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  • Plugin Author Magazine3


    Sorry for the inconvenience. We are checking this incompatibility issue and we will get back to you with the fix if it is recurring on our end to resolve the issue.

    I’m using the latest version of Divi also (and WP core) and started getting errors after this last saswp update. It usually generates almost 100 of these Undefined index notices. I’m still debugging so I’ll let you know if I find anything. Thank you.

    Notice: Undefined index: schema_type in /home/customer/www/ on line 1234
    Notice: Undefined index: saswp_attahced_reviews in /home/customer/www/ on line 1317
    Notice: Undefined index: saswp_attached_collection in /home/customer/www/ on line 1318
    Notice: Undefined index: schema_type in /home/customer/www/ on line 1234`

    I can confirm that it’s not related to Divi. It happens on the Twenty Twenty Two default theme too.

    It happens with all other plugins deactivated as well.
    I realize these are just notices and not fatal errors, and I don’t see it affecting anything, but we keep the error level up during development and thought you should know.

    Plugin Author Magazine3


    We recently pushed the update 1.9.102. Can you please check once by updating the schema plugin to the latest version and let us know back if it fixes the issue? So that we will help you to resolve them.

    THANK YOU for your quick response!
    I just tested it and it looks like you nailed it.
    No notices.

    Plugin Author Magazine3


    @nvg: Glad to hear it, You can reach us further also if you have any other queries or issues. So that we will help you to resolve them.

    It’s the best schema plugin out there imho!
    There is one thing I’m hoping maybe you might be able to shed some light on.
    We have a client with a few videos up on a page:
    and he’s getting messages in his Google search console saying that there’s “structured data issues detected” the videos on the page which, in the console is showing as: null data in the field “name”.
    However, in Google’s Rich Results Test tool it’s showing that it IS picking up the name data as the title of each YouTube video, BUT – all three videos on the page are missing the “description” and “uploadDate” field data:

    Anyway, I don’t see anywhere in the Divi video module where those attributes can be added, so I think it’s supposed to pick them up from the YouTube video itself as it does for the name field. Not sure how to deal with it really or if it can be addressed with the plugin, but any insights you might have is greatly appreciated! Thanks again…

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by nvg.
    Plugin Author Magazine3


    Actually we fixed this issue recently. If possible, Can you please open a new thread regarding this issue, So that we will assist with your case individually?

    Will do thanks.

    Plugin Author Magazine3


    You’re welcome.

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