Papers by Christiana Köhler
ECM van den Brink & TE Levy (eds), Egypt and the Levant. Interrelations from the 4th through the Early 3rd Millennium BCE, 2002
MDAIK 70/71 Gs Kaiser, 2014
Radiocarbon and the Chronologies of Ancient Egypt, 2016
This pdf of your paper in Radiocarbon and the Chronologies of Ancient Egypt belongs to the publis... more This pdf of your paper in Radiocarbon and the Chronologies of Ancient Egypt belongs to the publishers Oxbow Books and it is their copyright. As author you are licenced to make up to 50 offprints from it, but beyond that you may not publish it on the World Wide Web until three years from publication (July 2016), unless the site is a limited access intranet (password protected). If you have queries about this please contact the editorial department at Oxbow Books
The Cultural Manifestations of Religious Experience, 2017
Egypt and the Levant, 2015
Egypt and the Levant, 2017
The cemeteries of the southern Egyptian Nile Valley have for a long time taken up a major role in... more The cemeteries of the southern Egyptian Nile Valley have for a long time taken up a major role in the reconstruction of the emergence of social complexity during the 5 th and 4 th millennia and of the early territorial state of Pharaonic Egypt. Whilst this data is very substantial and highly important, it has overshadowed other DUFKDHRORJLFDO LQIRUPDWLRQ WKDW LV HTXDOO\ VLJQL¿cant and that actually challenges certain interpretations deriving only from mortuary data. This paper aims at considering archaeological evidence primarily derived from a number of settlements and from material culture of the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and until the Early Dynastic Periods to better balance and contextualise the mortuary evidence of these periods. It will discuss and interpret these on the background of current scholarship on material culture, interregional exchange and social complexity and will especially seek to answer questions concerning the socioeconomic context of institutionalised leadership and its potential links to early kingship. The paper will also address the high degree of variability in archaeological data and thereby contribute to a growing scholarly consensus that Egypt's path to civilisation and statehood followed a number of different, often unrelated, trajectories within a regionally variable cultural system in the Egyptian Nile Valley.
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 2017
This article provides a summary and first results of the University of Vienna Middle Egypt Projec... more This article provides a summary and first results of the University of Vienna Middle Egypt Project at the necropolis of el-Sheikh Fadl-Umm Raqaba where surveys and rescue excavations have been conducted since early 2014. After a brief introduction of the historical background, aims and methods of the project, the article will give an overview of the main types of tombs encountered so far as well as a discussion of the possible date and archaeological potential of the site.
Egypt and the Levant, 2018
Fouilles de l'institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, Le Caire FoRa Forschungen in de... more Fouilles de l'institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, Le Caire FoRa Forschungen in der Ramses-Stadt, Die Grabungen des Pelizäus-Museums Hildesheim in Quantir-Pi-Ramesse, hg. Von E.B. Pusch und M. Bietak,
Egypt and the southern Levant in the Early Bronze Age: C14, Chronology, Connections, 2014
Egypt and the Levant, 2020
In this article, a number of terms and concepts will be discussed that have undergone significant... more In this article, a number of terms and concepts will be discussed that have undergone significant review in recent decades, such as race, culture, or civilization. Wherever any of these or related terms are used in this text, they refer to the work of specific authors and to references discussed herein, without this author's general endorsement. The writer would also like to emphasize that when concepts of apparent racial significance are used, she expressly rejects their application to humanity because they contradict universal human rights as stipulated in the UN Declaration of Human Rights as well as the Jena Declaration on race of 2019.
This article provides an overview of the first results from archaeological investigations at Wadi... more This article provides an overview of the first results from archaeological investigations at Wadi el-Sheikh in Egypt by the University of Vienna Middle Egypt Project. Chert was an important raw material used to produce tools, implements and jewelry in ancient times. Wadi el-Sheikh was exploited over thousands of years as it was probably the most important source of chert in Pharaonic civilization. The results of our new investigations that involved surveys and test excavations indicate the presence of large scale mining activities in the first half of the 3rd Millennium B.C.E. which allow for detailed insights into the amount of raw material extracted, the mining methods used and the lithic products manufactured in this area. These aspects are contextualized on the background of ancient Egyptian state-organized resource acquisition strategies and economy.
The Nile Delta as a centre of cultural interactions between Upper Egypt and the Southern Levant in the 4 th millennium BC. Studies in African Archaeology 13, Apr 2014
Papers by Christiana Köhler