
Comité pour l'éthique de la recherche avec des sujets humains - Université de Saint-Boniface

Ethics Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects

The Ethics Committee has a number of responsibilities, including:

  • providing advice and recommendations to the Conseil de direction des études regarding USB’s general policies relating to research involving human subjects and the effects of these policies on the university community;
  • reviewing special policies and/or procedures adopted by the Research Ethics Board (REB) in assessing protocols;
  • appointing the members of the REB and the Research Ethics Board Appeals Committee;
  • receiving and considering reports from other bodies concerning human research activities at USB and reporting on them to the Conseil de direction des études, with conclusions, comments and direction, as appropriate;
  • providing its ethical and legal expertise to the REB;
  • annually reviewing REB policies, procedures, decisions and files from previous years;
  • authorizing that the latter be removed from storage and shredded;
  • reporting annually to the Conseil de direction des etudes on the ethics review of research involving human subjects, along with recommendations as it deems appropriate;
  • promoting an environment at USB for students, staff and faculty to engage in a high standard of research;
  • supporting the education of researchers with respect to the ethics of research involving humans subjects.

For more information on the Conseil de direction des études, or to see its organization chart or the menu of its various committees, click here.

For a detailed description of the Research Ethics Board (REB), click here.

For the list of policies, guidelines and forms relating to human subject research, click here.

Finally, for a brief description of the Research Ethics Board Appeals Committee, click here.

© 2013-2023 Université de Saint-Boniface