Philip J Havik
Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Letras, Centro de Estudos Africanos (CEAUP), Affiliated Senior Researcher
Philip J. Havik (PhD, Leiden University, The Netherlands) is senior researcher at the Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical (IHMT/UNL) of the Universidade Nova in Lisbon, where he also teaches. His multidisciplinary research centers upon the study of Philip J. Havik (PhD, Leiden University, The Netherlands) is senior researcher at the Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical (IHMT/UNL) of the Universidade Nova in Lisbon, while also teaching at the said institute. His multidisciplinary research centers upon the study of global health and tropical medicine, health systems & governance, anthropology of health and history of tropical medicine and ecosystems in sub-Saharan Africa, with special emphasis on Lusophone African countries.
Phone: +351-21-3652600
Address: Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical (IHMT)
R. da Junqueira, 100
1349-008 Lisbon
Phone: +351-21-3652600
Address: Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical (IHMT)
R. da Junqueira, 100
1349-008 Lisbon
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Books by Philip J Havik
The introduction and seven chapters engage with comparative and transnational perspectives on political persecution, forced confinement and colonial rule in British, French, German, Belgian and Portuguese dominions in Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America. Addressing political incarceration's global imperial dimensions, they focus upon the organisation, strategies, narratives and practices associated with political internment in Africa (Angola, Tanzania, Rhodesia, South Africa), Latin America (French Guyana) and the Pacific region (New Caledonia). Penal legislation, policies of convict transport and political imprisonment, resettlement, prison regimes, resistance and liberation struggles, counter insurgency, prisoner agency, and prisons as cultural spaces and of memory are discussed here for different time periods from the mid-1800s to the late twentieth century. The chapters build upon the ongoing debate on political incarceration in the empire and the remarkable dynamic scientific research witnessed over the last decades. As a result, they provide novel insights into the nature of legal systems, colonial discourse, memory, racial segregation and persecution, prisoners’ narratives of practices of punishment and incarceration, and human rights abuses in imperial spaces.
The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. The editors have also written an original conclusion to the present volume.
compared to other countries in the West Africa region. We conducted a systematic review on the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Guinea-Bissau during the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) period (2000–2015), which dovetailed with a period of chronic political instability in the country’s history. We searched published works on the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Guinea-Bissau for references to chronic political instability. Six databases and the grey literature were searched, informed by expert opinion and manual research through reference tracing. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were followed. The search yielded 122 articles about HIV/AIDS in Guinea-Bissau during the MDG years. Biomedical, clinical, or epidemiological research predominated public health research production on HIV/AIDS in Guinea-Bissau in this period. Six articles addressing themes related to chronic political instability, including how political instability has affected the HIV/AIDS disease response, were identified. The results suggest the importance
of considering a broader political epidemiology that accounts for socio-political aspects such as governance, human rights, and community responses into which any national HIV/AIDS response is integrated.
Abstract: The idea for publishing this volume originated in 2006 among a group of researchers in history and anthropology which formed the nucleus of the Programme Tropical Societies and Cultures of the Institute for Scientific Research in the Tropics (IICT), in honour of prof. Jill Dias as director of the Centre for African and Asian Studies of the IIC since 1986 e coordinator of the above mentioned programme. The contributions included in this volume are the result of research undertakne ith the support, trust, investment and incentive from a colleague who could be called upon at any moment. Unfortunately, Jill Dias died in April 2008, without being able to presence the publication of the present volume, whose great thematic diversity reflect the multidisciplinary involvement, boundless energy and great dedication shown by the person we honour here. The editors decided to maintain the original character of the project which is its reason to be: a reader which consigns the reader to the moment when it was conceived, with a present and active Jill Dias with all her buoyancy and inspiration.
Papers by Philip J Havik
The introduction and seven chapters engage with comparative and transnational perspectives on political persecution, forced confinement and colonial rule in British, French, German, Belgian and Portuguese dominions in Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America. Addressing political incarceration's global imperial dimensions, they focus upon the organisation, strategies, narratives and practices associated with political internment in Africa (Angola, Tanzania, Rhodesia, South Africa), Latin America (French Guyana) and the Pacific region (New Caledonia). Penal legislation, policies of convict transport and political imprisonment, resettlement, prison regimes, resistance and liberation struggles, counter insurgency, prisoner agency, and prisons as cultural spaces and of memory are discussed here for different time periods from the mid-1800s to the late twentieth century. The chapters build upon the ongoing debate on political incarceration in the empire and the remarkable dynamic scientific research witnessed over the last decades. As a result, they provide novel insights into the nature of legal systems, colonial discourse, memory, racial segregation and persecution, prisoners’ narratives of practices of punishment and incarceration, and human rights abuses in imperial spaces.
