Drafts by Marco Martorana
2024 Marco Arosio Award on S. Thomas Aquinas, 2024
Each year the Chair dedicated to the memory of Prof. Marco Arosio awards the winner of an essay c... more Each year the Chair dedicated to the memory of Prof. Marco Arosio awards the winner of an essay contest with a cash prize and the opportunity to publish the best essays in the Chair Essays publication series. The 2024 Special Edition Award is dedicated to the philosophical and theological topics in the works of Saint Thomas Aquinas and the prize will be €3,000. The Marco Arosio Chair will publish the winning paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission responsible for the Award. The winning essayist and the other contestants will be invited to present their work in Rome on April 10, 2025.
Premio Marco Arosio 2024, 2024
Edizione Speciale 2024 per la commemorazione dell'800º anniversario della nascita di San Tommaso ... more Edizione Speciale 2024 per la commemorazione dell'800º anniversario della nascita di San Tommaso d'Aquino.
Art. 3 L’Edizione Speciale si rivolge a studiosi di tutto il mondo e, in conformità con quanto previsto dall’art. 3 del Regolamento per questa edizione speciale, intende premiare un’opera (minimo 20 cartelle, massimo 40); carattere Times New Roman 12, interlinea 1, inedita o pubblicata dal 2022 in poi, scritta nelle seguenti lingue: francese, inglese, italiano, portoghese, spagnolo, tedesco. I candidati dovranno possedere un documento di identità valido e un titolo di studio equipollente alla laurea italiana di primo grado al momento dell’invio della domanda di partecipazione, allegata al presente bando. Il titolo di studio sarà attestato tramite autocertificazione all’interno della scheda di partecipazione. Non sono previsti limiti di età.
Art. 4 I contenuti delle opere in concorso dovranno vertere sugli aspetti propriamente filosofici e teologici nelle opere di San Tommaso d’Aquino.
Art. 5 Non è ammesso l’invio di più di un’opera da parte di un medesimo autore.
Art. 6 Le opere devono essere inviate entro e non oltre il 31 gennaio 2025
Dante Alighieri. Nel 700 anniversario della morte, 2023
In the year of the seventh centenary of the death of Dante Alighieri (1321-2021), the Marco Arosi... more In the year of the seventh centenary of the death of Dante Alighieri (1321-2021), the Marco Arosio Chair of Advanced Medieval Studies at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical Athenaeum wished to promote the thought of the Supreme Poet, a profound connoisseur of the human soul and teacher of all those who wish to improve themselves. The conference, in collaboration with the European University of Rome, aimed to offer an overview of Dante's philosophy and theology, and then let the gaze wander, showing the versatility and modernity of a figure who remains ever topical because the questions he raises and the answers he offers always remain topical.
Published in this volume are the proceedings of the International Conference Dante Alighieri, on the 700th anniversary of his death, held in Rome from 13 to 15 April 2021, with papers and contributions by Professors Pedro Barrajón; Isabella Becherucci; Vittorio Capuzza; Marcello Ciccuto; Alain Contat; Giulio Ferroni; Alberto Forni; Marco Frisina; Edoardo Fumagalli; Alessandro Ghisalberti; Gianfranco Maglio; Giovanni Malgaroli; Mirco Manuguerra; Marco Martorana; Franco Nembrini; José Enrique Oyarzún; Carmelo Pandolfi; Rodolfo Papa; Rafael Pascual; Angela Patrono; Fabio Pierangeli; Samuele Pinna; Davide Rondoni; Silvia Rossetti; Carlo Serafini; Costantino Sigismondi; Massimiliano Venturelli...
Bando Premio Arosio 2023, 2023
La Cattedra Marco Arosio presso la Facoltà di Filosofia dell'Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum... more La Cattedra Marco Arosio presso la Facoltà di Filosofia dell'Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum di Roma bandisce la tredicesima edizione (2023) del Premio Marco Arosio. L'organizzazione del Premio è coordinata dal Prof. Marco Martorana, membro del Comitato esecutivo e del Comitato editoriale della Cattedra presso l'Ateneo.
