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  • Plugin Author Vladimir Prelovac


    Hi Artem

    This version does better job finding matches it is more resource intensive. I would recommend the premium version with caching if you have 15 mln pageviews site.

    Thread Starter archon810


    @vladimir I appreciate the suggestion, but I’m not sure if pointing to a paid plugin where caching masks the problem is really better than trying to fix the queries the are terrible for performance. When cache gets busted, I’m not convinced it wouldn’t create spikes on the database server.

    Either way, I think premium plugins should offer value added benefits, and a situation where a free plugin causes sites to go down hard is not where you should be upselling. Add the cache to the core plugin, optimize it for performance, don’t make the users who are trying out the plugin suffer. They’ll buy your premium version for features.

    add this code to your functions

    function smart_links($data, $postarr){
    	$seolinks = new SEOLinks();
    	$data['post_content'] = $seolinks->SEOLinks_the_content_filter($data['post_content']);
    	return $data;
    add_filter( 'wp_insert_post_data', 'smart_links', '99', 2 );

    and comment out lines 182-187 of the plugin, in the function SEOLinks_process_text
    and lines 33-40

    This way the links are generated upon post publish and not every time a page loads so only once.

    Of course the downside is that pages/posts/tags generated after the publishing won’t be linked to articles already published. What you can do is schedule a cron to run your 20k posts through the seo smart links process once or twice per month to update the links. Make sure you add a class to the links so that when you go to update your links you know which ones to update.

    This plugin hooks easily in the_content, so every time a query is displayed it needs to understand where the f* it is in the site, doing a lot of checks, if it linked each option to its relative wp hook it could be a little lighter, but the bulk of the overload is most likely caused by the content processing that you do upon all the articles which you should solve with what i suggested.

    Why not to just use a caching plugin (like Quick Cache) and let WP serve the already created links from the cache ?

    Isn’t that an easier and cleaner solution ? Or i miss something ?

    Very nice mod @natostanco

    Is there anyway to apply this same mod to the plugin “Auto Smart Links” which supposedly is a spin off of this plugin?

    I want something like this as these plugins are very database intensive building the links on page load each time.


    But that mod will fail in the case that you publish post A using the word “Post B” and then create post B afterwards.

    You have to go back and publish post A once more for it to link to post B.

    yes it is written in the reply, to update old posts with new ones you have to setup a cron job or something like that.
    anyway page caching is always the first option

    I think I am experiencing the same problem, but in a somewhat worse way: I have a caching plugin (WP Super Cache) and I got high (server-down level) mysqld spikes every day, presumably when cached pages are being updated.

    Is still the only option natostanco’s patch?

    @vladimir: are you still actively mantaining this free plugin at all or just the Premium one?

    Guys please try for a while a different caching plugin (if your needs allow it).

    ZenCache Lite seems to work extremely well, WP Super Cache is outdated IMHO.

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