The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. The editors have also written an original conclusion to the present volume.
compared to other countries in the West Africa region. We conducted a systematic review on the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Guinea-Bissau during the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) period (2000–2015), which dovetailed with a period of chronic political instability in the country’s history. We searched published works on the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Guinea-Bissau for references to chronic political instability. Six databases and the grey literature were searched, informed by expert opinion and manual research through reference tracing. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were followed. The search yielded 122 articles about HIV/AIDS in Guinea-Bissau during the MDG years. Biomedical, clinical, or epidemiological research predominated public health research production on HIV/AIDS in Guinea-Bissau in this period. Six articles addressing themes related to chronic political instability, including how political instability has affected the HIV/AIDS disease response, were identified. The results suggest the importance
of considering a broader political epidemiology that accounts for socio-political aspects such as governance, human rights, and community responses into which any national HIV/AIDS response is integrated.
Abstract: The idea for publishing this volume originated in 2006 among a group of researchers in history and anthropology which formed the nucleus of the Programme Tropical Societies and Cultures of the Institute for Scientific Research in the Tropics (IICT), in honour of prof. Jill Dias as director of the Centre for African and Asian Studies of the IIC since 1986 e coordinator of the above mentioned programme. The contributions included in this volume are the result of research undertakne ith the support, trust, investment and incentive from a colleague who could be called upon at any moment. Unfortunately, Jill Dias died in April 2008, without being able to presence the publication of the present volume, whose great thematic diversity reflect the multidisciplinary involvement, boundless energy and great dedication shown by the person we honour here. The editors decided to maintain the original character of the project which is its reason to be: a reader which consigns the reader to the moment when it was conceived, with a present and active Jill Dias with all her buoyancy and inspiration.
political instability in the recent past. Our study used qualitative methods to better understand key stakeholders’ perceptions of the effects of chronic political instability on the HIV/AIDS response in Guinea-Bissau from 2000 to 2015 and lessons learned for overcoming them.
Methods: Seventeen semi-structured in-depth key informant interviews were conducted in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau in 2018. Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim, coded thematically, and analyzed inductively.
Results: Four themes emerged: (1) constantly start over; (2) the effects of instability rippling from central level throughout the health pyramid; (3) vulnerable populations becoming more vulnerable; and (4) coping mechanisms.
Conclusions: Stakeholders from government, civil society, and donor organizations have recognized instability’s effects as a barrier to mounting an effective local response to HIV/AIDS in Guinea-Bissau. To mitigate the effects of the country’s political instability on the health sector, concerted efforts should be made to strengthen the capacities of
health officials within the Ministry of Health to shield them from the effects of the country’s political instability.
and lessons learned for overcoming them.
Methods: Seventeen semi-structured in-depth key informant interviews were conducted in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau in 2018. Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim, coded thematically, and analyzed inductively.
Results: Four themes emerged: (1) constantly start over; (2) the effects of instability rippling from central level throughout the health pyramid; (3) vulnerable populations becoming more vulnerable; and (4) coping mechanisms.
Conclusions: Stakeholders from government, civil society, and donor organizations have recognized instability’s effects as a barrier to mounting an effective local response to HIV/AIDS in Guinea-Bissau. To mitigate the effects of the country’s political instability on the health sector, concerted efforts should be made to strengthen the capacities of
health officials within the Ministry of Health to shield them from the effects of the country’s political instability.
Keywords: Guinea-Bissau, HIV/AIDS, Political instability, Governance, Global health, Qualitative health research
Com o crescimento exponencial de viagens ao nível global durante as úl-timas décadas, a saúde do viajante tornou-se uma questão premente. O turismo internacional, as deslocações profissionais e os fluxos migratórios contribuíram para este fenómeno, que centrou as atenções de organiza-ções internacionais e autoridades nacionais nos riscos associados à propa-gação de doenças infeciosas. As preocupações crescentes acerca da trans-missão de doenças emergentes e reemergentes, conferiu uma visibilidade global à medicina do viajante e impõem a definição de padrões de qualida-de na atenção à saúde deste grupo de indivíduos O presente estudo visou obter um consenso alargado sobre os critérios de avaliação de qualidade para o aconselhamento de pré-viagem entre médicos em Portugal e Brasil baseado no método Delphi, utilizando critérios internacionais e estudos científicos como referência. Integrando os critérios consensuais obtidos no estudo, o nosso modelo identifica diferenças nos critérios de qualidade entre os dois grupos de peritos. Contudo, estes destacaram a importância dada a recursos humanos qualificados, a qualidade de informação para viajantes e profissionais de saúde, procedimentos estandardizados e ao diagnóstico em tempo útil. Os casos de Portugal e Brasil demonstram a importância de realizar mais estudos sobre a qualidade de consultas pré-e pós-viagem ao nível nacional e transnacional.