Poster Bando Premio Arosio 2023, 2023
La tredicesima edizione (2023) del Premio intende premiare una monografia non superiore alle quar... more La tredicesima edizione (2023) del Premio intende premiare una monografia non superiore alle quaranta (40) cartelle (carattere Times New Roman 12, interlinea 1), inedita o pubblicata nel periodo 01/09/2022-31/12/2023 da laureati che non abbiano superato i quaranta (40) anni di età al momento dell'invio della domanda di partecipazione. Le lingue ammesse sono: francese, inglese, italiano, portoghese, spagnolo, tedesco. I contenuti delle opere in concorso dovranno vertere su istanze filosofiche e teologiche legate al periodo medievale (sec. V-XV) in chiave storica; la Giuria si esprimerà con parere insindacabile sull'ammissione di contributi il cui contenuto sia collocato cronologicamente in periodi liminari. Non è ammesso l'invio di più di un'opera da parte di un medesimo autore. Le opere e la scheda di partecipazione debitamente compilata devono essere spedite via posta elettronica all'indirizzo premio.arosio@upra.org in formato pdf e Word, e inviate in duplice copia cartacea, per posta raccomandata o consegnate a mano, entro e non oltre il 31 gennaio 2024
Call for Papers Marco Arosio Award XIII ed, 2023
The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well known among Italian Medieval Philosophy scholar... more The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well known among Italian Medieval Philosophy scholars for his knowledge and accuracy. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize (€ 2000,00 for the present edition) for a short essay (40 pages max.) or an article on Medieval Philosophy and Theology written by lecturers or scholars (40 years old max.). Accepted languages are English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Contestants should submit published or unpublished works by e-mail (word and pdf) to:
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to:
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190, Roma 00163, Italy
Deadline: January 31st, 2024. As part of the prize, the Chair will publish the Winner’s paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission of Professors responsible for the Award. The Winner and all the contestants will be invited to present their work on April 11th, 2024. For further information see www.upra.org or please write to Marco Martorana at the above addresses.
Thank you for promoting culture and knowledge
Bando Premio Arosio 2022, 2022
La Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali, presso la Facoltà di Filosofia dell’Ateneo Pont... more La Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali, presso la Facoltà di Filosofia dell’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum di Roma, bandisce la dodicesima edizione (2022) del Premio Marco Arosio, il quale intende premiare una monografia non superiore alle quaranta (40) cartelle (carattere Times New Roman 12, interlinea 1), inedita o pubblicata nel periodo 01/09/2021 – 31/12/2022, scritta da laureati che non abbiano superato i quaranta anni di età al momento dell’invio della domanda di partecipazione. Le opere potranno essere scritte in una delle seguenti lingue: francese, inglese, italiano, portoghese, spagnolo, tedesco.
I contenuti delle opere in concorso dovranno vertere su istanze filosofiche e teologiche legate al periodo medievale (sec. V – XV) in chiave storica.
Il contributo, insieme alla scheda di partecipazione debitamente compilata e alla scansione dei documenti richiesti, deve essere inviato entro e non oltre il 31 gennaio 2023 (farà fede la data d’invio) sia tramite posta elettronica (in formato “pdf” e “Word”), all’indirizzo premio.arosio@upra.org, sia in formato cartaceo, in doppia copia, tramite posta raccomandata o consegnato a mano, al seguente indirizzo:
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Facoltà di Filosofia
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190, 00163 Roma, Italia
Sul plico devono comparire il mittente e l’indicazione “Premio Marco Arosio 2022”.
Call for Papers Marco Arosio Award XII ed, 2022
The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well known among Italian Medieval Philosophy scholar... more The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well known among Italian Medieval Philosophy scholars for his
knowledge and accuracy. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize (€ 2000,00 for
the present edition) for a short essay (40 pages max.) or an article on Medieval Philosophy and Theology
written by lecturers or scholars (40 years old max.). Accepted languages are English, French, German,
Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Contestants should submit published or unpublished works by e-mail
(word or pdf) to:
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to:
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190, Roma 00163, Italy
Deadline: January 31st, 2023
Bando Premio Arosio 2021, 2021
L’edizione 2021 del Premio, in conformità con quanto previsto dall’art. 3 del
Regolamento Genera... more L’edizione 2021 del Premio, in conformità con quanto previsto dall’art. 3 del
Regolamento Generale del Premio, intende premiare una monografia non superiore alle
quaranta (40) cartelle (carattere Times New Roman 12, interlinea 1), inedita o pubblicata
nel periodo 01/01/2019 – 31/12/2021, scritta in una delle seguenti lingue: francese,
inglese, italiano, portoghese, spagnolo, tedesco. I candidati dovranno possedere un titolo
di studio equipollente alla laurea italiana di primo grado e un’età non superiore ai
quaranta (40) anni al momento dell’invio della domanda di partecipazione, allegata al
presente bando.
Call for Papers Arosio Award XI 2021, 2021
The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well known among Italian Medieval Philosophy scholar... more The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well known among Italian Medieval Philosophy scholars for his
knowledge and accuracy. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize (€ 2000,00 for
the present edition) for a short essay (40 pages max.) or an article on Medieval Philosophy and Theology
written by lecturers or scholars (40 years old max.). Accepted languages are English, French, German,
Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Deadline: January 31st, 2022. As part of the prize, the Chair will publish the Winner’s paper as well as other
works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission of Professors responsible for the Award.
