• Olegas


    Отличный слайдер, не грузит станицы..лёгкий в настройке!

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Plugin Author averta


    Dear @motor721
    Thank you very much man for your 5* review.

    We are making Depicter better and better

    Thread Starter Olegas


    I have translated your plugin. Post in the next update

    Plugin Author averta


    Wooow man thank you very very much.
    Can`t wait to see this and share it on our Facebook page.
    You probably know that you can use the following link to translate Depicter

    Please let me know when it is ready

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by averta.
    Moderator Yui



    @motor721 вам интересно было бы поддерживать русский перевод этого плагина в будущем ( стать редактором перевода ) ?

    Plugin Author averta


    Can you please contact us and send a direct msg on our Depicter Facebook page?
    you helped us translate to Russian, so we would like to thank you on our way. title it “translated to Russian”


    Thread Starter Olegas


    Thank you 🙂 When I like something I translate it into my language 🙂

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