
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) – WordPress plugin |

Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)


Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) turns WordPress sites into a fully-fledged content management system by giving you all the tools to do more with your data.

Use the ACF plugin to take full control of your WordPress edit screens, custom field data, and more.

Add fields on demand.
The ACF field builder allows you to quickly and easily add fields to WP edit screens with only the click of a few buttons! Whether it’s something simple like adding an “author” field to a book review post, or something more complex like the structured data needs of an ecommerce site or marketplace, ACF makes adding fields to your content model easy.

Add them anywhere.
Fields can be added all over WordPress including posts, pages, users, taxonomy terms, media, comments and even custom options pages! It couldn’t be simpler to bring structure to the WordPress content creation experience.

Show them everywhere.
Load and display your custom field values in any theme template file with our hassle-free, developer friendly functions! Whether you need to display a single value or generate content based on a more complex query, the out-of-the-box functions of ACF make templating a dream for developers of all levels of experience.

Any Content, Fast.
Turning WordPress into a true content management system is not just about custom fields. Creating new custom post types and taxonomies is an essential part of building custom WordPress sites. Registering post types and taxonomies is now possible right in the ACF UI, speeding up the content modeling workflow without the need to touch code or use another plugin.

Simply beautiful and intentionally accessible.
For content creators and those tasked with data entry, the field user experience is as intuitive as they could desire while fitting neatly into the native WordPress experience. Accessibility standards are regularly reviewed and applied, ensuring ACF is able to empower as close to anyone as possible.

Documentation and developer guides.
Over 10 plus years of vibrant community contribution alongside an ongoing commitment to clear documentation means that you’ll be able to find the guidance you need to build what you want.


  • Simple & Intuitive
  • Powerful Functions
  • Over 30 Field Types
  • Extensive Documentation
  • Millions of Users



The Advanced Custom Fields plugin is also available in a professional version which includes more fields, more functionality, and more flexibility. The ACF PRO plugin features:

  • The Repeater Field allows you to create a set of sub fields which can be repeated again, and again, and again.
  • ACF Blocks, a powerful PHP-based framework for developing custom block types for the WordPress Block Editor (aka Gutenberg).
  • Define, create, and manage content with the Flexible Content Field, which provides for multiple layout and sub field options.
  • Use the Options Page feature to add custom admin pages to edit ACF fields.
  • Build fully customisable image galleries with the Gallery Field.
  • Unlock a more efficient workflow for managing field settings by reusing existing fields and field groups on demand with the Clone Field.

Upgrade to ACF PRO


  • Simple & Intuitive

  • Made for Developers

  • All About Fields

  • Registering Custom Post Types

  • Registering Taxonomies


From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Visit Plugins > Add New
  2. Search for “Advanced Custom Fields” or “ACF”
  3. Install and Activate Advanced Custom Fields from your Plugins page
  4. Click on the new menu item “ACF” and create your first custom field group, or register a custom post type or taxonomy.
  5. Read the documentation to get started


What kind of support do you provide?

Support Forums. Our ACF Community Forums provide a great resource for searching and finding previously answered and asked support questions. You may create a new thread on these forums, however, it is not guaranteed that you will receive an answer from our support team. This is more of an area for ACF developers to talk to one another, post ideas, plugins and provide basic help. View the Support Forum


June 4, 2024
ACF v4 with add-ons was installed on my site by a developer ten years ago, and I ran into issues attempting to update. The technician (Alvin Muthui) patiently answered all questions, tested updates on my staging site, corrected db issues and even located a small, key PHP problem. The v6 plugin now runs perfectly. I’m amazed and immensely thankful for the time, kindness and skill offered by the ACF team – along with providing an essential plug-in, they’re uncommonly committed to helping users at all levels. Definitely five stars….
May 24, 2024
I use the plugin to create custom fields and am very satisfied with it
May 18, 2024 1 reply
I’ve been using ACF free and PRO for years. It’s even replaced Custom Post Type UI in my installs since ACF added custom post type creation and management (with the only difference I’ve needed is that if you need to change the post type’s slug and migrate posts from the old one to the new, ACF does not handle that yet while CPTUI has been for years). I’ve found it to be incredibly user friendly for my content editors in WordPress backoffice and developer friendly for me! I’ve not had any issue figuring out their documentation either. My only critique, and it doesn’t even hurt the star rating because it’s not something I’d expect their plugin to handle, is that it can easily bloat your postmeta and termmeta data tables if you have a lot of fields and a lot of posts with data in those fields. Having a lot of rows can slow your queries and ultimately affect the site’s overall performance so one of my current projects is finding a way to move the ACF data into their own tables in the database without losing functionality.
May 13, 2024
I have just started using ACF. It is a useful and well-designed tool with all the functionality necessary to satisfy the needs of most website developers and owners. The documentation is great, and customer support is top-notch. Even though I am using the Free version, I received a quick response from the ACF team. My special appreciation and thanks to Chris (Christopher Mucheke), who responded to my queries. He patiently explained things that were not clear to me. The documentation he sent was relevant and to the point. Thanks to Chris and the ACF team for cultivating a culture of customer care.
Read all 1,217 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)” has been translated into 30 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



