Books by Marina Novina
PhD, 2018
Suvremena kozmologija trenutno je jedno od najdinamicnijih i najzanimljivijih podrucja znanstveno... more Suvremena kozmologija trenutno je jedno od najdinamicnijih i najzanimljivijih podrucja znanstvenog interesa koje se uglavnom poistovjecuje s fizika
Suvremena kozmologija i filozofija. Treba li suvremena kozmologija filozofiju? (Modern Cosmology and Philosophy. Does modern cosmology need philosophy?), 2019
Knjiga Suvremena kozmologija i filozofija prvo je djelo iz filozofije kozmologije na hrvatskom je... more Knjiga Suvremena kozmologija i filozofija prvo je djelo iz filozofije kozmologije na hrvatskom jeziku. U znanstveno značajnu raspravu o temeljnom pitanju ovoga istraživanja, treba li suvremena kozmologija filozofiju, autorica nas uvodi kratkim pregledom razvoja kozmološke misli. Ulazi potom u raspravu o značajnijim rezultatima u suvremenoj (fizikalnoj) kozmologiji, te ističe niz otvorenih pitanja. Analizom svojstvenom suvremenoj filozofiji znanosti dolazi do brojnih argumenata u prilog tezi o prisutnosti filozofije u suvremenoj kozmologiji, od konceptualnih temelja do praktičnih istraživačkih pitanja. Time upućuje na nužnost obuhvatnijeg pristupa pitanju kozmosa i na neodrživost teze pojedinih fizičara, poput Stephena Hawkinga, da suvremena kozmologija na zagonetku kozmosa može odgovoriti kao isključivo empirijska disciplina.
Ovim djelom autorica nas uvodi u samu srž žustrih suvremenih znanstvenih rasprava koje se vode na svjetskoj razini, a, osim užem stručnom miljeu, namijenjeno svima onima koje zadivljuje veličanstvo, ljepota i zagonetnost kozmosa.
Ključne riječi: suvremena kozmologija, fizikalna kozmologija, empirijsko utemeljenje kozmologije, teorija relativnosti, kozmološki princip, nukleosinteza velikoga praska, kozmičko mikrovalno pozadinsko zračenje
The book Modern Cosmology and Philosophy is the first work from the philosophy of cosmology in Croatian language. In this scientifically important discussion on the fundamental question of this research, does modern cosmology need philosophy; the author introduces us with a brief overview of the development of cosmological thought. She then goes into the discussion of significant results in modern (physical) cosmology, and points out a series of open questions. With an analysis, from the perspective of contemporary philosophy of science, the author formulates numerous arguments in support of the thesis about the existence of philosophy in modern cosmology, from conceptual foundations to practical research questions. This is pointing to the necessity of a more comprehensive approach to the question of cosmos and to the unsustainability of some physicist's thesis, such as Stephen Hawking, that modern cosmology can answer the question of cosmos solely as an empirical discipline.
With this book, the author introduces us to the very core of the contemporary scientific discussions of philosophy of cosmology, and apart from the narrow professional mile, this book is for all those who are impressed with the magnificence, beauty and mysteriousness of the cosmos.
Key words: modern cosmology, physical cosmology, empirical foundations of cosmology, theory of relativity, cosmological principle, Big Bang nucleosynthesis, cosmic microwave background radiation
Naklada Breza (ISBN 978-953-8139-42-0) , 2021
This book consists of two parts divided into a series of subchapters, each of which forms a compl... more This book consists of two parts divided into a series of subchapters, each of which forms a complete whole and can be read individually. In the first part, we provide an insight into the transformations and ramifications of the question of cosmos through history. In the second part, we consider the migrations of the concepts of nature, cosmos, matter, force, space, and time. These are concepts that are part of human everyday experience, but also the subject of metaphysical and empirical research on the cosmos [...] insight into the history of attempts to solve the riddle of the cosmos, especially in the history of philosophy and history of science, and analysis of basic experiential and research concepts in this context is part of the search for an answer to the question of the cosmos, but also part of philosophizing about science.
Editorial Books by Marina Novina
ISBN 978-953-231-193-8, 2021
Zbornik radova s trinaest priloga koji iz perspektive metafizike, filozofije o Bogu, antropologij... more Zbornik radova s trinaest priloga koji iz perspektive metafizike, filozofije o Bogu, antropologije, etike, filozofije znanosti, teologije i prava tematizira tragove i putove do Prvog uzroka.
Papers by Marina Novina
Nova prisutnost, Jul 21, 2020
Enciklika Fides et ratio, oslonjena na tomističku filozofsku misao, propituje odnos vjere i razum... more Enciklika Fides et ratio, oslonjena na tomističku filozofsku misao, propituje odnos vjere i razuma i ističe nužnost filozofije za specifične teološke discipline. No, misaoni dosezi enciklike sežu puno dalje. Cilj je ovoga rada pokazati da se sve znanosti mogu shvatiti kao praeambula fidei i da je enciklika u cjelini poziv na dijalog, ne samo između filozofije i teologije, već i s drugim znanostima. U tom se smislu, enciklika pokazuje važnom za današnje doba, tzv. STEM doba, jer otkriva važnost svih znanosti i smješta ih u širi kontekst, te ih, ističući autonomiju njihova traganja za istinom, pokazuje neizostavnim sudionicima dijaloga s teologijom i filozofijom.
