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  • Plugin Author gioni


    Hi! Thanks for such a detailed report! We will investigate it soon.

    Plugin Author gioni


    Please confirm that the issue persists on the following configuration:

    1. WordPress 5.8
    2. WP Cerber “Load security engine” is set to “Standard mode”

    Thread Starter Paul Vogel


    Hello, yes, I can confirm that the problem still exists with WordPress 5.8 and the default mode.

    Hi. Faced the same problem.
    The problem persists in s WordPress 5.8 and default mode.



    We have been seeing this same issue and have downgraded to Cerber 8.8 as suggested in a different thread. There have not been any 500 codes since then (about a week ago), but users still seem to be having trouble with invalid cookies. They log in and then get logged out because of invalid cookies. In some cases this produces ‘Spam form submission denied’ errors on page requests and ‘Login failed’ errors on AJAX requests leading to the user’s IP being blocked as if each request is a login attempt.

    I have exactly the same problem. It all started after the sites were transferred to VDS, before that they were on shared hosting, and there is no such thing there. I also now have several other sites with exactly the same characteristics. This error also does not occur there.

    Maybe it’s in the HSTS technology
    I had it activated on VDS and deactivated on shared

    Same problem here, when our users trying to change their password and wordpress redirect to main page, they need to clear login-cookie or loggout of wordpress. But that is imposible because they cant access.

    Versión 8.9.3

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by chemin1989.

    I seem to be seeing something similar. The user resets their password, and then gets an error 500.

    Plugin Author gioni


    We’ve discovered a bug. A new release with a bugfix will be available soon.


    Plugin Author gioni


    It’s been fixed in the last release:

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