Release Date 27th June 2024

  • Enhancement – All dashicons are now available to the icon picker field type
  • Fix – The True/False field now correctly shows it’s description message beside the switch when using the Stylized UI setting
  • Fix – Conditional logic values now correctly load options when loaded over AJAX
  • Fix – ACF PRO will no longer trigger license validation calls when loading a front-end page
  • i18n – Fixed an untranslatable string on Option Page previews

Release Date 24th June 2024
PRO Only Release

  • Fix – ACF Blocks no longer trigger a JavaScript error when fetched via AJAX


Release Date 24th June 2024

  • Security Fix – ACF now generates different nonces for each AJAX-enabled field, preventing subscribers or front-end form users from querying other field results
  • Security Fix – ACF now correctly verifies permissions for certain editor only actions, preventing subscribers performing those actions
  • Security Fix – Deprecated a legacy private internal field type (output) to prevent it being able to output unsafe HTML
  • Security Fix – Improved handling of some SQL filters and other internal functions to ensure output is always correctly escaped
  • Security Fix – ACF now includes blank index.php files in all folders to prevent directory listing of ACF plugin folders for incorrectly configured web servers

Release Date 6th June 2024
PRO Only Release

  • Fix – ACF Blocks in widget areas no longer cause a fatal error when no context is available
  • Fix – ACF Blocks with no fields assigned no longer show a gap in the sidebar where the form would render

Release Date 6th June 2024
PRO Only Release

  • Fix – Repeater and Flexible Content fields no longer error when duplicating or removing rows containing Icon Picker subfields
  • Fix – ACF Blocks containing Flexible Content fields now correctly load their edit form
  • Fix – ACF Blocks no longer have a race condition where the data store is not initialized when read
  • Fix – ACF Blocks no longer trigger a JS error for blocks without fields and with an empty no-fields message
  • Fix – ACF Block preloading now works correctly for fields consuming custom block context
  • Fix – ACF Block JavaScript debug messages now correctly appear when SCRIPT_DEBUG is true


Release Date 4th June 2024

  • Enhancement – Options Pages registered in the UI can now be duplicated
  • Fix – ACF Block validation now correctly validates Repeater, Group, and Flexible Content fields
  • Fix – ACF Block validation now correctly validates when a field is using a non-default return type
  • Fix – Fields moved between field groups now correctly updates both JSON files
  • Fix – Icon Picker fields now render correctly when using left-aligned labels
  • Fix – Icon Picker fields no longer renders tabs if only one tab is selected for display
  • Fix – Icon Picker fields no longer crash the post editor if no icon picker tabs are selected for displayed
  • Fix – True/False field now better handles longer On/Off labels
  • Fix – Select2 results loaded by AJAX for multi-select Taxonomy fields no longer double encode HTML entities

Release Date 22nd May 2024

  • Fix – A possible fatal error no longer occurs in the new site health functionality for ACF PRO users
  • Fix – A possible undefined index error no longer occurs in ACF Blocks for ACF PRO users


