Wageningen University and Research Centre
Information Technology
Location-specific forms of agroforestry management can reduce problems in the forest–water–people nexus, by balancing upstream and downstream interests, but social and ecological finetuning is needed. New ways of achieving shared... more
Abstract In this paper we present an integrated approach to model the domain knowledge related to a framework and to map the identified domain models into objectoriented concepts. We applied this approach to three pilot projects. We... more
One of the most important principles in software engineering for coping with complexity and achieving quality software is the separation of concerns principle. This principle states that a given design problem involves different kinds of... more
3.1 Introduction 37 3.2 Object-oriented concepts 38 3.3 Object oriented software development 40 3.4 Problems in the state-of-the-art methods 43 3.4. 1 Problems related to the preparatory work 44 3.4. 2 Problems related to the structural... more
of herstructurering (refactoring) weer tot een goed ontwerp kunnen leiden waarbinnen elke module slechts één concern representeert. Indien we echter te maken hebben met aspecten, dan is elke herontwerppoging gedoemd te falen en zal de... more
Current and future trends in computer science require extensions to Smalltalk. Rather than arguing for particular language mechanisms to deal with specific requirements, in this position paper we want to make a case for two requirements... more
ABSTRACT One of the basic pillars in Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD) is defined by model transformations and likewise several useful approaches have been proposed in this context. In parallel, domain modeling plays an essential... more
Aspect-oriented software development (AOSD) is an advanced paradigm for separation of concerns (SOC) in software development, which provides explicit concepts to modularize so-called crosscutting concerns. After being accepted both by a... more
Abstract Product-line engineering aims to reduce the cost of manufacturing of software products by exploiting their common properties. Obviously, to define a product line, the product alternatives that need to be produced must be... more
Abstract. This paper describes an approach for the analysis of crosscutting in model transformations in the Model Driven Architecture (MDA). Software architectures should be amenable to changes in user requirements and technological... more
Abstract Software is rarely designed for ultimate adaptability or performance but rather it is a compromise of multiple considerations. At almost every stage of the software development lifecycle, software engineers have to cope with... more
Abstract: Several Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) for teaching imperative languages have been built up until now. However, most of them only teach one particular programming language. Moreover, they lack modular composability, that... more
Abstract When multiple aspects are composed undesired behavior may emerge due to the interference of aspects. Different interference management approaches have been proposed including detection and resolution of the conflicting aspects.... more