

    When you mention the account was being disconnected I thought the problem would be somewhere else.

    You will need to solve this on the integration with Gravity Forms if that’s the plugin you are using.

    If you check this doc https://legacydocs.hubspot.com/docs/methods/forms/submit_form

    The context property in the payload of the submission is missing so HubSpot cannot locate your submission.

    I would suggest you review the integration you made to make sure the API request always contains this information

    Please contact us if the problem persists or you experiment any other issue.

    Thread Starter capoan



    The way that I’ve fix the problem was from this plugin to reconnect it because was not showing any form anymore. After reconnecting from this plugin everything was ok. I did not alter or do other settings to other plugins than this one in order to fix the issue, just by reconnecting again.

    Oh, I see. Sorry I started getting confused with the root cause.

    I suggest you review processes running on your site that may be altering / cleaning up the WordPress database or disable 1 by 1 the existing plugins to discover if one of them is disconnecting the HubSpot plugin

    Thread Starter capoan



    I will try to explain this better:

    • P1 => Connection plugin = this plugin
    • P2 => plugin that is mapping fields from SiteGround to Gravity forms

    On this moment there is no way to reproduce it because it is a random thing, without a pattern until now.

    What I’ve noticed:

    – Instead of active connection “There was a problem accessing your plugin.” when accessing the page in Safari
    – On Google chrome I see it connected and is ok
    – When the forms from P2 were not send to P1, I was seeing on “Account Name” section from the P1 plugin main page, value “1” instead of the actual account name.

    When this was happening then the forms did not see the form fields mapping and forms are not going to HubSpot.

    On the moment that P1 is reconnected with HubSpot, everything is back to normal.

    Do you have any ideea about this with this information?

    Disabling plugins cannot help in this case because the connection is not dropping all the time and it will not generate the expected behaviour.

    Can you please let me know if there are other tests that I can make?

    Thread Starter capoan



    Can you please help me with a feedback in this case? We had a problem again today.

    Plugin Support harthur90


    Hello @capoan,

    To better understand your problem, let me first explain how our plugin saves information related to your HubSpot account and portal.

    Once you signed in and connect your wordpress site to hubspot we store the needed information at WP options table – meaning that even if you sign-out, or even manually clear your Hubspot cookies your wordpress site would still be connected.

    Now which situation better describe the problem you are facing:

    A. Forms submissions are not appearing at HubSpot
    B. Forms submissions are appearing at HubSpot but the information is wrong/incorrectly mapped/

    and then i would like to ask you to do the following respectively

    A. After you reset and reconnect Hubspot plugin, take a snapshot of your current WP options, by going to wp-admin/options.php and looking for parameters with ‘leadin_’ as a prefix. If you encounter the problem again, check to see if the values have changed. It could be some 3rd party plugin is changing your portalId for example, which would cause the HubSpot plugin to stop working.

    B. Check to see if any of those 3rd party plugins that are mapping form fields are up-to-date, or attempt to do the mapping directly through HubSpot.

    Please contact us if the problem persists or you experiment any other issue.

    Thread Starter capoan



    Thank you for this. Next time when I will have this problem I will look into those parameters. Also, I will do a check in all the plugins for field mapping.

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