Filozofska istraživanja
Kritičko mišljenje značajno je za svakog pojedinca i za društvo u cjelini: u kontekstu stjecanja ... more Kritičko mišljenje značajno je za svakog pojedinca i za društvo u cjelini: u kontekstu stjecanja znanja, u okvirima služenja stečenim znanjima i u vidu očuvanja mentalnog zdravlja. Time postaje razvidno da je pitanje kritičkog mišljenja složeno te da ga treba promotriti višedimenzionalno i interdisciplinarno. Stoga, ovo istraživanje (1) utvrđuje temeljna obilježja kritičkog mišljenja, odnosno govori o naravi kritičkog mišljenja. Zatim, (2) sagledava mogućnosti ili tzv. »strategije razvoja kritičkog mišljenja«, te razmatra (3) razvoj kritičkog mišljenja u kontekstu realnih aspekata čovjekova razvoja. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja konceptualno pomoći razrješenju kontroverznih pitanja glede naravi kritičkog mišljenja i njegova razvoja, a poradi poboljšanja razine stjecanja i korištenja stečenih znanja i očuvanja mentalnog zdravlja pojedinca i zajednice.
Bogoslovska smotra
Polazeći od antičkih filozofa i sokratskih razgovora, preko Augustina, Boetija i Dantea Alighieri... more Polazeći od antičkih filozofa i sokratskih razgovora, preko Augustina, Boetija i Dantea Alighierija, do Wittgensteina, Jaspersa i Pierrea Hadota, ovo istraživanje upućuje na filozofiju kao ars medicinalis i philosophia medicans, tj. na terapeutsku funkciju filozofije. Rad otkriva da filozofija, usmjerena na stvarnost, na život i na način kako treba živjeti, kao liječnica u kriznim životnim situacijama potiče na razgovor i promišljanje, prepoznaje uzroke bolesti i određuje terapiju, vodi do ozdravljenja bolesti duše, srca, uma i jezika, te da stoga čovjek svakoga doba u filozofiji može naći radost prijelaza iz bolesti k zdravlju.
Guide to Deep Learning Basics, 2020
The developments in the field of artificial intelligence are pointing out to complex nature of in... more The developments in the field of artificial intelligence are pointing out to complex nature of intelligence. The aim of this chapter is to show that to achieve a deeper understanding of intelligence, which is also the main task of Walter Pitts and Warren McCulloch, we need artificial intelligence, but we need psychology, neuroscience, and we also need philosophy. The complex nature of intelligence points to the need for turning back to evolution of understanding of intelligence that we find in definitions with which we operate and to history of the term itself. Moreover, it seems that the history of attempts to define intelligence indicate that its essence is scattered throughout many fields. However, the turn to the history of the meanings of the term itself can unravel the essence of intelligence. For this, we need philosophy. Perhaps we can say that we can grasp the essence of intelligence from mingling between the linguistic and the cognitive. For this, we need AI, psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy.
Obnovljeni život, 2018
The question of emergence complexity which cannot be reduced to that which precedes in nature is ... more The question of emergence complexity which cannot be reduced to that which precedes in nature is one of the most current concerns in multiple contemporary scientific disciplines and in philosophy. The issue of emergence complexity branches out into three basic questions (into the three so–called phases of emergence): whence all things emerge into being, whence life and whence consciousness? Already the first philosophers attempted to comprehend matter (substance) and considered matter an object to be studied by physics and metaphysics: this is the first phase of emergence complexity and it encompasses the attempt to grasp matter. However, contemporary science endeavours a reply from the sphere of physics. Furthermore, astonishing features of matter have been discovered which lead us to conclude that its reduction (to one) is not feasible, and that matter and its so–called fundamental level, known heretofore, are complex. This knowledge leads to the conclusion that understanding the material world is an issue of physics and metaphysics, that is, that the emergence concept presupposes and demands understanding on an ontological level. In this sense, it is important to see within a specific feature the conclusions to which the contemporary understanding of matterpoints. The aim of this paper is to explore the basic features of emergence and complexity, or rather the emergence of complexity, particularly the first phase of emergence and the contemporary understanding of matter and, based on this insight, to attempt to formulate an answer to the question: what is matter? If we are indeed dealing with the emergence phenomenon, what does this mean for our understanding of reality and the emergence of complexity in general?
