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  • Plugin Contributor Ben Meredith


    Hi there,

    The top link in your message is our developer documentation for adding custom fields, while the bottom is a link to our Form Countdown add-on.

    The second link is a fully developed add-on for Give. The first is a doc to help a skilled developer to create custom fields.

    You can add custom fields on a per-form basis using our Form Field Manager add-on, or a developer can create another custom method for creating those fields programmatically.

    For a code-free way of adding custom fields, you’ll need to purchase/use Form Field Manager and note that support for that add-on is not provided here, but on our website, after you’ve made that purchase.

    Thread Starter luisfeeney


    Gracias Ben!

    I want to know is if there is a way to create a custom field,
    and that this custom field can be added
    or not
    to any form, without the need to create a plugin for each form.

    This can be done with “Form Field Manager”?

    Plugin Contributor Ben Meredith


    Thanks for that clarification.

    That sort of functionality where you create a reusable field that can be added to multiple forms, or not, programmatically is NOT currently available through Form Field Manager.

    Your best bet for adding that functionality is still (as you’ve discovered) using the custom field documentation, and manually adding in the IDs for new forms when they are made.


    Thread Starter luisfeeney


    Gracias Ben

    Anyway, GIVE is a great tool, I like it.

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