Papers by Silvia Negro
The territory of Vouliagmeni, part of the ancient Attic deme of Halai Aixonides, stands out for i... more The territory of Vouliagmeni, part of the ancient Attic deme of Halai Aixonides, stands out for its highly distinctive features, characterized by sheltered bays and long promontories: that of Laimos is the site of the temple dedicated to Apollo Zoster. The observation of the landscape and some clues preserved in passages of ancient authors suggest a close connection between the territory and the development of the sanctuary in this area.
The analysis of the territorial aspect of the Attic demes is often not possible without an approa... more The analysis of the territorial aspect of the Attic demes is often not possible without an approach that takes into account the information preserved in documents of a very different nature. The case examined in this paper, the deme of Halai Aixonides, located on the west coast of Attica, is emblematic in this regard. In fact, different kinds of sources combine to provide useful data for the reconstruction and understanding of the landscape that characterized the area that once belonged to deme of the Halaieis.
Axon, 2024
The inscription is a decree maybe from the Attic deme of Myrrhinous. The duties and tasks of the ... more The inscription is a decree maybe from the Attic deme of Myrrhinous. The duties and tasks of the demarch seem to be at the centre of the deliberation, which concerns three main themes: the annual euthynai of the outgoing demarch, the lending of sacred money, and the sacrifices for which the demarch was responsible. The epigraph thus allows us to reflect on the functioning of the deme administration, and it highlights the demarch’s various responsibilities.
ACME 76 N. 1-2, 2023
Prized Attic honey is an often-neglected topic in studies of Athenian productions, despite the co... more Prized Attic honey is an often-neglected topic in studies of Athenian productions, despite the considerable spread of production, as attested by archaeological finds of terracotta beehives throughout the territory. Literary sources also frequently mention honey produced in Attica, especially the most famous and prized variety from Mount Hymettus. In this paper, the importance and fame of the Attic product is emphasised. The sources that praise the product are here classified in three groups, namely the authors who focus on its sweetness and fragrance, the ones who describe Attic honey generically in relation to its prestige and the sources which compares it to honey from other regions. Afterwards, my further goal is to assess the possible connection between honey and the funerary sphere in Attica. This relation is explored also through the reanalysis of some interpretations proposed for a fictile group of geometric Attic models.
Axon 6(2), 2022
The inscription (368-367) is a decree of the deme Halai Aixonides, concerning some changes in the... more The inscription (368-367) is a decree of the deme Halai Aixonides, concerning some changes in the local accounting procedure (euthyna). According to the new rules, the demarch and the treasurers were required to make a monthly written report (logos) of incomes and expenses, keeping these logoi in a box. At the end of their office,the annual accounting was made by means of the records extracted from the box. The increased strictness of the new procedure has reasonably been connected to a financial embezzlement. Thus, the decree helps to accept the idea of the considerable autonomyof Attic demes from the central government, so that they could act on their own internal rules to ensure the proper functioning of the local administration and economy.
Talks by Silvia Negro
Il santuario di Apollo Zoster a Vouliagmeni si collocava nel territorio del demo di Halai Aixonid... more Il santuario di Apollo Zoster a Vouliagmeni si collocava nel territorio del demo di Halai Aixonides. Gli scavi condotti nel Novecento in questa zona hanno restituito diversi documenti epigrafici, preziosi per ricostruire vari aspetti del culto e della gestione del santuario.
An overview of the institutional, economic, social and religious aspects of deme life through the... more An overview of the institutional, economic, social and religious aspects of deme life through the case of Halai Aixonides.
The territory of Vouliagmeni, the southern part of the ancient Attic deme of Halai Aixonides, has... more The territory of Vouliagmeni, the southern part of the ancient Attic deme of Halai Aixonides, has a very distinctive conformation, characterized by sheltered bays and long headlands. One of these, Laimos, hosted the temple dedicated to Apollo Zoster. Observation of the surrounding landscape and clues preserved in some passages of ancient authors suggest a close relationship between this territory and the development here of the sanctuary.
La riflessione sulla conformazione del territorio dei demi attici spesso non può prescindere da u... more La riflessione sulla conformazione del territorio dei demi attici spesso non può prescindere da un approccio che tenga conto delle informazioni conservate in documenti di natura anche molto diversa. Il caso preso in esame, il demo di Halai Aixonides, sito sulla costa ovest dell’Attica, risulta emblematico in questi termini. Infatti, vari tipi di fonti concorrono insieme a fornire dati utili alla ricostruzione e alla comprensione del paesaggio che caratterizzava l’area anticamente afferente al demo degli Halaieis.
The Attic cult of Apollo Zoster, who was worshipped by the Athenians who lived on the west coast ... more The Attic cult of Apollo Zoster, who was worshipped by the Athenians who lived on the west coast of Attica in the Cleisthenic deme of Halai Aixonides, is thoroughly analyzed from a historical and epigraphic point of view.
The reconstruction of the epigraphic corpus of the Attic deme Halai Aixonides is undoubtedly made... more The reconstruction of the epigraphic corpus of the Attic deme Halai Aixonides is undoubtedly made more complex by the well-known phenomena of clandestine excavations and illicit export of documents that have largely involved the Athenian world and the Attic territory in the past. The paper focuses on a few emblematic examples, also reconnected to other issues concerning this specific demotic context.
La toponomastica può fornire un contributo alla ricostruzione del territorio antico e spunti di r... more La toponomastica può fornire un contributo alla ricostruzione del territorio antico e spunti di riflessione per l’indagine storica, come mostra il caso esemplare del demo attico di Halai Aixonides. A partire dall’analisi dei due termini che costituiscono il toponimo, nel presente contributo si pone l'attenzione su diverse questioni, quali la relazione topografica con Aixone, il fenomeno dell’omonimia tra demi e, a fronte dell'etimo di Halai, riconnesso ἅλς, la localizzazione di tale risorsa in Attica e nel territorio del demo. La riflessione è condotta attraverso un approccio multidisciplinare, che permette di mettere in luce tutti gli indizi che emergono dal dialogo tra diverse tipologie documentarie.
Online publications by Silvia Negro
ELA id: 478, 2024
Epigraphic record for ELA database («The Epigraphic Landscape of Athens», University of Turin)
Organised events by Silvia Negro
Sanctuaires et paysages La découverte des lieux de culte en Italie méridionale, en Sicile et dans... more Sanctuaires et paysages La découverte des lieux de culte en Italie méridionale, en Sicile et dans le bassin égéen Sanctuaries and landscapes The discovery of cult places in Southern Italy, in Sicily, and in the Aegean Basin Programme 21-23 / 11 / 2023 Strasbourg, MISHA Campus Esplanade Salle des conférences Organisation
Papers by Silvia Negro
Talks by Silvia Negro
Online publications by Silvia Negro
Organised events by Silvia Negro