Release Date 22nd May 2024

  • New – ACF now requires WordPress version 6.0 or newer, and PHP 7.4 or newer.
  • New – ACF Blocks now support validation rules for fields. View the release notes for more information
  • New – ACF Blocks now supports storing field data in the postmeta table rather than in the post content
  • New – Conditional logic rules for fields now support selecting specific values for post objects, page links, taxonomies, relationships and users rather than having to enter the ID
  • New – New Icon Picker field type for ACF and ACF PRO
  • New – Icon selection for a custom post type menu icon
  • New – Icon selection for an options page menu icon
  • New – ACF now surfaces debug and status information in the WordPress Site Health area
  • New – The escaped html notice can now be permanently dismissed
  • Enhancement – Tab field now supports a selected attribute to specify which should be selected by default, and support class attributes
  • Fix – Block Preloading now works reliably in WordPress 6.5 or newer
  • Fix – Select2 results loaded by AJAX for post object fields no longer double encode HTML entities
  • Fix – Custom post types registered with ACF will now have custom field support enabled by default to better support revisions
  • Fix – The first preview after publishing a post in the classic editor now displays ACF fields correctly
  • Fix – ACF fields and Flexible Content layouts are now correctly positioned while dragging
  • Fix – Copying the title of a field inside a Flexible Content layout no longer adds whitespace to the copied value
  • Fix – Flexible Content layout names are no longer converted to lowercase when edited
  • Fix – ACF Blocks with attributes without a default now correctly register
  • Fix – User fields no longer trigger a 404 when loading results if the nonce generated only contains numbers
  • Fix – Description fields for ACF items now support being solely numeric characters
  • Fix – The field group header no longer appears above the WordPress admin menu on small screens
  • Fix – The acf/json/save_file_name filter now correctly applies when deleting JSON files
  • i18n – All errors raised during ACF PRO license or update checks are now translatable
  • Other – The ACF Shortcode is now disabled by default for new installations of ACF as discussed in the ACF 6.2.7 release notes


Release Date 15th May 2024

  • Security Fix – ACF Blocks no longer allow render templates, or render or asset callbacks to be overridden in the block’s attributes. For full information, please read the release blog post


Release Date 8th April 2024

  • Enhancement – The Select2 escapeMarkup function can now be overridden when initializing a custom Select2
  • Fix – “Hide on Screen” settings are now correctly applied when using conditionally loaded field groups
  • Fix – Field names are no longer converted to lowercase when editing the name
  • Fix – Field group titles will no longer convert HTML entities into their encoded form


Release Date 2nd April 2024

  • New – Support for the Block Bindings API in WordPress 6.5 with a new acf/field source. For more information on how to use this, please read the release blog post
  • New – Support for performance improvements for translations in WordPress 6.5
  • Enhancement – A new JS filter, select2_escape_markup now allows fields to customize select2’s HTML escaping behavior
  • Fix – Options pages can no longer set to have a parent of themselves
  • Fix – ACF PRO license activations on multisite subsite installs will now use the correct site URL
  • Fix – ACF PRO installed on multisite installs will no longer try to check for updates resulting in 404 errors when the updates page is not visible
  • Fix – ACF JSON no longer produces warnings on Windows servers when no ACF JSON folder is found
  • Fix – Field and layout names can now contain valid non-ASCII characters
  • Other – ACF PRO now requires a valid license to be activated in order to use PRO features. Learn more


Release Date 27th February 2024

  • Security Fix – the_field now escapes potentially unsafe HTML as notified since ACF 6.2.5. For full information, please read the release blog post
  • Security Fix – Field and Layout names are now enforced to alphanumeric characters, resolving a potential XSS issue
  • Security Fix – The default render template for select2 fields no longer allows HTML to be rendered resolving a potential XSS issue
  • Security Enhancement – A acf/shortcode/prevent_access filter is now available to limit what data the ACF shortcode is allowed to access
  • Security Enhancement – i18n translated strings are now escaped on output
  • Enhancement – ACF now universally uses WordPress file system functions rather than native PHP functions

Release Date 7th February 2024

  • Fix – Fatal JS error no longer occurs when editing fields in the classic editor when Yoast or other plugins which load block editor components are installed
  • Fix – Using $escape_html on get functions for array returning field types no longer produces an Array to string conversion error