Key words: emergence, complexity, emergence of complexity, first phase of the emergence of complexity, matter, emergent phenomenon, ontology, causality
Bogoslovska smotra
U kontekstu obrata u vrednovanju naravi i nadnaravi u XIII. stoljeću misao Tome Akvinskoga o nara... more U kontekstu obrata u vrednovanju naravi i nadnaravi u XIII. stoljeću misao Tome Akvinskoga o naravi kao otvorenoj nadnaravi prihvaćena je kao katoličko poimanje naravi. Cilj je ovoga rada ukazati na specifičnost Akvinčeva poimanja naravi, odnosno utvrditi značenje i važnost obilježja otvorenosti u sintagmi narav otvorena nadnaravi. U tu svrhu potrebno je razumjeti obilježja grčkog poimanja physis-a, a zatim i Aristotelovo poimanje naravi i težnje (grč. orexis). Ti uvidi pomažu razumjeti na koji se način Akvinčevo poimanje težnje (lat. appetitus ili inclinatio), a posljedično i naravi same, razlikovalo od Aristotelova. Usporedbom Aristotelovih i Akvinčevih poimanja naravi i težnje utvrđeno je da je Akvinac appetitus razumio kao začetak i sastavnicu dinamičnog odnosa naravi i nadnaravi koje tvore jedinstvenu cjelinu. U toj cjelini narav nije samo izvor promjene nego je raspoloživa primiti djelovanje vanjskog uzroka, a težnja se ne očituje samo kao neki pokret i usmjerenost nego i kao ...
Nova prisutnost, 2019
Cilj je ovoga rada istaknuti ulogu i značenje obrazovanja kao jednog od oblika evangelizacije. Št... more Cilj je ovoga rada istaknuti ulogu i značenje obrazovanja kao jednog od oblika evangelizacije. Štoviše, detaljnijim uvidom u proces obrazovanja, odnos obrazovanja i kulture, te mjesta obrazovanja u društveno-političkom kontekstu ovo istraživanje dovodi do zaključka da su obrazovanje i evangelizacija dva moćna i neodvojiva procesa oblikovanja identiteta osobe jer svaka informacija ujedno je i formacija. Stoga možemo govoriti o nužnosti zauzetog sudjelovanja Crkve u odgojno-obrazovnim procesima i njegovu kreiranju. Briga za istinu i upoznavanje čovjeka s istinom o njegovu podrijetlu, dostojanstvu, pravima i odgovornostima, Crkvu čini odgovornom za informaciju koja ima moć transformacije, tj. oblikovanja čovjekova identiteta i lica. Briga za istinu implicira brigu za informaciju, srž je procesa evangelizacije i brige za čovjeka, njegov identitet i lice i put Crkve koji ona nikada ne smije napustiti.
Nova prisutnost : časopis za intelektualna i duhovna pitanja, 2019
With the insight into the process of education, in the relationship between education and culture... more With the insight into the process of education, in the relationship between education and culture and in the place of education in the socio-political context, this research led to the conclusion that education and evangelization are two powerful and inseparable processes of shaping human identity, because every information is at the same time formation. Therefore, it is essential for the Church to take part in educational processes and their creation. Caring for the truth and acquainting man with the truth about his origin, dignity, rights, and responsibilities, the Church is responsible for information that has the power of transformation, i.e. the formation of man’s identity and faculties. Caring for the truth implies care of information, which is the core of the process of evangelization and caring for human being, his identity and his face, and the way of the Church that Church should never abandon. Education is the fundamental charisma of the Church and a powerful form of evangelization.
Tko su te filozofkinje?, 2021
Émilie du Châtelet 'Gospođa Newton' i metafi zičko utemeljenje fi zike Uvod Život Émilie du Châte... more Émilie du Châtelet 'Gospođa Newton' i metafi zičko utemeljenje fi zike Uvod Život Émilie du Châtelet vrlo je bogat, štoviše složen, a njezino djelo iznimno, ali uvelike neotkriveno. O francuskoj fi lozofk inji Émilie du Châtelet moglo bi se pisati na brojne načine, ali da saberemo sve opise, tek bi djelomično stekli uvid u osobu koju su opisivali. Štoviše, dokumenti koji su dostupni često nude i sasvim kontradiktorne slike o životu i aktivnostima Émilie du Châtelet te je ponekad teško vjerovati da je riječ o istoj osobi (Zinsser, 2006, 6). No to je sasvim u skladu s Émilie du Châtelet. Riječ je o ženi koja je intelektom i originalnošću uspjela iznenaditi svoju obitelj, svoga supruga i ljubavnike, ali i velike umove svoga doba. Naslov jedne od novijih biografi ja Émilie du Châtelet glasi La Dame d'Esprit i tom francuskom riječi, za čiji prijevod trebamo mnoštvo izraza, ističe se ono što je ona bila. Naime, "grofi ca du Châtelet je personifi cirala sve što taj izraz označava: bila je žena duha, intelekta, humora, energije, jedan od velikih umova 'Republike pisama'" osamnaestoga stoljeća (Zinsser, 2006, 10). Uspoređujući biografi je Judith P. Zinsser i Davida Bodainsa iz 2006. godine, Hans Christin von Baeyer ističe kako je du Châtelet imala sve, i ljepotu, i strast, i bogatstvo, i plemstvo, i vjerna muža i djecu, ali i talent za glazbu, jezike i matematiku, a nadasve iznimnu
Disputatio philosophica, 2021
In this paper, we discuss the Extended Self Hypothesis proposed by Andy Clark and David Chalmers,... more In this paper, we discuss the Extended Self Hypothesis proposed by Andy Clark and David Chalmers, and address the objection that the extended self lacks stability and continuity needed to be considered identical over time. We try to show that such an objection is untenable. We also discuss the view according to which another type of self, i.e., the narrative self, can also be seen as extended, and argue that stability and continuity of this type of self is also not threatened by its extension beyond the boundaries of person’s body. Hence, at least as far as these types of self are concerned, there is no need to confine ourselves to the internalized self when thinking about the problems of personal identity.