The Winner and all the contestants will be invited to present their work on April 7
th, 2022.
Premio Marco Arosio Dante 2021, 2020
Presso la Facoltà di Filosofia dell'Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum di Roma è stata istituit... more Presso la Facoltà di Filosofia dell'Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum di Roma è stata istituita la Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali, per ricordare la figura dello studioso Marco Arosio († 2009). La Cattedra bandisce un Concorso annuale: il Premio Marco Arosio. L'edizione speciale 2020, in occasione della decima edizione del Premio, intende premiare una monografia inedita non inferiore alle quaranta (40) cartelle (carattere Times New Roman 12, interlinea 1). Le lingue ammesse sono: francese, inglese, italiano, portoghese, spagnolo, tedesco. Per questa edizione non sono previsti limiti di età. I contenuti delle opere in concorso dovranno vertere sugli aspetti filosofici e teologici riscontrabili nelle opere di Dante Alighieri. Non è ammesso l'invio di più di un'opera da parte di un medesimo autore. Le opere e la scheda di partecipazione debitamente compilata devono essere spedite via posta elettronica all'indirizzo premio.arosio@upra.org in formato pdf o Word, e inviate in duplice copia cartacea, per posta raccomandata o consegnate a mano, entro e non oltre il 31 gennaio 2021, al seguente indirizzo: Le domande spedite o consegnate oltre la scadenza, non verranno prese in considerazione per la presente edizione del Premio. Sul plico devono comparire il mittente e l'indicazione "Premio Marco Arosio Edizione Speciale 2020". Il materiale inviato non verrà comunque restituito. Ulteriori dettagli sono contenuti nel testo integrale del Bando scaricabile dal sito www.upra.org Per informazioni: Prof. Marco Martorana
Marco Arosio Award – 10th Anniversary On the 700th Anniversary of Dante Alighieri’s death (1321- 2021), 2020
The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well known among Italian Medieval Philosophy scholar... more The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well known among Italian Medieval Philosophy scholars for his penetrating insight and depth. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards the winner of an essay contest with a cash prize and the opportunity to publish the best essays in the Chair Essays publication series. The 2021 Special Edition Award is dedicated to the philosophical and theological topics that can be found in the works of Dante Alighieri and the prize will be €4,000. Contestants should submit unpublished or published works from 2018 onwards, together with a copy of a valid identity document and the duly completed application form. The essay must have an extension of at least 40 pages. All essays must be composed in one of the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish. Essays must be submitted by January 31, 2021, via e-mail (“pdf” or “word”) to:
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to:
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190
Rome 00163, Italy
The Marco Arosio Chair will give the opportunity to publish the winning paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission responsible for the Award. The winning essayist and the other contestants will be invited to present their work in Rome on April 15, 2021. For further information see www.upra.org, or please write to Marco Martorana at the above addresses.
Premio Arosio Dante 2021, 2020
Edizione Speciale 2021 Dante Alighieri a 700 anni dalla morte BANDO Art. 1 La Cattedra Marco Aros... more Edizione Speciale 2021 Dante Alighieri a 700 anni dalla morte BANDO Art. 1 La Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali (d'ora in poi, Cattedra) presso la Facoltà di Filosofia dell'Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum (d'ora in poi, Ateneo) di Roma, in occasione dei dieci anni del Premio, bandisce un'Edizione Speciale del Premio Marco Arosio (d'ora in poi, Edizione Speciale), in occasione dell'Anniversario dei settecento anni dalla morte di Dante Alighieri (1321-2021). L'Edizione Speciale costituisce la Xª edizione (2020) del Premio Marco Arosio. Art. 2 L'organizzazione dell'Edizione Speciale è coordinata dal Prof. Marco Martorana, membro del Comitato esecutivo e del Comitato editoriale della Cattedra presso l'Ateneo. Art. 3 L'Edizione Speciale si rivolge a studiosi di tutto il mondo e, in conformità con quanto previsto dall'art. 3 del Regolamento per questa edizione speciale, intende premiare un'opera (minimo 40 cartelle; carattere Times New Roman 12, interlinea 1), inedita o pubblicata dal 2018 in poi, scritta nelle seguenti lingue: francese, inglese, italiano, portoghese, spagnolo, tedesco. I candidati dovranno possedere un documento di identità valido e un titolo di studio equipollente alla laurea italiana di primo grado al momento dell'invio della domanda di partecipazione, allegata al presente bando. Il titolo di studio sarà attestato tramite autocertificazione all'interno della scheda di partecipazione. Per questa Edizione Speciale Non sono previsti limiti di età. Art. 4 I contenuti delle opere in concorso dovranno vertere sugli aspetti filosofici e teologici riscontrabili nelle opere di Dante Alighieri. Art. 5 Non è ammesso l'invio di più di un'opera da parte di un medesimo autore. Art. 6 Le opere devono essere inviate entro e non oltre il 31 gennaio 2021[...]
