Papers by Eleonora Gasparini
Libyan studies, Apr 25, 2024
“Salamina di Cipro: il Foro di Granito”, Marmora. An International Journal for Archaeology, History and Archaeometry of Marbles and Stones 19 (2023), 87-102., 2024
a n i n t e r nat i o na l j o u r na l f o r a r c h a e o l o g y, h i s t o ry a n d a r c h a... more a n i n t e r nat i o na l j o u r na l f o r a r c h a e o l o g y, h i s t o ry a n d a r c h a e o m e t ry o f m a r b l e s a n d s t o n e s 1 9 • 2 0 2 3 p i s a • ro m a fa b r i z i o s e r r a • e d i to r e m m x x i v estratto Per uso strettamente personale dell'autore. È proibita la riproduzione e la pubblicazione in open access. For author's personal use only. Any copy or publication in open access is forbidden.
H. Meyza (ed.), Decoration of Hellenistic and Roman Buildings in Cyprus, Travaux de l’Institut des Cultures Méditerranéennes et Orientales de l’ Académie Polonaise des Sciences, 4, Warsaw 2020, pp. 151-165, 2020
Three classes of Hellenistic and Roman house structures occur: luxurious, medium and following mo... more Three classes of Hellenistic and Roman house structures occur: luxurious, medium and following modest local traditions. Structures belonging to the first and the second class in the Eastern Mediterranean often followed a standard with two courtyards-larger with reception rooms and smaller constituting the center of private dwelling. In Egypt reception room opens often directly on the courtyard by tripartite Corinthian entrance. This last does appear also in Cyprus. The following structural elements are considered: peristyle, smaller courtyard and atrium. The colonnade on one side could be higher while the other sides could achieve similar height in upper floor rooms. Illusion of depth of portico, popular in Alexandria, was created either by colonnades set close to wall or projecting from it, or by painting, sometimes representing open space. The recessed or painted walls were crowned by particular entablatures implementing various orders.
M. Cisneros (ed.), Imitaciones de piedras preciosas y ornamentales en época romana: color simbolismo y lujo, Anejos de AEspA XCIII, Madrid 2021, pp. 125-153, 2021
A.B. Yavuz, B. Yolaçan, M. Bruno (eds.), Proceedings of the XII ASMOSIA International Conference, Izmir 8-14 October 2018, 2023
New data on the stone furniture of the early christian church at Bilice in the Roman province of ... more New data on the stone furniture of the early christian church at Bilice in the Roman province of Dalmatia, Mirja Jarak and Ana Maričić .
Sectilia pavimenta della casa di Giasone Magno a Cirene, 2010
Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2022
This article analyses the phenomenon of glass in wall and floor opera sectilia from the Hellenist... more This article analyses the phenomenon of glass in wall and floor opera sectilia from the Hellenistic period to Late Antiquity. This type of decoration was developed in Alexandria – as testified by archaeological finds – and then spread across the Greco-Roman world. In Rome the art created a backdrop for a series of displays – especially in imperial palaces and elite housing – that spanned the Imperial era. All the great metropolises were graced by it, including the new capital of the East, Constantinople, where it underwent a renewed flowering. This article analyzes the use of glass material mostly as inserts in marble compositions and, more rarely, in wholly vitreous compositions. It reflects upon the meaning of these different decorative products and attempts to interpret their economic, aesthetic, and symbolic implications.
The so-called House of Orpheus, explored under the direction of Demetrios Michaelides a few decad... more The so-called House of Orpheus, explored under the direction of Demetrios Michaelides a few decades ago, has so far been studied only fragmentarily. Since 2018, a new project began whose objective is to complete the studies on the site. To this end, non-invasive fieldworks (at Nea Paphos) are currently performed as well as library and archival research focused on gathering all published and unpublished information on the House. The results of the new documentation made on the site, supplemented with archival data, will enable a virtual, three-dimensional reconstruction of selected architectural units. The collected material will serve to re-define the house’s spaces from a historical perspective. The comprehensive evaluation of the architecture of the House of Orpheus will become an important point of reference in studies on the residential architecture of ancient Cyprus and other regions of the eastern Mediterranean.
Actas Del I Congreso Internacional Sobre Estudios Ceramicos Recurso Electronico Homenaje a La Dra Mercedes Vegas Cadiz Del 1 Al 5 De Noviembre De 2010 2013 Isbn 978 84 9828 401 0 Pags 1275 1311, 2013
Études et Travaux
This contribution analyses the architecture of the public reception area of a house in Kourion, o... more This contribution analyses the architecture of the public reception area of a house in Kourion, on the southern coast of Cyprus. Known as the Early Christian House due to the discovery of a later phase, characterised above all by mosaics, the house, which is only partially excavated, boasts architectural features that date back to the Hellenistic era. These sprang from official Alexandrian models that subsequently spread across the Mediterranean. In territories such as Cyprus, where ties with the Ptolemaic Kingdom were close, this new form of architectural expression continued to flourish, with transformations and elements of innovation, even during the Imperial Age. In the Early Christian House this phenomenon is particularly evident in a colonnaded room in which the model defined by Vitruvius, the Oecus Corinthius appears. In this particular instance, the style is embellished with the use of simplified capitals and angular heart-shaped pillars of the Doric order. The architectural...