Život biraj - elige vitam. Zagreb: FTI. ISBN 978-953-231-183-9, 2020
The word life appeared in refl ections of ancient and early classical philosophical period. It ap... more The word life appeared in refl ections of ancient and early classical philosophical period. It appeared in a kind of interplay of diff erent linguistic expressions such as bios, zōē, psychē, physis, nous, etc. and in a bundle of theories about the soul that were closely related to refl ections on movement, on moral action, on mind relations and the body, on the relationship of the senses and the mind, the diff erences between living beings or the so–called way of life, immortality, etc. Among all the diff erences in theories of the soul, this research seeks the so–called golden line that connects ancient and ancient thinkers. An analysis of Homer’s conception of the psychē, the relationship between the concept of life (zōē, bios), the concept of nature (physis) and psychē shows that the idea of the psychē as the beginning of life is a golden thread that connects ancient and ancient refl ections on life. Namely, the soul and life prove to be separable only in principle. Th at in our opinion has signifi cant repercussions for today’s understanding of life and the essential definition of the concept of life. Moreover, Greek thought is a paradigm of a holistic approach that off ers a series of solutions and interpretations of the riddles faced by modern science, especially the riddle of life. By understanding the psychē as the principle of life, ancient thinkers actually combined the material and the immaterial, the transient and the eternal, and showed that although they are diff erent, they are not exclusive. Moreover, if we neglect the psychē, from the reach of our thought the very essence of the concept of life will slip away.
Key words: bios; nous; physis; psychē; principle of life; soma; thymos; zōē; life
Riječ život pojavila se u doba drevnih antičkih i prvih klasičnih filozofijskih promišljanja
u svojevrsnom prostoru međuigre različitih jezičnih izraza poput bios, zōē,
psychē, physis, nous itd. i u snopu teorija o duši koje su usko vezane za tematiziranja
gibanja, moralnog djelovanja, odnosa uma i tijela, odnosa osjetila i uma, razlike
među živim bićima, odnosno tzv. načinu života, besmrtnosti itd. Među svim razlikama
u teorijama o duši ovo istraživanje traži tzv. zlatnu nit koja povezuje drevne
i antičke mislioce, a nalazi je u misli o duši kao počelu života. Naime, duša i život
pokazuju se samo načelno odjeljivima, što, mišljenja smo, ima značajne reperkusije
i za današnje razumijevanje života i esencijalno određenje pojma života.
Ključne riječi: bios; nous; physis; psychē; počelo života; soma; thymos; zōē; život
Nova prisutnost, 2020
The encyclical Fides et ratio is based on Thomistic philosophical thought. It questions the relat... more The encyclical Fides et ratio is based on Thomistic philosophical thought. It questions the relationship between faith and reason and emphasizes the necessity of philosophy for specific theological disciplines. However, in this research we show that the encyclical’s thinking reaches far beyond. The analysis of the text of chapter six has shown that the encyclical emphasizes that (1) faith cannot give up reason, which limits itself from fideism. Also (2) that reason by faith strengthens itself to reach the goals it could not achieve, which represents (a) moving away from rationalism and scientism, and (b) giving reason a dimension of openness to the divine nature, revealing it as a link between nature and the divine nature. However, on the line of Thomistic thought the encyclical adds (1) that there are some truths that can be learned naturally, on the independent path of rational inquiry that does not have to divert from one’s own principles and autonomy, and that (2) the knowledge of these truths necessarily precedes the acceptance of God’s revelation. These truths represent the path of preparation for faith. Furthermore, relying on Aquinas’s metaphysic, psychology and philosophy of mind, the encyclical stresses that grace perfects nature (FR, no. 75) and that there is distinction between two lines of cognition (FR, no. 54). But these two lines of cognition are not mutually exclusive, but complementary and revealing (a) that the search for a natural foundation of meaning is one of the most important points of this encyclical and (b) the necessity of a dialogue between theology and philosophy. However, among the autonomous natural paths of cognition, which are defined by the term »the path of preparation for the faith«, which refers to the medieval term »praeambula fidei« (FR, no. 67), we also recognize the sciences that aim at natural cognition. Thus, the reach of the encyclical is expanded. Therefore, we conclude that the encyclical Fides et ratio places all sciences (a) in a broader context, and points to their significance; and (b) emphasizes their autonomy in the search for truth; and (c) at the same time reveals them as needed participants in the dialogue with theology and philosophy. Every science with its autonomy is an antecedent to the faith and that fact is a call for dialogue, which is clearly defined in Gaudium et spes number 36. This dialogue should be realized on an ontological, epistemological and ethical level. The connection in dialogue between theology and other sciences is philosophy. This, however, stead Lambert, sets before us the task of designing higher education institutions which can be a space for dialogue between sciences, without abandoning the principles of one’s own path of inquiry. By recognizing the empirical sciences as a pathway to faith and pointing out the importance of dialogue of philosophy, theology and other sciences, we discover the depth of the encyclical Fides et ratio. On its pages, it offers solutions that bring meaning and hope to the present-day STEM mentality.