IXª Edizione (2019) BANDO Art. 1 La Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali (d'ora in poi, ... more IXª Edizione (2019) BANDO Art. 1 La Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali (d'ora in poi, Cattedra) presso la Facoltà di Filosofia dell'Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum (d'ora in poi, Ateneo) di Roma bandisce la IX edizione (2019) del Premio Marco Arosio (d'ora in poi, Premio). Art. 2 L'organizzazione del Premio è coordinata dal Prof. Marco Martorana, membro del Comitato esecutivo e del Comitato editoriale della Cattedra presso l'Ateneo. Art. 3 L'edizione 2019 del Premio, in conformità con quanto previsto dall'art. 3 del Regolamento Generale del Premio, intende premiare una monografia non superiore alle quaranta (40) cartelle (carattere Times New Roman 12, interlinea 1), inedita o pubblicata nel periodo 01/09/2017-31/12/2019, scritta nelle seguenti lingue: francese, inglese, italiano, portoghese, spagnolo, tedesco. I candidati dovranno possedere un titolo di studio equipollente alla laurea italiana di primo grado e un'età non superiore ai quarantacinque (45) anni al momento dell'invio della domanda di partecipazione, allegata al presente bando. Art. 4 I contenuti delle opere in concorso dovranno vertere su istanze filosofiche e teologiche legate al periodo medievale (sec. V-XV) in chiave storica; la giuria si esprimerà con parere insindacabile sull'ammissione di contributi il cui contenuto sia collocato cronologicamente in periodi liminari. Non è ammesso l'invio di più di un'opera da parte di un medesimo autore. Art. 5 Le opere devono essere inviate entro e non oltre il 31 gennaio 2020: a) obbligatoriamente tramite posta elettronica (farà fede la data d'invio) in formato "pdf" insieme alla domanda di partecipazione debitamente compilata e alla scansione dei documenti richiesti (cfr. art. 6) all'indirizzo premio.arosio@upra.org; b) in duplice copia cartacea per posta ordinaria (farà fede il timbro postale), o consegnate a mano, al seguente indirizzo: Le domande spedite o consegnate oltre la scadenza, non verranno prese in considerazione. Sul plico devono comparire il mittente e l'indicazione "Premio Marco Arosio 2019". Il materiale inviato non verrà comunque restituito.
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Marco Arosi... more Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Marco Arosio Award - 9th edition- 2019
The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well known among Italian Medieval Philosophy scholars for his knowledge and accuracy. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize (€ 2000,00) for a short essay (40 pages max.) or an article on Medieval Philosophy and Theology written by lecturers or scholars (45 years old max.). Accepted languages are: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. The unpublished work must be sent by e-mail (pdf) to:
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to:
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190, Roma 00163, Italy
Deadline: January 31st, 2020. As part of the prize, the Chair will publish the Winner’s paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission of Professors responsible for the Award. The Winner and the Authors of the works selected by the Commission will be invited to present their work on April 22nd, 2020. For further information see www.upra.org or please write to Marco Martorana at the above addresses.
Thank you for promoting culture and knowledge,
Marco Martorana
Marco Arosio Award Coordinator
Marco Arosio Award – Special Edition 2019
On the 10th Anniversary of the death of Professor Marco... more Marco Arosio Award – Special Edition 2019
On the 10th Anniversary of the death of Professor Marco Arosio
The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well-known among Italian scholars of Medieval Philosophy for his penetrating insight and depth. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize to the winner of an essay contest and the opportunity to publish the best essays in the Chair Essays publication series. The 2019 Special Edition Award is dedicated to the study of life and works of Professor Marco Arosio and the prize will be €3,000. Contestants should submit unpublished works. The essay must extend to at least 40 pages (Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1).
All essays may be written in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish and submitted by January 31, 2019, via e-mail (both “pdf” and “Word”) to
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190
Rome 00163, Italy
The Marco Arosio Chair will publish the winning paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission responsible for the Award. The winning essayist and the other contestants will be invited to present their work in Rome on April 10, 2019. For further information please see www.upra.org, or write to Marco Martorana at the above e-mail addresses.
