
Contribute to the thirst for discovery, for generations to come - Université de Saint-Boniface

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Contribuez à la soif de découverte, de génération en génération.

Contribute to the thirst for discovery,
for generations to come



Why Give?

Recognize academic achievement and ease the financial burden on students.

Support the creation of safe, inclusive spaces that foster growth.

Be part of a philanthropic community that is helping to inspire a thirst for discovery, from generation to generation.

The impact of your donation

« When you give to USB, you offer students the chance to study in French, improve their French language skills and live their lives in French.»

- Marlene Zarychta, USB science student


A sustainable scholarship and bursary program

By donating to USB, you are helping ensure the stability and evolution of a robust award, scholarship and bursary program.

What are the benefits?
  • Helps attract the best students
  • Makes it even more appealing for students to choose French for their postsecondary studies
  • Contributes to a welcoming and safe environment that fosters growth
  • Eases the financial burden on students
  • Makes it possible to celebrate scholarship and bursary recipients, applaud their efforts and highlight academic excellence
  • Allows USB to improve students’ well-being on campus, and acts as a catalyst to nurture a sense of belonging and strengthen students’ desire, pride and ability to speak and live in French

Discover our scholarships and bursaries

Étudiants souriants.

Support USB your way!

Is there a particular priority that is close to your heart? Would you like to increase your family fund? To explore all your options, visit the Where to Give page or contact Mireille Mason at the Development Office by email at

Where to give


The impact of generosity on society

Salem, recent business administration graduate at USB, reveals the importance of student bursaries and explains the impact of generosity on the future of society.

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Une bourse qui donne de la crédibilité

A welcoming environment

By giving to USB, you are helping to create a welcoming and safe environment that fosters growth, promotes reconciliation and celebrates diversity within the Francophonie.

What is the Reconciliation Fund?

USB is committed to reconciliation and has chosen to create an environment that facilitates engaging in meaningful dialogue with Indigenous peoples and enhancing our communities.

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What is the Student Well-Being Fund?

The Student Well-Being Fund was created in 2021 to help USB provide preventative mental health measures and other activities that aim to improve students’ well-being while nurturing their sense of belonging and encouraging them to participate in various spheres of activity.

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What is the Cultural Activities Fund?

The Cultural Activities Fund is another option to consider, given the impact that cultural and artistic activities have on students’ sense of belonging, the construction of their identity and their overall engagement.

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What is the Julie Paillé Athletic Scholarship Fund?

The Julie Paillé Athletic Scholarship Fund is another option to consider, given the impact that sports have on students’ sense of belonging, the construction of their identity and their overall engagement, in addition to the benefits that physical activity has on their physical and mental health.

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Donate to Université de
Saint-Boniface and leave a lasting impression.


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