Enciklika Fides et ratio, oslonjena na tomističku filozofsku misao, propituje od-nos vjere i razuma i ističe nužnost filozofije za specifične teološke discipline. No, misaoni dosezi enciklike sežu puno dalje. Cilj je ovoga rada pokazati da se sve znanosti mogu shvatiti kao praeambula fidei i da je enciklika u cjelini poziv na dijalog, ne samo između filozofije i teologije, već i s drugim znanostima. U tom se smislu, enciklika pokazuje važnom za današnje doba, tzv. STEM doba, jer otkriva važnost svih znanosti i smješta ih u širi kontekst, te ih, ističući autono-miju njihova traganja za istinom, pokazuje neizostavnim sudionicima dijaloga s teologijom i filozofijom.
Obnovljeni život , 2018
This research was inspired by Tomo Vereš through an article of his titled Thomas Aquinas — Foreru... more This research was inspired by Tomo Vereš through an article of his titled Thomas Aquinas — Forerunner of Nicolaus Copernicus? Aquinas’ commentary on Aristotle’s works, especially regarding On Heaven, On the Eternity of the World, and also a series of questions from the first part of the Summa Theologiae (I. q. 32, q. 45 — q. 49) containing the passages addressed by Vereš. These are at the very core of the old discussion on origins which includes the question of the eternity of
the world, the examination of the concept of creation and significant philosophical themes, such as the question of time, the limits of knowledge, and the relationship between philosophy, science and theology. Questions on origins are today extremely topical, especially in the context of modern cosmology from which the Big Bang theory comes as well as various models of the universe, multiverse proposals, etc. A correct understanding of these topics is extremely important for science, philosophy and theology and for the dialogue between them. In this regard, we have highlighted multiple fragments of Aquinas’ which are crucial for contemporary science in terms of a scientific preservation of so–called epistemological caution. Aquinas’ epistemological caution is manifested especially in his differentiation of the change that takes place in time and creation which is a temporal act, that is to say, in the differentiation of the concepts of theological creation, metaphysical origin and natural origin. Specifically, Aquinas’ distinctions in the context of contemporary cosmological ideas (models), particularly of the Big Bang, indicate that unsophisticated thought leads us into traps, especially that of the so–called „God of Gaps“ and of Scientism. These
traps can be avoided through epistemological caution. Thus, Aquinas proved himself to be a great philosopher of science and at the same time anticipated many important topics in the contemporary philosophy of science, e.g. the question of models. He warned of the necessity for an autonomy of science, philosophy, and theology, and thus, by apprehending the identity of his own discipline and by accepting and recognizing its limits, he opened the space for dialogue, this being the only way to avoid traps on the path to the realization of scientificality. Thus, Aquinas has left us a valid way of apprehending truth and a multitude of topics to be more thoroughly explored in the light of his thought. Finally, since this research was inspired by an article by T. Vereš, perhaps some of these thoughts will inspire new research as well as a discovery of the light of truth to which Aquinas himself has pointed our attention.
Key words: Thomas Aquinas, eternity of the world, creation, metaphysical origin, natural origin, Big Bang, philosophy of science, epistemological caution
Obnovljeni život, 2017
The Confessions of Aurelius Augustine is exceptionally multi–layered, and so its philosophical di... more The Confessions of Aurelius Augustine is exceptionally multi–layered, and so its philosophical dimension often goes unnoticed. However, upon immersing ourselves in the content and structure of the Confessions, we find it to be an outstanding philosophical work permeated by all manner of philosophical topics (eg. God, the soul, man, the world, happiness, love, knowledge, truth, etc.) on the metaphysical, epistemological, ethical, educational and linguistic levels. Moreover, a classification of philosophical topics and questions reveals that philosophy was an enduring component of Augustine’s life, and since he understood it to be the love of truth, Augustine appears to be exhorting the reader to philosophy in order that the reader might also devise a basis for a confessio and thus become a true philosopher, or rather a person enamoured of God. Thus, we may consider the Confessions to be Augustine’s exhortation to philosophy, but also his original answer to the question: is Augustine a philosopher? That he was a philosopher is substantiated by the fact that in his time it was held that theology presupposes philosophy and that indeed, when seen in this context, one cannot be understood without the other. Furthermore, Augustine may be regarded as a philosopher also in terms of contemporary thought. Namely, he dealt with the majority of pertinent philosophical topics using the same „method“ as do contemporary philosophers. Insight into the content and structure of the Confessions superbly affirms this conclusion. Thus we can say that the Confessions reveal the originality, topicality and significance of Augustine’s thought in regard to this ancient, but always new, quest for truth and so undoubtedly also for contemporary philosophical–theological discussion.
