
Converting More Leads from Existing Traffic with Visme’s Interactive Form Builder

Converting More Leads from Existing Traffic with Visme’s Interactive Form Builder

Written by:
Nick Rizzo

Apr 27, 2024


Visme Forms Lead Magnets Case Study

Driving more leads is top-of-mind for nearly every marketer and content creator out there, and for good reason. The forms on your website, and especially on your lead magnets, are the entry point for collecting leads, and keeping your audience engaged in your form can be tricky. 

Previously we showcased how Visme Forms can enhance form performance of a site-wide newsletter signup form to a broad audience: increasing engagement, conversions, and reducing cost per acquisition.

In this case study, we wanted to demonstrate how Visme Forms can increase lead generation on a more targeted traffic segment, promoting relevant lead magnets to a specific audience of nearly 500k organic users. 

We specifically tested how Visme’s visual forms with interactive, fully-customizable 3D animated characters performed against traditional static forms. 

The forms were tested against each by promoting our Visual Guide to Creating Presentations eBook to organic traffic on our Presentation Apps and Sales Pitch Presentations Template blog articles.

Key Findings

The Results: Visme Forms with interactive animated characters outperformed both traditional static forms in a split test to 475,446 organic visitors.

Adding Visme Forms interactive animated characters to our lead magnet forms resulted in: 

  • Increased lead conversion rates up to 40%.
  • Increased form start rates up to 34%.
  • Reduced form abandonment rates by up to 10%.
  • Reduced estimated cost per acquisitions up to 28%.

We also found that improving form design with intentional backgrounds and an image of the lead magnet piece:

    • Increased lead conversion rates up to 23%.
    • Increased form start rates up to 16%.
    • Reduced estimated cost per acquisitions up to 18%.

Creating Interactive Lead Magnet Forms with Visme

Visme’s design suite enables you to create assets you need for your lead generation campaigns from start to finish. Here is how to do it in a few simple steps:

  1. Join Early Access to Visme Forms - Be one of the first to create custom animated interactive forms designed to engage & convert. 
  2. Visme’s Brand Design Tool - Use Visme’s brand design tool to quickly create a Brand Kit to ensure all assets have fully on-brand design that look cohesive with each other and the website.
  3. Visme’s Ebook Creator Tool - We created and designed our lead magnet in Visme’s ebook creator tool, starting with one of our easy to use ebook templates.
  4. Visme’s Custom Form Builder & Form Designer - Create custom lead forms with stunning design by using your brand design kit, design assets, engaging copy, and the form fields you need. 
  5. Add Animated Interactive Characters - Bring your brand’s personality to life, exactly when it matters most with fully customized animated characters that engage and convert. 

That’s it! Just grab the embed code and add your forms or pop-ups anywhere on your website, landing pages, email, and more. 

For us, we tested promoting our presentation ebook, to the organic traffic on two relevant presentation blog articles with a pop-up forms. 

We split tested how three of our new animated forms performed against two different traditional static forms: one version with a graphic of the ebook’s cover included and  one version that was text-only.

See Visme’s Animated form from our test in action in the video below.


How Quality and Engaging Form Design Increases Conversions

Visme Forms: Increasing Newsletter Sign-Ups by up to 3.1x


Forms with Visme’s animated characters increased form conversions in comparison to traditional form variations, converting up to 40% higher across our split tests.

With this increase in conversion rate, we drove 280 more high-value leads from targeted traffic to our presentation ebook lead funnel.

The data shows that improved form design drives more conversions.

Specifically, animated forms converted 29% more leads than the traditional text form on average, with each page showing a: 

  • 40% increase in conversions on the Presentation Apps blog.
  • 24% increase in conversions on the Sales Pitch Presentations Template blog. 

These patent-pending animated form features converted 16% more leads than the well-designed form with an ebook image, with:

  • 13% increase in conversions on the Presentation Apps blog.
  • 24% increase in conversions on the Sales Pitch Presentations Template blog.

Although animated forms outperformed the traditional form with a well-designed image of your lead magnet, that doesn’t mean designing these assets doesn’t pay off. 