Release Date 6th February 2024

  • Enhancement – The get_field() and other get_ functions now support an escape_html parameter which return an HTML safe field value
  • Enhancement – The URL field will be now escaped with esc_url rather than wp_kses_post when returning an HTML safe value
  • Fix – ACF fields will now correctly save into the WordPress created revision resolving issues with previews of drafts on WordPress 6.4 or newer
  • Fix – Multisite subsites will now correctly be activated by the main site where the ACF PRO license allows, hiding the updates page on those subsites
  • Fix – Field types in which the required property would have no effect (such as the tab, or accordion) will no longer show the option
  • Fix – Duplicating a field group now maintains the current page of field groups being displayed
  • Fix – Fields in ACF Blocks in edit mode in hybrid themes will now use ACF’s styling, rather than some attributes being overridden by the theme
  • Fix – Text in some admin notices will no longer overlap the dismiss button
  • Fix – The word link is now prohibited from being used as a CPT name to avoid a WordPress core conflict
  • Fix – Flexible content layouts can no longer be duplicated over their maximum count limit
  • Fix – All ACF notifications shown outside of ACF’s admin screens are now prefixed with the plugin name
  • Fix – ACF no longer checks if a polyfill is needed for <PHP7 and the polyfill has been removed


Release Date 16th January 2024

  • Security Fix – The ACF shortcode will now run all output through wp_kses, escaping unsafe HTML. This may be a breaking change to your site but is required for security, a message will be shown in WordPress admin if you are affected. Please see the blog post for this release for more information. Thanks to Francesco Carlucci via Wordfence for the responsible disclosure
  • Security – ACF now warns via an admin message, when upcoming changes to the_field and the_sub_field may require theme changes to your site to avoid stripping unsafe HTML. Please see the blog post for this release for more information
  • Security – Users may opt in to automatically escaping unsafe HTML via a new filter acf/the_field/escape_html_optin when using the_field and the_sub_field before this becomes default in an upcoming ACF release.


Release Date 28th November 2023

  • Fix – Custom Post Types labels now match the WordPress 6.4 behavior for “Add New” labels
  • Fix – When exporting both post types and taxonomies as PHP, taxonomies will now appear before post types, matching the order ACF registers them. This resolves issues where taxonomy slugs will not work in post type permalinks
  • Fix – Advanced Settings for Taxonomies, Post Types or Options Pages now display with the correct top padding when toggled on
  • Fix – When a parent option page is set to “Redirect to Child Page”, the child page will now correctly show it’s parent setting
  • Fix – When activated as a must-use plugin, the ACF PRO “Updates” page is now visible. Use the existing show_updates setting to hide
  • Fix – When activated as a must-use plugin, ACF PRO licenses defined in code will now correctly activate sites
  • Fix – When show_updates is set or filtered to false, ACF PRO will now automatically still activate defined licenses
  • i18n – Maintenance and internal upstream messages from the ACF PRO activation server are now translatable


Release Date 15th November 2023

  • View Release Post
  • New – An ACF Blocks specific JSON schema for block.json is now available on GitHub
  • New – Flexible Content fields now show the layout name in the layout’s header bar and supports click-to-copy
  • New – Duplicating Flexible Content layouts now appends “Copy” to their name and label, matching the behavior of field group duplication
  • Enhancement – ACF PRO will now automatically attempt license reactivation when the site URL changes, e.g. after a site migration. This resolves issues where updates may fail
  • Enhancement – Presentation setting for “High” placement of the Field Group made clear that it’s not supported in the block editor
  • Fix – acf_format_date now ensures the date parameter is valid to prevent fatal errors if other data types are passed in
  • Fix – CPTs with a custom icon URL now display the posts icon in the location column of the field groups screen
  • Fix – The ACF JSON import form will now disable on first submit resolving an issue where you could submit the form twice
  • Fix – The “Add Row” button in the Flexible Content field now displays correctly when using nested layouts
  • Fix – Warning and Error notices no longer flicker on ACF admin pages load
  • i18n – ACF PRO license activation success and error messages are now translatable


Release Date 25th October 2023

  • Enhancement – ACF Blocks which have not been initialized by the editor will now render correctly
  • Enhancement – Added a new acf/filesize filter to allow third party media plugins to bypass ACF calling filesize() on attachments with uncached file sizes, which may result in a remote download if offloaded
  • Enhancement – ACF PRO license status and subscription expiry dates are now displayed on the “Updates” page
  • Fix – Product pages for WooCommerce version 8.2 or newer now correctly support field group location rules
  • Fix – Relationship field items can now be removed on mobile devices
  • Fix – Color picker fields no longer autocomplete immediately after typing 3 valid hex characters
  • Fix – Field settings no longer appear misaligned when the viewport is something other than 100%
  • Fix – Select fields without an aria-label no longer throw a warning
  • Fix – CPTs and Taxonomies with a custom text domain now export correctly when using PHP export