Books by Marina Novina
Ovim djelom autorica nas uvodi u samu srž žustrih suvremenih znanstvenih rasprava koje se vode na svjetskoj razini, a, osim užem stručnom miljeu, namijenjeno svima onima koje zadivljuje veličanstvo, ljepota i zagonetnost kozmosa.
Ključne riječi: suvremena kozmologija, fizikalna kozmologija, empirijsko utemeljenje kozmologije, teorija relativnosti, kozmološki princip, nukleosinteza velikoga praska, kozmičko mikrovalno pozadinsko zračenje
The book Modern Cosmology and Philosophy is the first work from the philosophy of cosmology in Croatian language. In this scientifically important discussion on the fundamental question of this research, does modern cosmology need philosophy; the author introduces us with a brief overview of the development of cosmological thought. She then goes into the discussion of significant results in modern (physical) cosmology, and points out a series of open questions. With an analysis, from the perspective of contemporary philosophy of science, the author formulates numerous arguments in support of the thesis about the existence of philosophy in modern cosmology, from conceptual foundations to practical research questions. This is pointing to the necessity of a more comprehensive approach to the question of cosmos and to the unsustainability of some physicist's thesis, such as Stephen Hawking, that modern cosmology can answer the question of cosmos solely as an empirical discipline.
With this book, the author introduces us to the very core of the contemporary scientific discussions of philosophy of cosmology, and apart from the narrow professional mile, this book is for all those who are impressed with the magnificence, beauty and mysteriousness of the cosmos.
Key words: modern cosmology, physical cosmology, empirical foundations of cosmology, theory of relativity, cosmological principle, Big Bang nucleosynthesis, cosmic microwave background radiation
Editorial Books by Marina Novina
Papers by Marina Novina
Key words: emergence, complexity, emergence of complexity, first phase of the emergence of complexity, matter, emergent phenomenon, ontology, causality
Key words: bios; nous; physis; psychē; principle of life; soma; thymos; zōē; life
Riječ život pojavila se u doba drevnih antičkih i prvih klasičnih filozofijskih promišljanja
u svojevrsnom prostoru međuigre različitih jezičnih izraza poput bios, zōē,
psychē, physis, nous itd. i u snopu teorija o duši koje su usko vezane za tematiziranja
gibanja, moralnog djelovanja, odnosa uma i tijela, odnosa osjetila i uma, razlike
među živim bićima, odnosno tzv. načinu života, besmrtnosti itd. Među svim razlikama
u teorijama o duši ovo istraživanje traži tzv. zlatnu nit koja povezuje drevne
i antičke mislioce, a nalazi je u misli o duši kao počelu života. Naime, duša i život
pokazuju se samo načelno odjeljivima, što, mišljenja smo, ima značajne reperkusije
i za današnje razumijevanje života i esencijalno određenje pojma života.
Ključne riječi: bios; nous; physis; psychē; počelo života; soma; thymos; zōē; život
Enciklika Fides et ratio, oslonjena na tomističku filozofsku misao, propituje od-nos vjere i razuma i ističe nužnost filozofije za specifične teološke discipline. No, misaoni dosezi enciklike sežu puno dalje. Cilj je ovoga rada pokazati da se sve znanosti mogu shvatiti kao praeambula fidei i da je enciklika u cjelini poziv na dijalog, ne samo između filozofije i teologije, već i s drugim znanostima. U tom se smislu, enciklika pokazuje važnom za današnje doba, tzv. STEM doba, jer otkriva važnost svih znanosti i smješta ih u širi kontekst, te ih, ističući autono-miju njihova traganja za istinom, pokazuje neizostavnim sudionicima dijaloga s teologijom i filozofijom.
the world, the examination of the concept of creation and significant philosophical themes, such as the question of time, the limits of knowledge, and the relationship between philosophy, science and theology. Questions on origins are today extremely topical, especially in the context of modern cosmology from which the Big Bang theory comes as well as various models of the universe, multiverse proposals, etc. A correct understanding of these topics is extremely important for science, philosophy and theology and for the dialogue between them. In this regard, we have highlighted multiple fragments of Aquinas’ which are crucial for contemporary science in terms of a scientific preservation of so–called epistemological caution. Aquinas’ epistemological caution is manifested especially in his differentiation of the change that takes place in time and creation which is a temporal act, that is to say, in the differentiation of the concepts of theological creation, metaphysical origin and natural origin. Specifically, Aquinas’ distinctions in the context of contemporary cosmological ideas (models), particularly of the Big Bang, indicate that unsophisticated thought leads us into traps, especially that of the so–called „God of Gaps“ and of Scientism. These
traps can be avoided through epistemological caution. Thus, Aquinas proved himself to be a great philosopher of science and at the same time anticipated many important topics in the contemporary philosophy of science, e.g. the question of models. He warned of the necessity for an autonomy of science, philosophy, and theology, and thus, by apprehending the identity of his own discipline and by accepting and recognizing its limits, he opened the space for dialogue, this being the only way to avoid traps on the path to the realization of scientificality. Thus, Aquinas has left us a valid way of apprehending truth and a multitude of topics to be more thoroughly explored in the light of his thought. Finally, since this research was inspired by an article by T. Vereš, perhaps some of these thoughts will inspire new research as well as a discovery of the light of truth to which Aquinas himself has pointed our attention.