Palavras-chave: Medicina das viagens, Delphi, avaliação de qualidade, consultas pre-via-gem, Portugal, Brasil.
With the exponential growth of international travel over the last decades , the question of travellers' health has taken on a crucial importance. International tourism, occupational travel and migratory fluxes have all contributed to this phenomenon which has drawn the attention of international organizations and national authorities on the risks associated with the spread of infectious diseases. The increasing concerns over emerging and re-emerging diseases has raised the global profile of travel medicine, urging the setting of quality standards in clinical practice and service delivery to travellers. The present study aimed to obtain a broad consensus on quality assessment criteria for pre-travel advice among practitioners in Portugal and Brazil based upon the Delphi method, using international criteria and standards and scientific studies as benchmarks. Our proposed model which integrates the consensual criteria obtained in our study, identified differences in quality criteria between the two expert groups. Nevertheless, they did highlight the importance attributed to qualified human resources, the quality of information for travelers and health professionals, and timely diagnosis, amongst others. The cases of Portugal and Brazil discussed here, underscore the need for more studies on the quality of pre-and post-travel consultations at national and transnational level.
Travel medicine, Delphi, quality assessment, pre-travel consultations,
Portugal, Brazil
inter-regional cooperation during a period of significant political change on the African continent. Drawing from a great variety of published and archival sources, it provides an overview of the strategies pursued by Portugal and other colonial powers with regard to trans-national and regional cooperation in health, against the background of the complex interplay of regional interests and overlapping membership of CCTA and AFRO. It shows how the tensions between constructive international and regional engagement on the one hand and colonial sovereignty and legitimacy on the other played out and shifted over time in the African region. In addition, it discusses Portugal’s health diplomacy against the background of the membership of newly independent African countries of CCTA and AFRO, and its refusal to decolonise, eventually precipitated the country’s suspension from WHO-AFRO and all technical cooperation in 1966.
Organization to the Commission for Technical Assistance South of the Sahara and the World Health Organization’s Regional Office for Africa, shows how bilateral dimensions were superseded by WHO’s multilateral model of regional cooperation in health. Alignments, divergences, and outcomes are explored with respect to the strategies and policies pursued by colonial powers and independent African states regarding
inter-regional relations, and their implications for public health and
epidemiological interventions.
responsabilização pelo Governo, profissionais e cidadãos”. Para tal, fazemos uma análise longitudinal de sucessivos exercícios de planeamento (PNDS I, II e III) e avaliação da sua implementação (do PNDS I e II), além de 13 entrevistas semi-estruturadas com atores-chave nestes processos na Guiné Bissau. Este estudo tem um duplo intuito: partilhar as experiências destes atores-chave e do conteúdo dos planos e avaliações feitas enquadrando-os na especificidade do país, e guardar memória destes processos como trilhos de um passado que ajuda a escolher caminhos futuros.
de observação de um militar bastante experimentado no reconhecimento do interior africano, ao tempo ainda pouco atravessado por viajantes Ocidentais. Para além das suas deslocações pelo território e de ter feito uma alguma pesquisa da literatura publicada, Dias de Carvalho também recolheu vários testemunhos orais na Guiné, referidos mas nem sempre identificados no seu opúsculo, que enriqueceram a narrativa sobre uma colónia largamente desconhecida na metrópole.
Tomando em conta a época em que permaneceu na Guiné, quando estavam em curso campanhas militares que visavam a sua ocupação de facto, o seu olhar crítico é valioso para conhecer melhor a geografia, a agricultura e as sociedades africanas em mudança deste então pouco conhecido ‘canto do império’.
For more information please check the following link:
Abstract: "The issue of the practice of a networked science is a central topic in the field of the history of science and when studying related research projects. From the late 19th century, the modernization of some peripheral societies has benefited from the increasingly important inter-imperial knowledge flows, mainly in the context of supranational organizations, such as the League of Nations, and also of bilateral cooperation agreements. In areas as diverse as law, economics, engineering, education, health or other then emerging sciences, these networks would later arise as discussion forums joining specialists, although not disregarding the need for political and administrative representatives of their several countries. These “epistemic communities” were further characterized by “imperial tensions” inspired by nationalist and protectionist ideas, but also by personal protagonism, while scientific professionalization and specialization began to create divisions which often created barriers to the peer-to-peer dynamics. This panel intends to discuss the features of the circulation and exchange of scientific knowledge in the context of various national and imperial spaces. Proposals are accepted regarding this subject, from a multidisciplinary and compared point of view, considering the changes and the debates that took place over time".