Papers by Monika Rekowska
Atti del IV Convegno Internazionale del Centro Interuniversitario di Studi sull’Edilizia abitativa tardoantica nel Mediterraneo (CISEM) (Cuenca 7-9 novembre 2022), 2024
Questo contributo fornisce un'analisi approfondita dell'uso dell'"arco siriaco" nell'architettura... more Questo contributo fornisce un'analisi approfondita dell'uso dell'"arco siriaco" nell'architettura residenziale della Cirenaica, evidenziando la sua importanza storica e simbolica. La presenza dell'"arco siriaco" è esaminata in vari contesti residenziali, mostrando la sua evoluzione nel tempo e la sua integrazione con altri elementi architettonici. Data la diffusione di questi ingressi monumentali in Cirenaica, vengono esplorate le loro potenziali implicazioni al di là della mera estetica. L'interazione tra scelte architettoniche e rappresentazione sociale è un tema centrale, con un'attenzione alle tendenze in evoluzione nell'architettura domestica. Di particolare rilevanza è la persistenza di questa struttura nella tarda antichità, quando, insieme all'aumento della "marmorizzazione" dell'architettura, assume particolare importanza come elemento significativo nella "scenografia del potere".
Stories told around the fountain. Papers offered to Piotr Bieliński on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 2019
The article presents different applications of early photography in archaeological practice of th... more The article presents different applications of early photography in archaeological practice of the 19th and early 20th century. Soon after its invention in 1839 was photography's potential application for research recognized, however its application in the studio and the field was gradual and differentiated due to technical difficulties taking photographs was fraught with. Moreover, the limited possibilities of copying and printing put off full appreciation of the significance of photographing monuments and artifacts for research. Finally, adapting photography to the needs of archaeology did not follow exactly the same lines in all countries owing to different research traditions and varied nature of the explored sites and artifacts found there.
I. Baldini, C. Sfameni (eds.), Abitare nel Mediterraneo Tardoantico, Atti del III Convegno Internazionale del Cisem, Bologna, 28-31 ottobre 2019, Bari 2021, pp. 37-50., 2021
L'autore ha il diritto di stampare o diffondere copie di questo PDF esclusivamente per uso scient... more L'autore ha il diritto di stampare o diffondere copie di questo PDF esclusivamente per uso scientifico o didattico. Edipuglia si riserva di mettere in vendita il PDF, oltre alla versione cartacea. L'autore ha diritto di pubblicare in internet il PDF originale allo scadere di 24 mesi. The author has the right to print or distribute copies of this PDF exclusively for scientific or educational purposes. Edipuglia reserves the right to sell the PDF, in addition to the paper version. The author has the right to publish the original PDF on the internet at the end of 24 months.
Études et Travaux, 2021
The House of Orpheus at Nea Paphos in Cyprus, a multiphase residential complex excavated a few de... more The House of Orpheus at Nea Paphos in Cyprus, a multiphase residential complex excavated a few decades ago, is the subject of an on-going study within the framework of a new project. Recently, the bath suite in the north-eastern part of the house was analysed in detail and this has led to a better understanding of the baths’ layout and technology (such as the water management and heating system), features that confirm the adoption of the western/Italian model, while some of the details remained typical of the Eastern Mediterranean.
“Houses and their decoration in the social context” Światowit LVIII (2019), 2020, 2019
The so-called House of Orpheus, explored under the direction of Demetrios Michaelides a few decad... more The so-called House of Orpheus, explored under the direction of Demetrios Michaelides a few decades ago, has so far been studied only fragmentarily. Since , a new project began whose objective is to complete the studies on the site. To this end, non-invasive eldworks (at Nea Paphos) are currently performed as well as library and archival research focused on gathering all published and unpublished information on the House. e results of the new documentation made on the site, supplemented with archival data, will enable a virtual, three-dimensional reconstruction of selected architectural units. e collected material will serve to re-de ne the house's spaces from a historical perspective. e comprehensive evaluation of the architecture of the House of Orpheus will become an important point of reference in studies on the residential architecture of ancient Cyprus and other regions of the eastern Mediterranean.
EAA Budapest (Hungary), 30 August-3 September 2022
Session (#324) Roman Housing on the Shores of ... more EAA Budapest (Hungary), 30 August-3 September 2022
Session (#324) Roman Housing on the Shores of the Eastern Mediterranean. Global Trends, Local Responses?
Ex Oriente Lux. Studies in Honour of Jolanta Młynarczyk ed. by K. Jakubiak, A. Łajtar, 2020
The article aims to present one of the most famous residences of the ancient world known as Palaz... more The article aims to present one of the most famous residences of the ancient world known as Palazzo delle Colonne in Ptolemais, in Cyrenaica. Even if the initial designation "palace" seems slightly exaggerated, the building's layout, the stylistic criteria of the architecture and decoration as well as historical factors permit the building to be interpreted as an authentic palace understood as the seat of a Ptolemaic offi cial of some importance or even a residence of a Ptolemaic ruler, Ptolemy VIII or/and Ptolemy IX. As such, it is of paramount interest in the search for and research on the Ptolemaic palace(s) in Nea Paphos.