Key words: Thomas Aquinas, eternity of the world, creation, metaphysical origin, natural origin, Big Bang, philosophy of science, epistemological caution
Ovim djelom autorica nas uvodi u samu srž žustrih suvremenih znanstvenih rasprava koje se vode na svjetskoj razini, a, osim užem stručnom miljeu, namijenjeno svima onima koje zadivljuje veličanstvo, ljepota i zagonetnost kozmosa.
Ključne riječi: suvremena kozmologija, fizikalna kozmologija, empirijsko utemeljenje kozmologije, teorija relativnosti, kozmološki princip, nukleosinteza velikoga praska, kozmičko mikrovalno pozadinsko zračenje
The book Modern Cosmology and Philosophy is the first work from the philosophy of cosmology in Croatian language. In this scientifically important discussion on the fundamental question of this research, does modern cosmology need philosophy; the author introduces us with a brief overview of the development of cosmological thought. She then goes into the discussion of significant results in modern (physical) cosmology, and points out a series of open questions. With an analysis, from the perspective of contemporary philosophy of science, the author formulates numerous arguments in support of the thesis about the existence of philosophy in modern cosmology, from conceptual foundations to practical research questions. This is pointing to the necessity of a more comprehensive approach to the question of cosmos and to the unsustainability of some physicist's thesis, such as Stephen Hawking, that modern cosmology can answer the question of cosmos solely as an empirical discipline.
With this book, the author introduces us to the very core of the contemporary scientific discussions of philosophy of cosmology, and apart from the narrow professional mile, this book is for all those who are impressed with the magnificence, beauty and mysteriousness of the cosmos.
Key words: modern cosmology, physical cosmology, empirical foundations of cosmology, theory of relativity, cosmological principle, Big Bang nucleosynthesis, cosmic microwave background radiation
Key words: emergence, complexity, emergence of complexity, first phase of the emergence of complexity, matter, emergent phenomenon, ontology, causality
Key words: bios; nous; physis; psychē; principle of life; soma; thymos; zōē; life
Riječ život pojavila se u doba drevnih antičkih i prvih klasičnih filozofijskih promišljanja
u svojevrsnom prostoru međuigre različitih jezičnih izraza poput bios, zōē,
psychē, physis, nous itd. i u snopu teorija o duši koje su usko vezane za tematiziranja
gibanja, moralnog djelovanja, odnosa uma i tijela, odnosa osjetila i uma, razlike
među živim bićima, odnosno tzv. načinu života, besmrtnosti itd. Među svim razlikama
u teorijama o duši ovo istraživanje traži tzv. zlatnu nit koja povezuje drevne
i antičke mislioce, a nalazi je u misli o duši kao počelu života. Naime, duša i život
pokazuju se samo načelno odjeljivima, što, mišljenja smo, ima značajne reperkusije
i za današnje razumijevanje života i esencijalno određenje pojma života.
Ključne riječi: bios; nous; physis; psychē; počelo života; soma; thymos; zōē; život
Enciklika Fides et ratio, oslonjena na tomističku filozofsku misao, propituje od-nos vjere i razuma i ističe nužnost filozofije za specifične teološke discipline. No, misaoni dosezi enciklike sežu puno dalje. Cilj je ovoga rada pokazati da se sve znanosti mogu shvatiti kao praeambula fidei i da je enciklika u cjelini poziv na dijalog, ne samo između filozofije i teologije, već i s drugim znanostima. U tom se smislu, enciklika pokazuje važnom za današnje doba, tzv. STEM doba, jer otkriva važnost svih znanosti i smješta ih u širi kontekst, te ih, ističući autono-miju njihova traganja za istinom, pokazuje neizostavnim sudionicima dijaloga s teologijom i filozofijom.
the world, the examination of the concept of creation and significant philosophical themes, such as the question of time, the limits of knowledge, and the relationship between philosophy, science and theology. Questions on origins are today extremely topical, especially in the context of modern cosmology from which the Big Bang theory comes as well as various models of the universe, multiverse proposals, etc. A correct understanding of these topics is extremely important for science, philosophy and theology and for the dialogue between them. In this regard, we have highlighted multiple fragments of Aquinas’ which are crucial for contemporary science in terms of a scientific preservation of so–called epistemological caution. Aquinas’ epistemological caution is manifested especially in his differentiation of the change that takes place in time and creation which is a temporal act, that is to say, in the differentiation of the concepts of theological creation, metaphysical origin and natural origin. Specifically, Aquinas’ distinctions in the context of contemporary cosmological ideas (models), particularly of the Big Bang, indicate that unsophisticated thought leads us into traps, especially that of the so–called „God of Gaps“ and of Scientism. These
traps can be avoided through epistemological caution. Thus, Aquinas proved himself to be a great philosopher of science and at the same time anticipated many important topics in the contemporary philosophy of science, e.g. the question of models. He warned of the necessity for an autonomy of science, philosophy, and theology, and thus, by apprehending the identity of his own discipline and by accepting and recognizing its limits, he opened the space for dialogue, this being the only way to avoid traps on the path to the realization of scientificality. Thus, Aquinas has left us a valid way of apprehending truth and a multitude of topics to be more thoroughly explored in the light of his thought. Finally, since this research was inspired by an article by T. Vereš, perhaps some of these thoughts will inspire new research as well as a discovery of the light of truth to which Aquinas himself has pointed our attention.