Release Date 8th September 2023

  • Fix – Editing a field group no longer generates an error when UI options pages are disabled


Release Date 7th September 2023

  • New – Options Pages created in the admin UI can now be assigned as child pages for any top-level menu item
  • New – Added a “Title Placeholder” setting to ACF Post Types which filters the “Add title” text when editing posts
  • Enhancement – ACF PRO will now warn when it can’t update due to PHP version incompatibilities
  • Enhancement – ACF PRO will now work correctly with WordPress automatic updates
  • Enhancement – The internal ACF Blocks template attribute parser function parseNodeAttr can now be shortcut with the new acf_blocks_parse_node_attr filter.
  • Enhancement – Removed legacy code for supporting WordPress versions under 5.8
  • Fix – The “Menu Position” setting is no longer hidden for child options pages
  • Fix – The tabs for the “Advanced” settings in Post Types and Taxonomies are now rendered inside a wrapper div
  • Fix – Options pages will no longer display as a child page in the list view when set to a top level page after previously being a child
  • Fix – Conflict with Elementor CSS breaking the ACF PRO banner
  • Fix – Errors generated during the block editor’s savePost function will no longer be caught and ignored by ACF


Release Date 9th August 2023

  • View Release Post
  • New – ACF now requires WordPress version 5.8 or newer, and PHP 7.0 or newer. View the release post for more information
  • New – Bidirectional Relationships now supported for Relationship, Post Object, User and Taxonomy fields. View the release post for more information
  • New – Options Pages can now be registered and managed by the admin UI in ACF PRO
  • New – Link to the product feedback board added to the plugin footer
  • Enhancement – ACF JSON now supports multiple save locations (props Freddy Leitner)
  • Enhancement – ACF Post Types and Taxonomies can now be duplicated
  • Enhancement – The filename for JSON files can now be customized with the acf/json/save_file_name filter
  • Fix – REST updates of fields with choices containing integer or mixed keys now behave correctly
  • Fix – Using the block_type_metadata_settings PHP filter to add usesContext values no longer breaks ACF blocks
  • Fix – Notice to import post types/taxonomies from CPTUI no longer flashes on page load
  • Fix – Various buttons for fields in blocks now display correctly
  • Fix – The settings for the DateTime field are no longer cut off when nested in several fields in the field group editor
  • Fix – The newline added to the end of JSON files will now use PHP_EOL to detect the correct newline character with a filter acf/json/eof_newline to alter it.
  • i18n – Updated French and Portuguese translations (Thanks to pedro-mendonca and maximebj)


Release Date 3rd August 2023

  • Security Fix – This release resolves a stored XSS vulnerability in admin screens with ACF post type and taxonomy labels (Thanks to Satoo Nakano and Ryotaro Imamura)


Release Date 27th June 2023

  • New – Added new capability settings for ACF taxonomies
  • Enhancement – Added a new acf/field_group/auto_add_first_field filter which can be used to prevent new field groups from automatically adding a field
  • Enhancement – Field setting labels now have standard capitalization in the field group editor
  • Enhancement – Clone field now has a tutorial link
  • Enhancement – “Exclude From Search” CPT setting now has an improved description
  • Enhancement – The acf_get_posts() function now has acf/acf_get_posts/args and acf/acf_get_posts/results filters
  • Enhancement – Added a new acf/options_page/save action hook that gets fired during save of ACF Options Pages
  • Fix – Taxonomies are now initialized before post types, preventing some permalink issues
  • Fix – Increased the taxonomy slug maximum length to 32 characters
  • Fix – Extra tabs are no longer added to PHP exports with field settings containing multiple lines
  • Fix – ACF admin assets now load when editing profile and users for a multisite network
  • Fix – Blocks with recursive render_callback functions will no longer crash the editor
  • Fix – JSON files now end in a new line for better compatibility with code editors
  • i18n – layout(s) strings in Flexible Content fields are now translatable
  • i18n – Updated Polish translations