Marco Arosio Award – Special Edition 2019
On the 10th Anniversary of the death of Professor Marco... more Marco Arosio Award – Special Edition 2019
On the 10th Anniversary of the death of Professor Marco Arosio
The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well-known among Italian scholars of Medieval Philosophy for his penetrating insight and depth. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize to the winner of an essay contest and the opportunity to publish the best essays in the Chair Essays publication series. The 2019 Special Edition Award is dedicated to the study of life and works of Professor Marco Arosio and the prize will be €3,000. Contestants should submit unpublished works. The essay must extend to at least 40 pages (Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1).
All essays may be written in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish and submitted by January 31, 2019, via e-mail (both “pdf” and “Word”) to
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190
Rome 00163, Italy
The Marco Arosio Chair will publish the winning paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission responsible for the Award. The winning essayist and the other contestants will be invited to present their work in Rome on April 10, 2019. For further information please see www.upra.org, or write to Marco Martorana at the above e-mail addresses.
Marco Arosio Award – Special Edition 2019
On the 10th Anniversary of the death of Professor Marco... more Marco Arosio Award – Special Edition 2019
On the 10th Anniversary of the death of Professor Marco Arosio
The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well-known among Italian scholars of Medieval Philosophy for his penetrating insight and depth. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize to the winner of an essay contest and the opportunity to publish the best essays in the Chair Essays publication series. The 2019 Special Edition Award is dedicated to the study of life and works of Professor Marco Arosio and the prize will be €3,000. Contestants should submit unpublished works. The essay must extend to at least 40 pages (Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1).
All essays may be written in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish and submitted by January 31, 2019, via e-mail (both “pdf” and “Word”) to
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190
Rome 00163, Italy
The Marco Arosio Chair will publish the winning paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission responsible for the Award. The winning essayist and the other contestants will be invited to present their work in Rome on April 10, 2019. For further information please see www.upra.org, or write to Marco Martorana at the above e-mail addresses.
Marco Arosio Award-7 th edition-2017 The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well known amon... more Marco Arosio Award-7 th edition-2017 The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well known among Italian Medieval Philosophy scholars for his knowledge and accuracy. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize for a short essay (40 pages max.) or an article on Medieval Philosophy and Theology written by lecturers or scholars (45 years old max.).
The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well known among Italian scholars of Medieval Philos... more The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well known among Italian scholars of Medieval Philosophy for his penetrating insight and depth. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards the winner of an essay contest a cash prize (€2,000) and the opportunity to publish the best essays in the Chair Essays publication series. The 2017 Special Edition Award is dedicated to the study of life and works of St. Bonaventure and the prize will be €5,000.
Drafts by Marco Martorana
Art. 3 L’Edizione Speciale si rivolge a studiosi di tutto il mondo e, in conformità con quanto previsto dall’art. 3 del Regolamento per questa edizione speciale, intende premiare un’opera (minimo 20 cartelle, massimo 40); carattere Times New Roman 12, interlinea 1, inedita o pubblicata dal 2022 in poi, scritta nelle seguenti lingue: francese, inglese, italiano, portoghese, spagnolo, tedesco. I candidati dovranno possedere un documento di identità valido e un titolo di studio equipollente alla laurea italiana di primo grado al momento dell’invio della domanda di partecipazione, allegata al presente bando. Il titolo di studio sarà attestato tramite autocertificazione all’interno della scheda di partecipazione. Non sono previsti limiti di età.
Art. 4 I contenuti delle opere in concorso dovranno vertere sugli aspetti propriamente filosofici e teologici nelle opere di San Tommaso d’Aquino.
Art. 5 Non è ammesso l’invio di più di un’opera da parte di un medesimo autore.
Art. 6 Le opere devono essere inviate entro e non oltre il 31 gennaio 2025
Published in this volume are the proceedings of the International Conference Dante Alighieri, on the 700th anniversary of his death, held in Rome from 13 to 15 April 2021, with papers and contributions by Professors Pedro Barrajón; Isabella Becherucci; Vittorio Capuzza; Marcello Ciccuto; Alain Contat; Giulio Ferroni; Alberto Forni; Marco Frisina; Edoardo Fumagalli; Alessandro Ghisalberti; Gianfranco Maglio; Giovanni Malgaroli; Mirco Manuguerra; Marco Martorana; Franco Nembrini; José Enrique Oyarzún; Carmelo Pandolfi; Rodolfo Papa; Rafael Pascual; Angela Patrono; Fabio Pierangeli; Samuele Pinna; Davide Rondoni; Silvia Rossetti; Carlo Serafini; Costantino Sigismondi; Massimiliano Venturelli...
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to:
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190, Roma 00163, Italy
Deadline: January 31st, 2024. As part of the prize, the Chair will publish the Winner’s paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission of Professors responsible for the Award. The Winner and all the contestants will be invited to present their work on April 11th, 2024. For further information see www.upra.org or please write to Marco Martorana at the above addresses.
