This organization contributes 5% of their resources to the WordPress project.

More about Five for the Future

WPGenius Solutions LLP


WPGenius Solutions LLP, established in 2011 by Makarand Mane, is an India-based WordPress development company. Our core mission is to elevate your business growth by delivering exclusive WordPress solutions. In today's competitive landscape, a dynamic online presence fueled by innovation is imperative.

At WPGenius, we provide comprehensive WordPress services spanning domain hosting, theme and plugin development, design, emergency assistance, server and security management, support, maintenance, migration, and speed optimization. We're your go-to partner for unleashing the full potential of your digital presence.


WPGenius Solutions LLP sponsors 3 contributors for a total of 14 hours per week across 4 teams.

  • Community Team
  • Photos Team
  • Polyglots Team
  • WP-CLI Team