Release Date 4th May 2023

  • Security Fix – This release resolves an XSS vulnerability in ACF’s admin pages (Thanks to Rafie Muhammad for the responsible disclosure)
  • Fix – Duplicating fields in a new field group with field setting tabs disabled now behaves correctly


Release Date 2nd May 2023

  • Enhancement – Creating a new field group from the post-save actions for a post type or taxonomy will automatically populate the field group title
  • Enhancement – Empty values in list tables now display as a dash, rather than blank
  • Enhancement – The Generate PHP export tool for field groups now displays the code wrapped in the acf/include_fields action hook to match the recommended way of using acf_add_local_field_group, and the code is formatted correctly
  • Enhancement – Post count and Term count values in list tables now link through to the matching posts or terms
  • Enhancement – Added post-save actions to post type and taxonomies to create another
  • Enhancement – Selecting existing taxonomies when registering a Custom Post Type is now available in the Basic settings section rather than Advanced
  • Fix – Exclude From Search setting for custom post types now behaves correctly
  • Fix – Duplicating fields with sub fields no longer results in JS errors
  • Fix – Select2 field settings now render correctly when duplicating fields
  • Fix – Checkbox fields allowing custom values which use integer keys can now be updated over the REST API
  • Fix – Using the No Permalink rewrite setting for post type will no longer generate PHP warnings
  • Fix – The minimum rows not met validation message for the Repeater field type now correctly states the minimum rows are not met
  • Fix – The Range field type no longer cuts off three digit values
  • Fix – Created on and Delete Field Group now correctly only appear on the Group Settings tab of a field group
  • Fix – Padding for field settings tabs is now correct
  • i18n – Updated all PRO translation files, removing legacy free strings which are now handled through
  • i18n – Updated PRO translations with the latest contributions from GitHub (Thanks to @MilenDalchev, @Xilonz and @wiliamjk)


Release Date 12th April 2023

  • Fix – ACF now detects when another plugin or theme is loading an incompatible version of Select2, and will fallback to a basic select field for the field type selection
  • Fix – Post Object, Page Link and Relationship field types now use a default post_status filter of any, matching the behavior prior to ACF 6.1. This can be edited per field in the field group admin or via the acf/fields/$field_type/query filters
  • Fix – Post Type and Taxonomy key generation now uses dashes rather than underscores
  • Fix – The “add first” text no longer appears when no search results are found for ACF field groups, post types or taxonomies


Release Date 5th April 2023

  • Fix – ‘Create Terms’ button for taxonomy fields now displays correctly
  • Fix – ACF JSON field group files which have unsupported keys (not beginning with group_) will now load as field groups
  • Fix – Renaming capabilities for post types will now set map_meta_cap to true solving an issue with assigning permissions to roles for that post type


Release Date 4th April 2023

  • View Release Post
  • Fix – Calls to acf_add_options_page after acf_add_local_field_group before acf/init will now behave correctly
  • i18n – All new ACF 6.1 strings are now correctly English (United States) by default


Release Date 3rd April 2023

  • Fix – Calls to acf_add_local_field_group before acf/init now behave correctly


Release Date 3rd April 2023

  • View Release Post
  • New – Register Custom Post Types and Taxonomies using ACF. View the release post for full information
  • New – A new field type selection browser providing details on each type of field. View the release post for full information
  • New – PHP 8.1 and 8.2 support
  • Security Fix – ACF’s data serialization system will now prevent classes being unserialized. This prevents a potential security issue should an attacker know a vulnerable class is available, and can write malicious data to the database.
  • Enhancement – Post Object, Page Link and Relationship fields now support filtering by post status
  • Enhancement – Checkbox fields which allow custom entries can now be filtered to set custom text for the “Add New Choice” button using the custom_choice_button_text property
  • Fix – ACF Block field edit view buttons now work correctly inside reusable blocks
  • Fix – An empty callback function in now passed to scripts to prevent JS warnings when using Google Map fields
  • Fix – Checkbox field values now support keys indexed as 0
  • Fix – Automatic deactivation of the free or PRO plugin when activating the other now displays the correct message in the admin notice
  • Fix – Empty Flexible Content fields will no longer cause an error when used in the block editor on save
  • Fix – Admin notices now behave correctly and are closable in RTL languages


