• hi i have a message { “status”: 117, “message”: “Valuta u neispravnom formatu.” }

    i tray to switch currency from in Woocommerce from EUR to HRK and back

    do You have suggestion what to tray ?

    order is 1,00 EUR

    thanks best emil

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Denis Žoljom



    Do you have any plugin or code that modifies the currency format?

    You can turn on the debug mode and see what the currency format looks like before it’s being sent to the API.



    Thread Starter sonarscope


    i manage to fix it

    1 .in woocommerce settings currency i change the euro to something else and back

    2. in Solo plugin Solo Api settings Currency from EUR to something else and back

    3. in Solo plugin Woo Solo Api Options Delete exchange rate transient

    and i gate my 1 invoice listed under Solo API order details 🙂

    thanks best emil

    Plugin Author Denis Žoljom


    Awesome 🙂

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