• I had been using one particular SEO plugin which has always worked very well for me, so there is no complaint about this plugin. However I didn’t really need a lot of the features my previous SEO plugin offered so I decided to change over and try The SEO Framework plugin.

    What a great decision on my behalf :). Well done to the developer @Sybre Waaijer. Not only has he developed and designed a very simple yet very powerful SEO plugin but it is his SEO knowledge and super fast support in the forum that has many people talking about it.

    I can already foresee a great future with this plugin. I am sure many will benefit greatly from the simplicity to set up your website SEO and the authors SEO knowledge which is second to none.

    Thank you so much for this great plugin.

    Keep up the great work.

    Kind regards

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  • Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer


    Thank you so much for the lovely review Manuel 🙂

    I’m not so sure if my SEO knowledge is second to none, but I sure try to keep up :D.

    I also wanted to thank you for the translations of the entire plugin into Spanish! Gracias!

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