• Resolved Sean Nicholson


    We recently upated to versoin 1.5.15 and every time we run a transaction, it processes behind the scenes but then displays a page with a 500 error. The order is completed, the transaction is processed with our payment gateway, but the 500 error is displayed.

    We downgraded back to version 1.5.13 and the problem is resolved. What can we do to troubleshoot this issue?


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  • Thread Starter Sean Nicholson


    Soooo….is the developer at NMI not supporting this plugin anymore?

    Thread Starter Sean Nicholson


    FYI for others out there, I even emailed the contact us at the developer’s website. They don’t appear to be supporting this plugin anymore. So, if you are needing a plugin that receives assistance from the developer when it misbehaves, this might not be the one for you. I will update this thread IF they ever reach out.

    Plugin Author Design Team


    Is this still an issue on the most recent version 1.6.2?

    Thread Starter Sean Nicholson


    This issue is an ongoing problem. Every version of the plugin beyond 1.5.13 causes 500 errors on processing. We do not have the subscriptions plugin that others have mentioned, which is probably why. We need this plugin to work without having subscriptions enabled.

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