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  • Inmotion said that they are working on it and if it’s not working by tomorrow they will move me. They don’t want to move too many people is the reason they gave me. I’m not happy about this. If others got moved I should be able to move too. This makes me want to consider changing hosting companies when my year is up.

    I work at InMotion as the Customer Community Manager. I have my Sys Admin looking into this further for you. You should get an email within the hour with more details.

    I asked to be moved and after some back and forth InMotion told me they’ll do it. I’m not sure why it takes so long.

    Meanwhile, I noticed a substantial loss of rankings and I’m wondering if it might be connected? Anybody else losing rankings?

    Hi cwfaraday, the issue regarding how Google is classifying our IP address shouldn’t affect rankings. They simply believe the IP address belongs to a geographic location they do not allow connections from and therefore, block the API call to Google Analytics. We are aware and are working with Google directly to have the IP address reclassified and corrected. Unfortunately, this isn’t an immediate solution. It would be much more detrimental to rotate the IP on the server than to file the necessary forms to have them correct the problem. Unfortunately, there isn’t an easy solution If you want to be moved to another server, we’ll gladly do so. Let me know how I can help you.

    I’m having this same problem with my two websites, also on InMotion. It seems like the connection between the sites and Google Analytics is still working fine (is it?), just the plugin isn’t working. If InMotion is working to fix the problem, how long do you think it will take (+Tim S)? Because as long as the connection to Google Analytics is working, the plugin problems are just a nuisance.

    @lcbutchart If you don’t have this error:

    (403) This service is not available from your country

    open a new topic. Most probably your issue is unrelated to what’s discussed here.

    @alin Marcu I am getting that specific 403 error, I was just asking if the issue was between google analytics communicating with the site or just that the plugin wasn’t working

    @icbutchart It’s with the Google API specifically. Google uses their on IP location database which has the server’s IP incorrectly listed. This does not affect how Google is reporting in Analytics however. We’ve filled out the paperwork with Google to correct the issue. I suspect it shouldn’t take more than a few days for Google to update their database. All this means is, until they adjust the location for the IP address, you won’t be able to make a call via the Google API to retrieve Google Analytics data from the dashboard. IF this is an issue that you cannot wait to resolve, I’m happy to have our tech support move your account to another server. Sorry for the inconvenience, we’re doing everything we can to have Google correct their error.

    @lcbutchart: If you require assistance then, as per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic.

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