• dsaadeddin


    This is a very useful plugin. It is user-friendly, light and works very well. I couldn’t however make the ALT test to be shown below the images.
    In summary, it is a must-have for any WordPress site!

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  • My client worked for a while with Responsive Lightbox & Gallery (the free version) and he liked it, but typically some features were missing. So my client purchased an annual subscription for the FancyBox Pro extention, the ‘Business plan’, which comes with ‘Priority Support’!

    The plugin worked well.
    Now my client wanted to know if the default functionality, which doesn’t allow references to a specific image could be changed to use permanent image urls, allowing linking from internal posts/pages to a specific image in the lightbox (the default functionality sends the user to the current gallery).

    My client then found out that the Priority Support sends him to the same forum as used for the free version – and also, his request was hanging for days without any reaction. Typically the chat function is ‘temporarily off-line’, i.e. for any practical purposes – permanently unavailable.
    The forum can be characterized as dominantly being a scrap yard where up to 5 years old requests for support rest unattended.

    This means that no support is available in real life – neither free or as per ‘Priority’.

    I contacted dFactory in Poland, att. Bartosz Arendt, and asked why my client’s priority support, which he had paid for, wasn’t delivered.
    Then my client’s ticket was responded to in the forum – but in a very evasive way, and obviously from a person without a clue about the functionality of the plugin – a student assistant of some kind.

    Further, the answer should have caused a notification to my client’s mailbox. That didn’t happen either.
    My client returned to the ‘scrap yard’ and asked if any qualified person was able to answer the very simple question he had asked.

    Then silence.

    Conclusion: This Bartosz Arendt identity, whatever it is covering, is taking money for ‘Priority Support’ which is not delivered.
    That constitutes a fraudulent activity under the WordPress umbrella.

    I urge the WP administration to investigate if the standard of this ‘Bartosz Arendt’ business is compatible with the rules of conduct within the organization.

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