Papers by Cristina Matiuta
Sfera Politicii, 2018
The paper tries to find out where Romania stands in the European general picture of partisan affi... more The paper tries to find out where Romania stands in the European general picture of partisan affiliation, how many members have the parties in our country, and also what are the constants of the party system, the political parties that enjoyed the widest electoral support and which are found in at least three post-communist parliaments, an indicator of minimum durability.
2019 European Elections, 2020
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Sep 1, 2022
Journal of Identity and Migration Studies, 2013
This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of the process of European identity formation,... more This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of the process of European identity formation, using systematic comparisons of national attitudes towards the European Union. The topic of European identity has generated a lively academic debate in the recent decades. The article investigates the patterns of European identity construction and the similarities between national and European identities in terms of articulation and the relationship between the two layers of identity. Are these identities in competition? It is necessary, in order to develop the European identity, national identity to be at least eroded or they can coexist peacefully? The paper will analyze different types of arguments, suggests that European identity can be constructed, and function alongside national identity. The empirical evidence drawn from surveys shows that national identification and European identification are not perceived as contradictory and people feel part of both communities.
ERN: Models of Political Processes: Rent-Seeking, 2015
The emergence and development of movements such as Occupy, Anonymous, Arab Spring etc. seem to in... more The emergence and development of movements such as Occupy, Anonymous, Arab Spring etc. seem to indicate that the classical representative democracy is outdated and a new form of representation is needed. A central element of the new paradigm of 21st century democracy is the direct and continuous participation of individuals to any decision concerning them, participation possible through the new information and communication technologies. Romania was also affected by the wave of protests that covered this part of the continent. Movements such as "United we save Rosia Montana" or those against the exploitation of shale gas, organized and coordinated through social networks, require inclusion of citizens in the decision-making process by consultation and transparency. At the same time, the Internet has been an important medium for protest catalyzing and contagion in mobilizing people to vote in the last month presidential elections (November 2014). Dissatisfaction with the or...
Politics and Technology in the Post-Truth Era, 2019
The Internet and digital technologies have become part of our life, essential for a lot of daily ... more The Internet and digital technologies have become part of our life, essential for a lot of daily activities and new powerful means of communication as well, able to invigorate the traditional forms of interaction between citizens and public institutions. The chapter examines their spread across the European Union, and particularly in Romania, and their potential to promote transparency and accountability within the public institutions, to fight against corruption and to expand citizens’ social mobilization. Even if Romania has much to do to provide quality online public services, to increase the efficiency in public administration, and to improve the communication between citizens and institutions, the examples and best practices mentioned in the chapter highlight the potential of ICT both as anti-corruption and participatory tools.
The concept of cleavage, as it was theorized by Stein Rokkan in the late 1960s, sends to a deep a... more The concept of cleavage, as it was theorized by Stein Rokkan in the late 1960s, sends to a deep and lasting division between groups, based on a certain type of conflict. It links the individual behaviour to macro-historical processes that will shape the political field for decades. A controversial issue is the application of the Western Europe-specific cleavages, where national and industrial revolutions have produced profound transformations with a lasting impact on party systems, outside this area. By focusing on the Romanian case, the paper explores the cleavages before the establishment of communism and those emerged after its collapse, results of this regime and/or of the process of transition to democracy. The adopted perspective is to use Rokkan’s typology as a reference point, to analyze the extent to which it has descriptive capacity for the Romanian space, and even if losing the rigor of definition, to refer to the tensions and divisions which, although not necessarily leading to the emergence of political parties, have the potential to shape the political action.
Studii Europene, 2014
Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine B... more Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine Bearbeitung) zur Verfügung gestellt. Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung dieses Dokuments. Dieses Dokument ist ausschließlich für den persönlichen, nicht-kommerziellen Gebrauch bestimmt. Auf sämtlichen Kopien dieses Dokuments müssen alle Urheberrechtshinweise und sonstigen Hinweise auf gesetzlichen Schutz beibehalten werden. Sie dürfen dieses Dokument nicht in irgendeiner Weise abändern, noch dürfen Sie dieses Dokument für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, aufführen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Mit der Verwendung dieses Dokuments erkennen Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen an. Terms of use: This document is made available under Deposit Licence (No Redistribution-no modifications). We grant a non-exclusive, nontransferable, individual and limited right to using this document. This document is solely intended for your personal, noncommercial use. All of the copies of this documents must retain all copyright information and other information regarding legal protection. You are not allowed to alter this document in any way, to copy it for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the document in public, to perform, distribute or otherwise use the document in public. By using this particular document, you accept the above-stated conditions of use. Romanian Diaspora in the Middle 19 th Century and its View on Modernization Associate Professor Cristina MATIUŢA, Ph.D.
Teaching the EU: Fostering Knowledge and Understanding in the Brexit Age
This chapter investigates how and to which extent the European Union (EU)-related content is taug... more This chapter investigates how and to which extent the European Union (EU)-related content is taught in Romania, by analyzing the school curricula and the teaching and learning methods at undergraduate level (primary and secondary school). It distinguishes between formal and non-formal education on European issues and emphasizes the role of teaching and learning the EU in building European identity and the sense of belonging to the EU. Both textbooks (as traditional learning tools) and various educational activities and learning methods using digital technologies (digital platforms, databases, simulations, games, etc.) are taken into account. The examples of non-formal activities presented in this chapter help to better understand the EU, its regions, its institutions, and their functioning. This chapter suggests the need to focus more the school curricula on skills training, participatory learning, education of values and attitudes, and less on mechanical transmission of information. The examples of good practice presented show the role of the European education, whether classical education or that one based on the use of new communication technologies, in the formation of an European consciousness, in the better understanding of the present by learning the past and in the development of participatory attitudes.
