• Resolved awild


    Hey all, I need help, bad!

    Problem is: a parked website comes up at http://www.theadblog.com

    I had a site coming up at http://www.theadblog.com/wordpress but I didnt like that so I followed a tutorial on here about how to get rid of that. Messed up everything. So I dumped all the files, dumped all of the tables from my host, reuploaded everything, reinstalled wordpress, and still…same result. I have all of the files in highest up file I can go with FTP…which is what I assume the root is. I have my URI’s set to http://www.theadblog.com.


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  • ahhhh….1and1.com. I love how they do this. I do the install4free thing, and I run into this ALL THE TIME. (search my posts, and you’ll find that I absolutely *adore* 1and1.com! – feel the sarcasm there?)’

    So much for the five minute install!

    It’s not WordPress’ fault, it’s your host’s. They have their servers set this way on purpose.

    I’m trying to remember what it is I have to do when I run into this. I *do* believe I had to do the .htaccess thing to force the server to see the WordPress index.php file. But for some reason, I keep thinking that wasn’t right.

    go to my website and use the contact form there. Drop in your login info (control panel login, username, password, ftp information) and I’ll see what I can do.

    But believe me, this is most assuredly NOT a WordPress problem. Not one bit.

    Thread Starter awild


    I just tried it on my laptop in IE, in Firefox and still get the parked page with http://www.theadblog.com. I have no clue how anyone is getting the website to show up without the “/wordpress” extention.

    doodlebee – I’m calling 1and1, if that goes nowhere, I’ll send you the info.

    Seemingly there is still an index.html file in the root:
    http://www.theadblog.com/index.html – the ugly thing
    but index.php shows the blog (for me)

    EDIT. Oh, and if you can run away from that host now! It has a very bad reputation for WordPressers…

    Thread Starter awild


    moshu – I just deleted that index.html again. It was in there because on 1and1.com they say it HAS TO have an index.html file to load.

    Do I need the .htaccess file in the root to? Because I have no idea where that is, what it should look like?

    Thread Starter awild


    Is it maybe this “log” folder that is undeleteable? It’s been there since day one when I tried uploading stuff and it won’t go away. It has another index.html file in it and a .htaccess file.

    Thread Starter awild


    FIXED – it must have been that index.html file and I wasnt giving it enough time to take earlier. Thanks to all that helped. I can finally get some content on my page without worrying if I am sending ppl to the right spot.

    Good to hear you got it working! Wish you all the best in future (with that host) !


    Yeah – glad you got it working. (chalk this up to another sarcastic “I love 1and1.com” statement 😉 )

    Thread Starter awild


    yeah I currently really love installing WP on godaddy and 1and1. Seems I know how to pick ’em!

    For the record, the two best hosts (I’ve never had an issue installing for either of them) I’ve had the pleasure of installing WordPress on (aside from mine LOL – but mine seems to be a little pricey for some of the folks here) are bluehost.com and “a small orange” – both of them are *superb*.

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