In fact, the form with the ebook image converted up to 23% more visitors than the text-only form, with an average increase of 11% across both tests.


Get More from your Marketing Budget with Reduced CPAs 

Reducing your CPA allows you to maximize your budget and collect more leads without spending more. We found that animated characters on forms lead to a reduction in CPA by 25% compared to traditional forms with text only.
Visme Forms: Increasing Newsletter Sign-Ups by up to 3.1x

In comparison to the text-only form, Visme’s animated forms decreased CPAs by 23% overall, with the results ranging from:

  • 28% reduction in CPA on the Presentation Apps blog.
  • 20% reduction in CPA on the Sales Pitch Presentation Templates blog. 

These animated forms still significantly outperformed the well-designed form with the ebook image in CPAs - reducing CPAs by 14% overall with a:

  • 15% reduction in CPA on the Presentation Apps blog.
  • 12% reduction in CPA on the Sales Pitch Presentations Template blog.

Form design is clearly still highly valuable though. 

Creating a well-designed ebook image for our form dropped CPAs up to 19%, with a 10% average reduction, in comparison to a text-only version of the form.

Grab the Attention of your Audience with Beautiful Forms

Getting your audience to start the form is half the battle, and we found that adding animation to your forms increases form starts by up to 34%.

Visme Forms: Increasing Newsletter Sign-Ups by up to 3.1x

When comparing to a traditional form with text only, we saw 25% more forms started on animated forms ranging from a:

  • 20% increase in form starts on the Presentation Apps blog.
  • 34% increase in form starts on the Sales Pitch Presentations Template blog. 

Even when a form was designed well and showed imagery of the content piece being offered, the animated characters still showed increases in form starts, up to 20%. 

  • The test on the Presentation Apps blog showed a 20% increase in form starts.
  • The test on the Sales Pitch Presentations Template showed a 15% increase in form starts.

Keep Them Engaged Until They Hit Submit

We often see users engage with a form, but abandon it before they actually submit. We found that adding animated characters reduced the form abandonment rate by up to 10%.

Visme Forms: Increasing Newsletter Sign-Ups by up to 3.1x

These interactive animated forms decreased exit rates by up to 10% against both the traditional static text form and e-book image variations. With the results on each page showing a:

  • 10% decrease in form abandonment on the Presentation Apps blog for both comparisons.
  • 5% - 10% decrease in form abandonment on the Sales Pitch Presentations Template blog. 

Despite the design, the e-book variation didn’t outperform the text-only variation. With this data, we see that Visme Forms’ unique design features have an unique ability to retain potential leads throughout the process.

Collect More Feedback and Insights with Additional Questions after the Lead Form

The ability to collect valuable feedback from more of your audience can help move your audience forward. We wanted to see if improving the form design and adding animation could increase the number of people willing to complete NPS questions after submitting the initial form. 

Visme Forms: Increasing Newsletter Sign-Ups by up to 3.1x

When testing against the traditional form with text only, there was a: 

  • A 7% increase in NPS feedback collected on the Presentations Apps blog.
  • A 8% increase in NPS feedback collected on the Sales Pitch Presentations Template blog. 

When comparing the animated form to the traditional form with the content image, the decrease in form abandonment was 8% overall.

  • The test on the Presentation Apps blog showed a 3% increase in NPS feedback.
  • The test on the Sales Pitch Presentations Template showed a 10% increase in NPS feedback.


Visme’s animated forms significantly outperformed traditional forms in 2 split tests, across 2 different content pieces.  Using animated characters on forms resulted in the following:

  • Conversion rate increased by up to 40%.
  • Form starts increased by up to 34%.
  • Form abandonment rate decreased by up to 10%.
  • Cost per acquisition decreased by up to 28%.

Carrying quality design through to your form, and the use of animated characters on forms consistently improved form performance, from all angles. 

Visme Forms Lead Magnets Case Study


Visme conducted two split tests, comparing the performance of traditional forms, animated forms, and traditional forms with improved design. The split tests were conducted to 666,244 visitors. Each split test was conducted on two different ebook landing pages. Protections were put in place only to count unique attempts - each unique visitor to the split-tested pages could only participate in the test once.

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