• Resolved superextra


    I translated all my pages with your free plugin. The only problem I have, is with a password protected page.

    In the french (the original) version of my website, the password is working perfectly. But when I am trying to enter the same password on the translated English version of my page, I’m getting a 404 error.

    I tried to see if there is a wrong string translation for the password, but it looks like there is no string at all for the password area.

    Please note that I’m using the basic WordPress Password protected feature on that page.

    Could you please help me with this?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Anca



    I have reproduced the situation, but in my case, logging in on a password-protected page works correctly in the additional language without generating a 404 error.

    From what I can observe, in your case, the language code is incorrectly to: https://studiocolorys.com/en/wp-login.php/?action=postpass, probably causing the error.

    You can try to exclude the login path: /wp-login.php/ from TranslatePress Advanced Settings – Exclude strings – Do not translate certain paths – Exclude Paths From Translation.

    Let me know how this goes.

    Kind Regards,


    Thread Starter superextra


    Thank you Anca, but, the solution suggested does not work. I’m still redirected to the 404 page.

    I wonder… maybe it is caused by the plugin I use to redirect my login named WPS Hide Login?

    Any other idea?

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by superextra.
    Plugin Support Anca



    Can you please add /wp-login.php/* or /wp-login.php/?action=postpass?

    Did you just set the post draft’s Visibility to “Password protected” and then published it, right? Did you use any other plugin for redirection?

    Kind Regards,


    Thread Starter superextra


    I added both and I still have the same problem.

    About the page, I worked on it on draft mode, add the password protection and published it if I remember well.

    I thought that maybe it is because of the redirection plugin I have named WPS Hide Login. My real login page is redirected to /lelogin/

    Thread Starter superextra


    I just tried to disactivate the plugin WPS Hide Login and it is working now. Is there a way I may keep it by adding some string to the exclusion field in your plugin? If not, I will remove it completely.

    Plugin Support Anca



    For the moment, we don’t have support for WPS Hide Login.

    Our development team will try to work to find a fix for this issue, but we don’t have a timeframe for it.

    If you wish to have a login page translated with TranslatePress you can choose to use a front-end login plugin like Profile Builder: https://www.cozmoslabs.com/wordpress-profile-builder/.

    Kind Regards,


    Thread Starter superextra


    Thank you for the information Anca. I will remove the plugin and protect my login page differently.

    Thanks a lot for your amazing support.

    Plugin Support Anca



    Thank you for the feedback and for cooperating in resolving this issue!

    I’m glad I could be of help.

    Best wishes!


    Friend, I have a big problem.

    I installed the free version here, and now I can no longer access wp-admin. It is pulling the com.br/br subfolder.

    I’ve already disabled WPS Login, deleted its plugin and nothing…

    I only have access to FTP and I need to access my admin to be able to do what I saw in the other topics to get my website back to normal.

    I URGENTLY need this solution.

    What do I do via FTP to access my website…

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