• Afternoon peeps,

    I have built an ubuntu server to host my WordPress website and I have managed to set up most things including how to set up the themes to how I like it but……

    I am pulling my hair out with the main object and that was to be able to access the wordpress blog from outside the LAN. The goal is to have my domain to point to the server so that I can use that instead.

    So I have set-up a dns domain with no-ip.com and then set that up with the server so that it updates the IP if and when it changes, now for my domain I have done a frame re-direct to the dns address. This is where my knowledge of what I’m doing runs out as the wordpress website from outside the LAN only displays text, no colours, images or formatting are displayed (my domain name is being used in the back of the wordpress at this point)

    Now if I change the URL in the back end to the dns domain all the formatting is displayed but none of the images are displayed.

    The wordpress site is in /var/www/HTML/wordpress and the owner has been changed from /var/www/HTML/ downwards to www-data and the permissions of 755 down the same path.

    Can I use both the dns domain and my domain re-direct in this way ?
    Do I need to change the permissions from the /var/www/ folder or will that not make a difference?

    Any help or guidance is much appreciated as it’s getting to the stage where I’m going to give it up as a bad idea soon

    Thank you for your time


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  • Hi Andy,

    Do you have a URL so we can see the issue and attempt to replicate it? We can help you troubleshoot this if we can see the “outside the lan” URL.

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