Thank you for promoting culture and knowledge
I contenuti delle opere in concorso dovranno vertere su istanze filosofiche e teologiche legate al periodo medievale (sec. V – XV) in chiave storica.
Il contributo, insieme alla scheda di partecipazione debitamente compilata e alla scansione dei documenti richiesti, deve essere inviato entro e non oltre il 31 gennaio 2023 (farà fede la data d’invio) sia tramite posta elettronica (in formato “pdf” e “Word”), all’indirizzo premio.arosio@upra.org, sia in formato cartaceo, in doppia copia, tramite posta raccomandata o consegnato a mano, al seguente indirizzo:
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Facoltà di Filosofia
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190, 00163 Roma, Italia
Sul plico devono comparire il mittente e l’indicazione “Premio Marco Arosio 2022”.
knowledge and accuracy. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize (€ 2000,00 for
the present edition) for a short essay (40 pages max.) or an article on Medieval Philosophy and Theology
written by lecturers or scholars (40 years old max.). Accepted languages are English, French, German,
Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Contestants should submit published or unpublished works by e-mail
(word or pdf) to:
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to:
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190, Roma 00163, Italy
Deadline: January 31st, 2023
Regolamento Generale del Premio, intende premiare una monografia non superiore alle
quaranta (40) cartelle (carattere Times New Roman 12, interlinea 1), inedita o pubblicata
nel periodo 01/01/2019 – 31/12/2021, scritta in una delle seguenti lingue: francese,
inglese, italiano, portoghese, spagnolo, tedesco. I candidati dovranno possedere un titolo
di studio equipollente alla laurea italiana di primo grado e un’età non superiore ai
quaranta (40) anni al momento dell’invio della domanda di partecipazione, allegata al
presente bando.
knowledge and accuracy. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize (€ 2000,00 for
the present edition) for a short essay (40 pages max.) or an article on Medieval Philosophy and Theology
written by lecturers or scholars (40 years old max.). Accepted languages are English, French, German,
Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Deadline: January 31st, 2022. As part of the prize, the Chair will publish the Winner’s paper as well as other
works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission of Professors responsible for the Award.
The Winner and all the contestants will be invited to present their work on April 7
th, 2022.
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to:
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190
Rome 00163, Italy
The Marco Arosio Chair will give the opportunity to publish the winning paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission responsible for the Award. The winning essayist and the other contestants will be invited to present their work in Rome on April 15, 2021. For further information see www.upra.org, or please write to Marco Martorana at the above addresses.
Marco Arosio Award - 9th edition- 2019
The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well known among Italian Medieval Philosophy scholars for his knowledge and accuracy. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize (€ 2000,00) for a short essay (40 pages max.) or an article on Medieval Philosophy and Theology written by lecturers or scholars (45 years old max.). Accepted languages are: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. The unpublished work must be sent by e-mail (pdf) to:
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to:
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190, Roma 00163, Italy
Deadline: January 31st, 2020. As part of the prize, the Chair will publish the Winner’s paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission of Professors responsible for the Award. The Winner and the Authors of the works selected by the Commission will be invited to present their work on April 22nd, 2020. For further information see www.upra.org or please write to Marco Martorana at the above addresses.
Thank you for promoting culture and knowledge,
Marco Martorana
Marco Arosio Award Coordinator
On the 10th Anniversary of the death of Professor Marco Arosio
The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well-known among Italian scholars of Medieval Philosophy for his penetrating insight and depth. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize to the winner of an essay contest and the opportunity to publish the best essays in the Chair Essays publication series. The 2019 Special Edition Award is dedicated to the study of life and works of Professor Marco Arosio and the prize will be €3,000. Contestants should submit unpublished works. The essay must extend to at least 40 pages (Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1).
All essays may be written in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish and submitted by January 31, 2019, via e-mail (both “pdf” and “Word”) to
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190
Rome 00163, Italy
The Marco Arosio Chair will publish the winning paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission responsible for the Award. The winning essayist and the other contestants will be invited to present their work in Rome on April 10, 2019. For further information please see www.upra.org, or write to Marco Martorana at the above e-mail addresses.
On the 10th Anniversary of the death of Professor Marco Arosio
The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well-known among Italian scholars of Medieval Philosophy for his penetrating insight and depth. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize to the winner of an essay contest and the opportunity to publish the best essays in the Chair Essays publication series. The 2019 Special Edition Award is dedicated to the study of life and works of Professor Marco Arosio and the prize will be €3,000. Contestants should submit unpublished works. The essay must extend to at least 40 pages (Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1).