I. Baldini, C. Sfameni (eds.), Abitare nel Mediterraneo Tardoantico, Atti del III Convegno Internazionale del Cisem, Bologna, 28-31 ottobre 2019, Bari 2021, pp. 37-50., 2021
L'autore ha il diritto di stampare o diffondere copie di questo PDF esclusivamente per uso scient... more L'autore ha il diritto di stampare o diffondere copie di questo PDF esclusivamente per uso scientifico o didattico. Edipuglia si riserva di mettere in vendita il PDF, oltre alla versione cartacea. L'autore ha diritto di pubblicare in internet il PDF originale allo scadere di 24 mesi. The author has the right to print or distribute copies of this PDF exclusively for scientific or educational purposes. Edipuglia reserves the right to sell the PDF, in addition to the paper version. The author has the right to publish the original PDF on the internet at the end of 24 months.
Stone and Splendor: Interior decorations in Late-Antique palaces and villas. Proceedings of a Workshop, Trier, 25–26 April 2019, Forschungen zu Spätrömischen Residenzen, 1st Volume, Wiesbaden 2021, 2021
The late Roman palatial building (late 4 th-early 5 th centuries AD) of Carranque (
AndreA celestino MontAnAro Su alcune tombe aristocratiche femminili dalla necropoli peucezia di c... more AndreA celestino MontAnAro Su alcune tombe aristocratiche femminili dalla necropoli peucezia di contrada Purgatorio (scavi 1976-1977) a Rutigliano (Bari) Considerazioni sui contesti MAtteo Pucci L'ager Labicanus in età classica: uno studio preliminare lAurA AMBrosini La violenza di Herakles su Auge Studio del procedimento produttivo di pissidi in ceramica argentata e dorata da Lipari derivate da specchi a teca di bronzo PAtrizio PensABene, eleonorA GAsPArini, MonikA rekowskA Nea Paphos (Cipro): dai palazzi di città ai luoghi della produzione Note e discussioni MArco ArizzA Un porto di mare! Il kantharos di via d'Avack, il commercio di cavalli e la navigazione veiente AriAnnA esPosito Nuovi spunti sulla mobilità artigianale fra Greci e Etruschi In margine ad alcune pubblicazioni recenti Once upon a Vase christiAn MAzet Un vase à la mer, de Vulci à Madrid : l'olpé corinthienne de la collection Ferrá
“Houses and their decoration in the social context” Światowit LVIII (2019), 2020, 2019
The so-called House of Orpheus, explored under the direction of Demetrios Michaelides a few decad... more The so-called House of Orpheus, explored under the direction of Demetrios Michaelides a few decades ago, has so far been studied only fragmentarily. Since , a new project began whose objective is to complete the studies on the site. To this end, non-invasive eldworks (at Nea Paphos) are currently performed as well as library and archival research focused on gathering all published and unpublished information on the House. e results of the new documentation made on the site, supplemented with archival data, will enable a virtual, three-dimensional reconstruction of selected architectural units. e collected material will serve to re-de ne the house's spaces from a historical perspective. e comprehensive evaluation of the architecture of the House of Orpheus will become an important point of reference in studies on the residential architecture of ancient Cyprus and other regions of the eastern Mediterranean.
... Dallo stesso contesto provengono inoltre notevoli quantità di lastrine fram-mentarie, in brec... more ... Dallo stesso contesto provengono inoltre notevoli quantità di lastrine fram-mentarie, in breccia di Sciro, proconnesio, bigio antico, greco scritto, cipollino, breccia corallina, verde antico, ser ... 3) nonché nella Villa con Vista di Tolemaide in Cirenaica (ZELAZOWSKI 2005: 70-72). ...
A group of sculptures found in the eastern suburbs of Alexandria, Egypt, allows us to analyse the... more A group of sculptures found in the eastern suburbs of Alexandria, Egypt, allows us to analyse the production, trade and display of statuary in domestic contexts. This collection is composed of 13 statues and statuettes. Eight of these are reduced in size, belonging to the well-attested types of mythological statuettes which decorated Late Antique domus and villas. Two female portrait sculptures can be associated with the owner's family and, finally, three objects-which are the only ones not made of white marble-consist of a table stand, a sphinx, and a small statuette of Isis. The analysis of marbles in relation to sculptural technique allows the identification of two groups and two different production processes and trade patterns. Nevertheless, their archaeological context reveals that these artefacts were part of a single assemblage and decorative programme.
EAA Budapest (Hungary), 30 August-3 September 2022
Session (#324) Roman Housing on the Shores of ... more EAA Budapest (Hungary), 30 August-3 September 2022
Session (#324) Roman Housing on the Shores of the Eastern Mediterranean. Global Trends, Local Responses?
Papers by Eleonora Gasparini
Session (#324) Roman Housing on the Shores of the Eastern Mediterranean. Global Trends, Local Responses?
Session (#324) Roman Housing on the Shores of the Eastern Mediterranean. Global Trends, Local Responses?
Proposals should be submitted electronically by 15 February 2018 (Your contribution abstract must have between 200 and 300 words and you will need to indicate the format: paper or poster).
We would like to kindly inform you that all accepted authors must pay their membership fee for 2018 and the conference fee by 31 March 2018.
All relevant information about the EAA conference, conditions, fees, accommodation etc., can be found on the official conference web page or on the Facebook.