Key words: Thomas Aquinas, eternity of the world, creation, metaphysical origin, natural origin, Big Bang, philosophy of science, epistemological caution
Ključne riječi: suvremena kozmologija, empirijska kozmologija, univerzum, standardni kozmološki model, fundamentalna ograničenja, tehnološka ograničenja, dijalog
The cosmos has been a subject of constant reflection and research for centuries. For a long time, the response to the question of the cosmos came from the philosophical perspective, and today the cosmos is of interest to many scientific disciplines, especially modern cosmology. Modern cosmology today is defined as an empirical discipline along Popper’s line of thought. The aim of this study is to determine the specificity and boundaries of empirical cosmology and to demonstrate that the boundaries of science, in this case empirical cosmology, should be understood positively, and its dialogue with other sciences as a concretization of the modernity of modern cosmology. In this sense, we speak of modern cosmology from a historical perspective and conclude that modern cosmology, as a developing scientific discipline, cannot yet be historically defined. We are faced with difficulties in determining the beginnings of modern cosmology, since the distinction between scientific concepts and ideas used at different moments in history should be taken into account, and we should not neglect the contributions of the socalled unsuccessful scientific theories and research. Furthermore, we explore the features of modern cosmology as an empirical discipline. We look back at the definition thereof, its specificity and boundaries. In this context, we conclude that the demand for the definition of modern cosmology is a rather complex issue since there are difficulties with the definition of science itself and also empirical science and its fundamental features; however, the definition also entails the specific subject and nature of modern cosmology. By researching these questions, we can conclude that it would be wrong to understand modern cosmology exclusively as empirical cosmology and, even less exclusively, to understand the standard cosmological model as the most successful description of the universe’s development. Namely, modern cosmology, as regards research, has a subject which is specific and unique, with an implicit inability to carry out experiments and the necessity to turn to the so-called philosophical choices and assumptions on the applicability of the physical laws of local physics, for instance, in the global context. Furthermore, empirical cosmology can only use the experimental data of other scientific disciplines, and in the observational sense, it is faced with the following: receiving data at the finite speed of light; with the fact that looking into the universe is looking into the past; with a series of so-called horizons (particle, wavelength, physical); with the properties and effects of selection and detection, and with the fact that models, which are by their nature idealizations, are the basic instrument of cosmology. Taken as a whole, empirical cosmology is confronted with a series of fundamental and technical constraints, which fact indicates the need for dialogue with other scientific disciplines if it is to come closer to a complete response to the question of the cosmos. Finally, we point out that modern cosmology should be understood more broadly as one of the most complex and the most challenging scientific philosophical disciplines of today, and that it represents the cognitive framework for all other sciences. This leads us to another specificity of modern cosmology - the number of boundaries it entails. If we understand these boundaries positively, as places of encounter and dialogue, i.e. something positive, we are in fact speaking about the number of so-called spaces for dialogue with other natural sciences (natural, humanistic and social). We discover the so-called spaces for dialogue among open questions in the standard cosmological model, ranging from the origins of the universe and questions of matter, dark matter, dark energy, homogeneity and isotropy to the enigma of what life is and where consciousness comes from. Thus, the boundaries of empirical cosmology reveal that, if we understand “modernity” as an always new aspiration to off er a more precise and complete answer to questions posed (in this case, the question of the cosmos), the “modernity” of modern cosmology is manifested precisely in its aspirations and efforts to form a more comprehensive cosmology (which includes other sciences, especially philosophy), and dialogue demonstrates the concretization of the modernity of modern cosmology.
Key words: modern cosmology, empirical cosmology, universe, standard cosmological model, fundamental constraints, technological constraints, dialogue
Djelovanje po načelima, rezultat više od trideset godina rada u nastavi, pruža sveobuhvatan prikaz moralne teologije sv. Tome Akvinskoga, dovodeći je u dijalog sa suvremenom etičkom teorijom i razvojima u katoličkoj teologiji nakon Drugoga vatikanskog koncila. Djelo je prikladno za studente etike i moralne teologije, te općenito čitatelje koji traže kršćansko vodstvo u formaciji savjesti i pri donošenju moralnih odluka, a iznosi klasičnu katoličku etičku tradiciju jasnim i slikovitim stilom. *** ''Djelovanje po načelima Janka Žagara, djelo koje se počelo oblikovati u prvim desetljećima poslije Koncila, predstavlja trenutačno traganje za sintezom vjernom i tomističkom nasljeđu i koncilskom duhu personalizma''. Richard Schenk, OP
Nakl. cjelina: Izdanja Instituta sv. Tome Akvinskog Biblioteka: Studia Thomistica, 1
ISBN 978–053–231–180–8 (FTI)