... information regarding the deliberations of the authorities and Romania's economic and po... more ... information regarding the deliberations of the authorities and Romania's economic and political interests, also if they are classified, information regarding economic or ... 13). Considering the role of mass media to gather and disseminate information as a materialization of citizens' ...
... information regarding the deliberations of the authorities and Romania's economic and po... more ... information regarding the deliberations of the authorities and Romania's economic and political interests, also if they are classified, information regarding economic or ... 13). Considering the role of mass media to gather and disseminate information as a materialization of citizens' ...
Sfera Politcii, 2018
The paper tries to find out where Romania stands in the European general picture of partisan affi... more The paper tries to find out where Romania stands in the European general picture of partisan affiliation, how many members have the parties in our country, and also what are the constants of the party system, the political parties that enjoyed the widest electoral support and which are found in at least three post-communist parliaments, an indicator of minimum durability
Studies in European Affairs, 2019
Issue 4/2019
The EU in the aftermath of the EP Elections 2019
Drs Anna Visvizi (Deree-T... more Issue 4/2019
The EU in the aftermath of the EP Elections 2019
Drs Anna Visvizi (Deree-The American College of Greece)
Cristina Matiuta (University of Oradea, Romania)
Artur Adamczyk (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe, 2018
The concept of cleavage, as it was theorized by Stein Rokkan in the late 1960s, sends to a deep a... more The concept of cleavage, as it was theorized by Stein Rokkan in the late 1960s, sends to a deep and lasting division between groups, based on a certain type of conflict. It links the individual behaviour to macro-historical processes that will shape the political field for decades. A controversial issue is the application of the Western Europe-specific cleavages, where national and industrial revolutions have produced profound transformations with a lasting impact on party systems, outside this area. By focusing on the Romanian case, the paper explores the cleavages before the establishment of communism and those emerged after its collapse, results of this regime and/or of the process of transition to democracy. The adopted perspective is to use Rokkan’s typology as a reference point, to analyze the extent to which it has descriptive capacity for the Romanian space, and even if losing the rigor of definition, to refer to the tensions and divisions which, although not necessarily leading to the emergence of political parties, have the potential to shape the political action.
Decentralization and Local Development in South East Europe, 2013
Dacă legătura partidelor românești cu electoratul este mai degrabă slabă și instabilă, cu totul d... more Dacă legătura partidelor românești cu electoratul este mai degrabă slabă și instabilă, cu totul diferit par să stea lucrurile în privința relației lor cu statul. Fenomenul nu e specific românesc, se întâlnește și în alte "noi democrații", iar literatura politologică investighează natura acestei relații în context post-comunist. Petr Kopecky 1 , spre exemplu, observă că, în context post-comunist, partidele, slab ancorate în societate, pot fi mai bine înțelese în relația lor cu statul și analizează trei dimensiuni ale acestei relații: 1). măsura în care partidele depind de stat, exprimată de finanțarea publică a partidelor, accesul gratuit la mass-media, scutirile de taxe, ca mijloace de subvenționare sau chiar de supraviețuire a partidelor; 2). măsura în care partidele sunt conduse/ administrate de către stat, referitoare la implicarea statului în reglementarea organizării, activităților și finanțării lor și 3). măsura în care partidele colonizează statul, exprimată de acapararea aparatului de stat prin patronaj, clientelism și corupție. Patronajul partidelor presupune alocarea de locuri de muncă și funcții în sectorul public, în companiile de stat,
The countries of South East Europe entered the period of transition in the 1990s with very differ... more The countries of South East Europe entered the period of transition in the 1990s with very different legacies of government. Albania, Bulgaria and Romania had experienced highly centralized systems of government, while in Yugoslavia a more devolved form of government had been adopted through the system of socialist self-management (Dubey, 1975). This involved the decentralization of most government functions apart from defence and monetary policy to the federal republics. Within republics, many government ...
Books by Cristina Matiuta
Federation perspective that neglects all the basic instruments of human rights. It is a delicate ... more Federation perspective that neglects all the basic instruments of human rights. It is a delicate matter, especially in the context of the war, but necessary to be solved by Ukraine, a state aspiring to become a member of the European Union. The seventh chapter looks at the role of state and non-state actors in protecting war refugees, with a focus on the case of Ukrainian refugees into Romania. Cristina Matiuța and Raluca Viman-Miller investigate how the Romanian state authorities, as a state actor, collaborated with non-state actors, in particular NGOs present on the territory of Romania, to find solutions to a situation that had no precedent in the region. The chapter is based on a set of semi-structured individual interviews conducted with members of seven NGOs in Romania, representative in terms of size, geographical location, level of involvement and previous experience in protecting vulnerable groups. The findings generally highlight a good collaboration and a partnership between the two types of actors and the fact that the non-state actors are a vital link in the chain of solution-finding during crisis.
Papers by Cristina Matiuta
The EU in the aftermath of the EP Elections 2019
Drs Anna Visvizi (Deree-The American College of Greece)
Cristina Matiuta (University of Oradea, Romania)
Artur Adamczyk (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Books by Cristina Matiuta
The EU in the aftermath of the EP Elections 2019
Drs Anna Visvizi (Deree-The American College of Greece)
Cristina Matiuta (University of Oradea, Romania)
Artur Adamczyk (University of Warsaw, Poland)