Światowit 58, 2019
The so-called House of Orpheus, explored under the direction of Demetrios Michaelides a few deca... more The so-called House of Orpheus, explored under the direction of Demetrios Michaelides a few decades ago, has so far been studied only fragmentarily. Since 2018, a new project began whose objective is to complete the studies on the site. To this end, non-invasive fieldworks (at Nea Paphos) are currently performed as well as library and archival research focused on gathering all published and unpublished information on the House. The results of the new documentation made on the site, supplemented with archival data, will enable a virtual, three-dimensional reconstruction of selected architectural units. The collected material will serve to re-define the house’s spaces from a historical perspective. The comprehensive evaluation of the architecture of the House of Orpheus will become an important point of reference in studies on the residential architecture of ancient Cyprus and other regions of the eastern Mediterranean.
Światowit 58, 2019
Cyprus and Cyrenaica, two regions strongly influenced by the Alexandrian cultural heritage, whic... more Cyprus and Cyrenaica, two regions strongly influenced by the Alexandrian cultural heritage, which came under the Roman rule already in the 1st century BC, are simultaneously both typical and unusual examples of acculturation understood as a mixture of Hellenistic and Roman components. This is reflected in various spheres of life, including the architecture of the houses owned by members of the urban elite which are investigated in this article. Two residential units – the House of Leukaktios at Ptolemais in Cyrenaica and the House of Orpheus at Nea Paphos in Cyprus – will be presented to discuss different attitudes towards Romanisation from the perspective of an individual as reflected by particular dwellings.
Donum Cordis. Studia poświęcone pamięci profesora Jerzego Kolendo, 2019
czyli międzynarodowa kariera pewnej inskrypcji Gdy w 2014 roku przygotowywałam propozycje wykładó... more czyli międzynarodowa kariera pewnej inskrypcji Gdy w 2014 roku przygotowywałam propozycje wykładów na kolokwium habilitacyjne, Profesor Jerzy Kolendo namówił mnie, żebym wróciła do tematu poruszonego kilkanaście lat wcześniej w doktoracie, którego był recenzentem 1 . Dzięki Jego inspiracji na nowo podjęłam badania losów pewnej fałszywej inskrypcji, która odegrała istotną rolę w kulturze europejskiej XIX wieku. Historia jej fałszerstwa, a także znaczenie samego napisu -zwłaszcza wspomnianej w nim osoby -dla polskiej literatury są tematem artykułu, który jest drobnym tylko wyrazem ogromnej wdzięczności dla Profesora za okazywaną mi pomoc i życzliwość.
Archaeology & History in the Lebanon, 2019
Archaeologia Polona, 2019
Tomasz Mikocki's studies on the tradition of ancient art in Poland played a very important role i... more Tomasz Mikocki's studies on the tradition of ancient art in Poland played a very important role in his scientific research. Professor Mikocki was convinced that the art and culture of antiquity was one of the elements of searching Polish identity, simultaneously confirming an affiliation to the same cultural sphere as Italy, France or Great Britain, the direct heirs of the Imperium Romanum. Therefore, his main aim was to study and publish the media of reception of antique forms and models in Polish art and culture. Eventually, he analysed different aspects of this phenomenon, primarily travels and collections of original Graeco-Roman antiquities and antique-like artefacts, finally the decorative programme of the entire park-and-residence complexes, where Antiquity had an eminent meaning.
A. Pieńkowska, D. Szeląg, I. Zych (eds), Stories told around the fountain. Pappers offered to Piotr Bieliński on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Warsaw 2019, 601-620., 2019
The article presents different applications of early photography in archaeological practice of th... more The article presents different applications of early photography in archaeological practice of the 19th and early 20th century. Soon after its invention in 1839 was photography's potential application for research recognized, however its application in the studio and the field was gradual and differentiated due to technical difficulties taking photographs was fraught with. Moreover, the limited possibilities of copying and printing put off full appreciation of the significance of photographing monuments and artifacts for research. Finally, adapting photography to the needs of archaeology did not follow exactly the same lines in all countries owing to different research traditions and varied nature of the explored sites and artifacts found there.
Preliminary report on excavations of Hellenistic house and of the topographic project (geophysica... more Preliminary report on excavations of Hellenistic house and of the topographic project (geophysical research, aerial photography etc.) of the Ancient town of Ptolemais in Cyrenaika, Libya.
Papers by Monika Rekowska
Session (#324) Roman Housing on the Shores of the Eastern Mediterranean. Global Trends, Local Responses?
Session (#324) Roman Housing on the Shores of the Eastern Mediterranean. Global Trends, Local Responses?
Proposals should be submitted electronically by 15 February 2018 (Your contribution abstract must have between 200 and 300 words and you will need to indicate the format: paper or poster).
We would like to kindly inform you that all accepted authors must pay their membership fee for 2018 and the conference fee by 31 March 2018.
All relevant information about the EAA conference, conditions, fees, accommodation etc., can be found on the official conference web page or on the Facebook.