• Resolved lhyanaa


    I downloaded your extension and activated it.
    I transferred my Prestashop database to my WordPress database and
    I have entered all the correct information regarding my WordPress database in the form using the wp.config.php file. and put the right link for my Prestashop store still in production.

    However, I cannot connect to my database and I have an error:
    “SQLSTATE [HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘***’@’***.**.**’ (using password: YES).”
    (I have hidden some information with stars)

    And now i don’t know what to do and i’m out of option.

Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Plugin Author Kerfred


    Thread Starter lhyanaa


    I already did all of this.
    and still can’t connect.

    Plugin Author Kerfred


    Please double check the PrestaShop database that has been copied on the WordPress server. And double check the login and password. This should work.

    If this still doesn’t work, please contact us at https://www.fredericgilles.net/support/ and provide the WordPress access and we will have a look.

    Thread Starter lhyanaa


    I finally managed to connect to my database, while I didn’t change anything. I still thank you for your help.

    Plugin Author Kerfred


    You are welcome.



    Is it Possible to transfer Data from Prestashop to woocomerce if both are on different servers.
    Port 3306 for prestashop is opened Showing on https://ping.eu/port-chk/ but Ports On woocomerce is not showing open even after the hosting company cloudways digital ocean told that they have white listed the Ip but still cant connect the database. what is the solution as both servers are different. Pls suggest

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by WorldMart.in.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by WorldMart.in.
    Plugin Author Kerfred


    The easiest solution is to export the PrestaShop database to a SQL file with phpMyAdmin and to import it on the WordPress database. So the database connection will be local and you won’t have to open any port on your servers.



    Both are on different servers and Port 3306 open and ip are whitelisted still not connecting so now what to do. Will plugin Work if both are on different servers with port open or it will only work on same servers pls clarify the process for two different servers and basic requirements to make the process simpler as i am not tech savvy so finding very difficult

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by WorldMart.in.
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