All essays may be written in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish and submitted by January 31, 2019, via e-mail (both “pdf” and “Word”) to
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190
Rome 00163, Italy
The Marco Arosio Chair will publish the winning paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission responsible for the Award. The winning essayist and the other contestants will be invited to present their work in Rome on April 10, 2019. For further information please see www.upra.org, or write to Marco Martorana at the above e-mail addresses.
On the 10th Anniversary of the death of Professor Marco Arosio
The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well-known among Italian scholars of Medieval Philosophy for his penetrating insight and depth. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize to the winner of an essay contest and the opportunity to publish the best essays in the Chair Essays publication series. The 2019 Special Edition Award is dedicated to the study of life and works of Professor Marco Arosio and the prize will be €3,000. Contestants should submit unpublished works. The essay must extend to at least 40 pages (Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1).
All essays may be written in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish and submitted by January 31, 2019, via e-mail (both “pdf” and “Word”) to
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190
Rome 00163, Italy
The Marco Arosio Chair will publish the winning paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission responsible for the Award. The winning essayist and the other contestants will be invited to present their work in Rome on April 10, 2019. For further information please see www.upra.org, or write to Marco Martorana at the above e-mail addresses.
Art. 3 L’Edizione Speciale si rivolge a studiosi di tutto il mondo e, in conformità con quanto previsto dall’art. 3 del Regolamento per questa edizione speciale, intende premiare un’opera (minimo 20 cartelle, massimo 40); carattere Times New Roman 12, interlinea 1, inedita o pubblicata dal 2022 in poi, scritta nelle seguenti lingue: francese, inglese, italiano, portoghese, spagnolo, tedesco. I candidati dovranno possedere un documento di identità valido e un titolo di studio equipollente alla laurea italiana di primo grado al momento dell’invio della domanda di partecipazione, allegata al presente bando. Il titolo di studio sarà attestato tramite autocertificazione all’interno della scheda di partecipazione. Non sono previsti limiti di età.
Art. 4 I contenuti delle opere in concorso dovranno vertere sugli aspetti propriamente filosofici e teologici nelle opere di San Tommaso d’Aquino.
Art. 5 Non è ammesso l’invio di più di un’opera da parte di un medesimo autore.
Art. 6 Le opere devono essere inviate entro e non oltre il 31 gennaio 2025
Published in this volume are the proceedings of the International Conference Dante Alighieri, on the 700th anniversary of his death, held in Rome from 13 to 15 April 2021, with papers and contributions by Professors Pedro Barrajón; Isabella Becherucci; Vittorio Capuzza; Marcello Ciccuto; Alain Contat; Giulio Ferroni; Alberto Forni; Marco Frisina; Edoardo Fumagalli; Alessandro Ghisalberti; Gianfranco Maglio; Giovanni Malgaroli; Mirco Manuguerra; Marco Martorana; Franco Nembrini; José Enrique Oyarzún; Carmelo Pandolfi; Rodolfo Papa; Rafael Pascual; Angela Patrono; Fabio Pierangeli; Samuele Pinna; Davide Rondoni; Silvia Rossetti; Carlo Serafini; Costantino Sigismondi; Massimiliano Venturelli...
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to:
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190, Roma 00163, Italy
Deadline: January 31st, 2024. As part of the prize, the Chair will publish the Winner’s paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission of Professors responsible for the Award. The Winner and all the contestants will be invited to present their work on April 11th, 2024. For further information see www.upra.org or please write to Marco Martorana at the above addresses.
Thank you for promoting culture and knowledge
I contenuti delle opere in concorso dovranno vertere su istanze filosofiche e teologiche legate al periodo medievale (sec. V – XV) in chiave storica.
Il contributo, insieme alla scheda di partecipazione debitamente compilata e alla scansione dei documenti richiesti, deve essere inviato entro e non oltre il 31 gennaio 2023 (farà fede la data d’invio) sia tramite posta elettronica (in formato “pdf” e “Word”), all’indirizzo premio.arosio@upra.org, sia in formato cartaceo, in doppia copia, tramite posta raccomandata o consegnato a mano, al seguente indirizzo:
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Facoltà di Filosofia
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190, 00163 Roma, Italia
Sul plico devono comparire il mittente e l’indicazione “Premio Marco Arosio 2022”.
knowledge and accuracy. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize (€ 2000,00 for
the present edition) for a short essay (40 pages max.) or an article on Medieval Philosophy and Theology
written by lecturers or scholars (40 years old max.). Accepted languages are English, French, German,
Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Contestants should submit published or unpublished works by e-mail
(word or pdf) to:
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to:
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190, Roma 00163, Italy
Deadline: January 31st, 2023
Regolamento Generale del Premio, intende premiare una monografia non superiore alle
quaranta (40) cartelle (carattere Times New Roman 12, interlinea 1), inedita o pubblicata
nel periodo 01/01/2019 – 31/12/2021, scritta in una delle seguenti lingue: francese,
inglese, italiano, portoghese, spagnolo, tedesco. I candidati dovranno possedere un titolo
di studio equipollente alla laurea italiana di primo grado e un’età non superiore ai
quaranta (40) anni al momento dell’invio della domanda di partecipazione, allegata al
presente bando.
