• Resolved braven1612


    Originally installed in subdirectory: utahlandsale_com/topics

    Used codex instructions to make the site APPEAR to be in the root by keeping index_php and httaccess at the root and adjusting permalinks

    Now I want to actually move the wordpress entirely to the root.

    1) Do I need to first create a database at the root?
    2) Can I start by simply deleting the index_php and htaccess that I have at the root now and move all the files over?
    3) I have BackupGuard plugin installed which has a “migrate” button. Can I use that in this case?

    Thanks for any help

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator James Huff


    Volunteer Moderator

    You can move WordPress to the root following this guide: https://codex.wordpress.org/Moving_WordPress#Moving_Directories_On_Your_Existing_Server

    Thread Starter braven1612


    Thanks, James!
    I actually had found that resource but wondered if, having already moved the index and htaccess to the root and changed permalinks, I could follow those instructions, or if I needed to un-do that.

    and second, what is meant by making sure that

    the root directory is ready for the new WordPress files

    I am of course worried about messing it up completely since this is for someone for whom I work for and who had me install FLEX MLS IDX .. so what is missing here is simply MY NERVE!

    thanks again.

    Moderator James Huff


    Volunteer Moderator

    Making sure the directory is ready just means you won’t be overwriting anything you didn’t want to.

    As for what to do, if you followed https://codex.wordpress.org/Giving_WordPress_Its_Own_Directory earlier, just follow https://codex.wordpress.org/Moving_WordPress#Moving_Directories_On_Your_Existing_Server now.

    If you do every step there, it will still work out.

    Thread Starter braven1612


    I am touched by your assurance that all will work out!
    guess I have no option to try my best.
    Very grateful for the help

    Thread Starter braven1612


    IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    a few scary moments, a few manual changes, but that doesn’t matter now, baby!

    Thanks so very much!

    Thread Starter braven1612


    celebrated too soon.

    plugin updates or plugin downloads can’t find wp-content directory

    I ran Better Search and Replace and Velvet Blues Update URL replacing every instance of the url to the old directory, updated htaccess and permalinks, had to manually edit config because it had been set to allow the htaccss and index files to reside in the root while the wordpress files stayed within a directory.

    Will keep trying to think this through

    Thread Starter braven1612


    I don’t know what to run to correct the path to the new location of content directory so that download and upgrades can find it.

    I worry that some hierarchy as a result of move to root may cause other problems down the road.

    Move was complicated by the fact that previously I had moved just the index and htaccess to the root, those had to be edited after I used the complete site move method. Plus needed to run the two different search and replace plugins.

    Any suggestions on locating that directory? Thanks so much

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