
Infopopup – WordPress plugin |



This plugin has been closed as of February 15, 2019 and is not available for download. Reason: Guideline Violation.


May 16, 2017
I was surprised when running the google tests to see my site was off the pace so I installed a.o. and it’s helped to move my site up the rankings 60 mobile / 79 desktop to 84/80 at the moment. The developer’s active on the forum so if you’ve a query, put down a post and you’ll get a reply quickly too. I’d suggest that any negative reviews or comments are from people who either don’t understand how to tweak a.o., or those that don’t understand or are unwilling to dig into how WordPress works, since to get the fullest benefits from a.o. you’ll need to address issues in your .htaccess file, deal with your cache and graphics sizes etc. My next steps will be to play around with disabling various plugins to see if I can climb further in the rankings.
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Contributors & Developers

“Infopopup” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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