University of Washington
"Language Trailer Courses Broaden Opportunities for German Language Students Seemingly far from the hustle and bustle of a rainy January afternoon on the Seattle campus, graduate teaching assistant Lena Heilmann leads advanced language... more
This paper presents an analysis of Heinrich Heine's essay Verschiedenartige Geschichtsauffassung.
This paper analyzes the trope of the eye, imagery and perspective in ETA Hoffmann's seminal short story, The Sandmann.
An analysis of Kant's reception of Lavater's philosophy of physiognomy.
Reflektiert Lessings Trauerspiel Miss Sara Sampson (1755) die so genannte 'anthropologische Wende' des frühen 18. Jahrhunderts? Eine hermeneutisch-kritische Lesart von Saras Traum als Schlüsselerlebnis menschlicher Erfahrung legt eine... more
The modeling of thermal residual stresses generated in TaC/stellite and TiC/stellite composite surface layers produced by the oscillating electron beam remelting on low alloys steel is presented. The homogenization method is applied to... more
Especially in the migrations, explosions, expansions, and contractions of species assembled under the term "biological invasion," the very proliferation of the biophysical world is increasingly perceived and conceived in ecological and... more
The law of literary work in Robert Walser, its ergo-nomos, develops out of a neglect of ergonomic principles in the office workspace. In this respect Walser’s work could be characterized as a poetics of useless furniture. His stories take... more
Die schweigsame, steinerne Dauer, die Stifters Granit zu verkörpern scheint, beginnt bei genauem Lesen – zwischen den verschiedenen Fassungen des Textes, aber auch in der Bildlichkeit des Steins selbst – zu bröckeln: Als könne sich auch... more
Literary writing has operated as a space of inquiry unsettling the literal and figurative ground on which thinking takes place. From Hölderlin’s invocations to the ether, to Walter Benjamin’s characterization of Baudelaire’s poetry as... more
A protocol for a new nature writing
Preface, co-authored with Michael Levine and Elke Siegel, to MLN Special Issue in Honor of Rainer Nägele on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday
- by Jason Groves