Release Date 18th January 2023

  • Improvement – Removed unnecessary “Layout” prefix for Flexible Content field layouts
  • Fix – Dragging and dropping fields containing settings rendered as radio button groups no longer removes the selected value
  • Fix – Using the WordPress default_page_template_title filter with two parameters no longer causes a fatal error
  • Fix – Select2 inputs in the content editor are no longer receiving styles from the ACF 6 admin UI
  • Fix – acf_add_local_field_group() now works with field group titles containing non-ASCII characters
  • Fix – Flexible Content field no longer has a missing icon for the “Duplicate” button
  • Fix – Clicking the “Add Field” button in a Flexible Content layout no longer adds an invalid field if there are other Flexible Content fields in the layout
  • Fix – Edit buttons for ACF blocks now behave correctly inside reusable blocks
  • Fix – Field settings rendered as a select2 field now correctly reinitialize when changing between field types


Release Date 13th December 2022

  • View Release Post
  • New – Flexible Content field now has a new admin user experience when editing layouts
  • New – Tabs for field settings in the field group editor can now be disabled via a new “Field Settings Tabs” screen option or with the new acf/field_group/disable_field_settings_tabs filter
  • Improvement – General field settings tab now selected by default when a field is opened
  • Fix – Sub fields are no longer initialized by their parent, resolving performance issues when field groups contain many nested sub fields
  • Fix – Frontend forms now disable the submit button after click to prevent multiple submissions
  • Fix – Unknown field types no longer display broken HTML in the field group editor
  • Fix – Returning an empty string via the acf/blocks/no_fields_assigned_message filter will no longer result in blocks without fields assigned having an extra wrapping div
  • Fix – Sites with WPML enabled no longer experience failed ACF updates due to license errors
  • Fix – Buttons featuring icons no longer have display issues when using RTL languages


Release Date 18th November 2022

  • Fix – Uploading multiple files nested in a subfield no longer causes a fatal error when using basic uploader (props @JoKolov)


Release Date 8th November 2022

  • Improvement – JavaScript initialization performance while editing large field groups has been improved, especially in Safari
  • Improvement – Tooltips for field settings are now shown as inline instructions
  • Improvement – Saving a field group is now disabled until a field group title has been entered
  • Improvement – Additional sanitization across various internal parts of the plugin
  • Fix – Dragging and dropping a field in no longer opens the field settings in Firefox
  • Fix – Copying the field name or key to the clipboard now works as expected for new or reordered fields, and subfields
  • Fix – Saving a field group will now temporarily disable the “Save Changes” button while saving
  • Fix – Block templates that include html comments as the first DOM element no longer crash the block editor on edit
  • Fix – Block templates that include InnerBlocks on the DOM’s first level no longer trigger JS warnings
  • Fix – Block templates that render other blocks now correctly render their InnerBlocks
  • Fix – Legacy block attribute values are no longer overwritten by blank defaults of new versions
  • Fix – Paginated Repeater fields now work with non-paginated Repeaters as subfields
  • Fix – Repeater pagination is now properly disabled while inside blocks
  • Fix – REST API no longer causes a PHP warning if $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] is not defined
  • Fix – REST API now supports integer keys for the Select field
  • Fix – REST API now supports passing null to Image and File fields
  • Fix – Invalid ACF meta keys no longer cause a fatal error when retrieved with get_fields()
  • a11y – The Relationship field is now fully accessible for keyboard navigation
  • i18n – Select dropdown arrow is now aligned correctly in RTL languages
  • i18n – Radio buttons are now aligned correctly in RTL languages


Release Date 18th October 2022

  • Security Fix – ACF shortcode security fixes detailed here
  • Improvement – Field names and keys now copy to clipboard on click, and do not open a field
  • Fix – The field type input now has default focus when adding a new field
  • Fix – ACF no longer publishes h1, h2 or h3 CSS classes outside of the ACF admin screens
  • Fix – Conditional field settings now work correctly across different tabs
  • Fix – The field list for sub fields are now full width
  • Fix – ACF admin notices now display with correct margin
  • Fix – Admin CSS improvements when using ACF in an RTL language
  • Fix – Clone fields now have the presentation tab for setting wrapper properties when in group display mode
  • Fix – Appended labels on field settings will now be displayed in the correct place
  • Accessibility – The move field modal is now keyboard and screen reader accessible


Release Date 29th September 2022

  • Improvement – Field group …