knowledge and accuracy. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize (€ 2000,00 for
the present edition) for a short essay (40 pages max.) or an article on Medieval Philosophy and Theology
written by lecturers or scholars (40 years old max.). Accepted languages are English, French, German,
Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Deadline: January 31st, 2022. As part of the prize, the Chair will publish the Winner’s paper as well as other
works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission of Professors responsible for the Award.
The Winner and all the contestants will be invited to present their work on April 7
th, 2022.
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to:
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190
Rome 00163, Italy
The Marco Arosio Chair will give the opportunity to publish the winning paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission responsible for the Award. The winning essayist and the other contestants will be invited to present their work in Rome on April 15, 2021. For further information see www.upra.org, or please write to Marco Martorana at the above addresses.
Marco Arosio Award - 9th edition- 2019
The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well known among Italian Medieval Philosophy scholars for his knowledge and accuracy. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize (€ 2000,00) for a short essay (40 pages max.) or an article on Medieval Philosophy and Theology written by lecturers or scholars (45 years old max.). Accepted languages are: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. The unpublished work must be sent by e-mail (pdf) to:
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to:
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190, Roma 00163, Italy
Deadline: January 31st, 2020. As part of the prize, the Chair will publish the Winner’s paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission of Professors responsible for the Award. The Winner and the Authors of the works selected by the Commission will be invited to present their work on April 22nd, 2020. For further information see www.upra.org or please write to Marco Martorana at the above addresses.
Thank you for promoting culture and knowledge,
Marco Martorana
Marco Arosio Award Coordinator
On the 10th Anniversary of the death of Professor Marco Arosio
The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well-known among Italian scholars of Medieval Philosophy for his penetrating insight and depth. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize to the winner of an essay contest and the opportunity to publish the best essays in the Chair Essays publication series. The 2019 Special Edition Award is dedicated to the study of life and works of Professor Marco Arosio and the prize will be €3,000. Contestants should submit unpublished works. The essay must extend to at least 40 pages (Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1).
All essays may be written in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish and submitted by January 31, 2019, via e-mail (both “pdf” and “Word”) to
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190
Rome 00163, Italy
The Marco Arosio Chair will publish the winning paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission responsible for the Award. The winning essayist and the other contestants will be invited to present their work in Rome on April 10, 2019. For further information please see www.upra.org, or write to Marco Martorana at the above e-mail addresses.
On the 10th Anniversary of the death of Professor Marco Arosio
The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well-known among Italian scholars of Medieval Philosophy for his penetrating insight and depth. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize to the winner of an essay contest and the opportunity to publish the best essays in the Chair Essays publication series. The 2019 Special Edition Award is dedicated to the study of life and works of Professor Marco Arosio and the prize will be €3,000. Contestants should submit unpublished works. The essay must extend to at least 40 pages (Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1).
All essays may be written in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish and submitted by January 31, 2019, via e-mail (both “pdf” and “Word”) to
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190
Rome 00163, Italy
The Marco Arosio Chair will publish the winning paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission responsible for the Award. The winning essayist and the other contestants will be invited to present their work in Rome on April 10, 2019. For further information please see www.upra.org, or write to Marco Martorana at the above e-mail addresses.
On the 10th Anniversary of the death of Professor Marco Arosio
The late Professor Marco Arosio (d. 2009) is well-known among Italian scholars of Medieval Philosophy for his penetrating insight and depth. Each year the Chair dedicated to his memory awards a cash prize to the winner of an essay contest and the opportunity to publish the best essays in the Chair Essays publication series. The 2019 Special Edition Award is dedicated to the study of life and works of Professor Marco Arosio and the prize will be €3,000. Contestants should submit unpublished works. The essay must extend to at least 40 pages (Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1).
All essays may be written in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish and submitted by January 31, 2019, via e-mail (both “pdf” and “Word”) to
Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org
Two paper copies must be sent to
Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190
Rome 00163, Italy
The Marco Arosio Chair will publish the winning paper as well as other works deemed to be of high quality and chosen by the Commission responsible for the Award. The winning essayist and the other contestants will be invited to present their work in Rome on April 10, 2019. For further information please see www.upra.org, or write to Marco Martorana at the above e-mail addresses.