Papers by Davide Giubileo
Ktiseis. Fondazioni d'Occidente. Intrecci culturali tra Gela, Agrigento, Creta e Rodi. Atti delle XIV Giornate Gregoriane. Agrigento, Museo Archeologico 25-27 novembre 2022, 2024
Le ricerche condotte dall’Università di Bologna tra il 2019 e il 2022 presso le fornaci a ovest d... more Le ricerche condotte dall’Università di Bologna tra il 2019 e il 2022 presso le fornaci a ovest di Porta V ad Agrigento hanno permesso di delineare un quadro delle classi di materiali prodotte in questo settore dell’area artigianale. Si presentano in questa sede i risultati del preliminare studio quantitativo e morfologico condotto su tali materiali, prodotti dalle fornaci tra la fine del VI e la prima metà del V sec. a.C. e poi diffusi all’interno e al di fuori della polis.
The researches carried out by the University of Bologna between 2019 and 2022 at the kilns located west of Porta V in Agrigento have provided first data about the classes of materials produced in this area of the artisanal quarter. Here we present the results of the preliminary quantitative and morphological study conducted on these materials, that were produced by the kilns between the end of the sixth and the first half of the fifth century. B.C. and then traded within and outside the polis.
Ktiseis. Fondazioni d'Occidente. Intrecci culturali tra Gela, Agrigento, Creta e Rodi. Atti delle XIV Giornate Gregoriane. Agrigento, Museo Archeologico 25-27 novembre 2022, 2024
Nell’ambito delle recenti ricerche archeologiche condotte dall’Università di Bologna all’interno ... more Nell’ambito delle recenti ricerche archeologiche condotte dall’Università di Bologna all’interno della Casa III M del Quartiere ellenistico-romano di Agrigento, è stato possibile indagare livelli di vita al di sotto delle fasi abitative di età ellenistica e romana. I materiali ivi rinvenuti, relativi a ceramiche d’importazione corinzia, greco-orientale e attica e a forme di produzione coloniale e locale, datano dalla fondazione dell’apoikia fino alla fine del VI secolo a.C. e trovano stretta correlazione con altre evidenze provenienti dal medesimo quartiere abitativo, confermando la presenza greca nell’area già a partire dai primi decenni di vita della polis di Akragas.
The recent archaeological researches carried out by the University of Bologna in the Casa III M of the Hellenistic-Roman Quarter of Agrigento have investigated layers underneath the Hellenistic and Roman phases. The materials found there, related to Corinthian, East-Greek and Attic pottery and colonial and local productions, date between the foundation of the apoikia to the end of the sixth century B.C. Those are correlated with other evidences coming from the same residential area and confirm the Greek presence there in the first decades after the foundation of Akragas.
Landscape 3: una sintesi di elementi diacronici. Uomo e ambiente nel mondo antico: un equilibrio possibile?, 2023
The Progetto Bisignano is a fieldwalking survey project carried out in the territory of Bisignano... more The Progetto Bisignano is a fieldwalking survey project carried out in the territory of Bisignano (CS) with the aim of drawing up the archaeological map of the municipality. During the first campaign, fieldwork included both the verification of already known evidence and the survey of geomorphological units potentially occupied in Antiquity. The purpose of this paper is to provide a preliminary analysis of the collected pottery and surveyed topographic units. The Medieval and Renaissance ages are the most attested. However, new useful data emerge on possible areas of occupation in the Protohistoric age
Sicilia Antiqua, 2020
The resumption of the excavations in the Hellenistic-Roman quarter: the insula iii · The most rec... more The resumption of the excavations in the Hellenistic-Roman quarter: the insula iii · The most recent research in the Insula III of the Hellenistic- Roman Quarter of Agrigento has made it possible to propose some new considerations on the general structure of the block and in particular of two of its houses. The first one, Casa III A, provided the basic scheme of the domestic space (so-called pastàs house) and made it possible to define a reliable stratigraphic column – from the medieval to the archaic age – thanks to a trial trench carried out at its interior. The oldest structures and materials found in the trench confirm the frequentation of the housing area in the years immediately following the foundation of the colony. Here, in addition to the oldest structures, we will consider pottery fragments relating to Corinthian and East Greek productions unearthed during the recent excavations and the past investigations carried out during the 50s of the last century.
The second house, named III M in continuity with the research started by Ernesto De Miro in this sector of the city, has returned a large quantity of wall paintings and stucco decorations of which a first summary is provided here.
Keywords · Agrigento, Hellenistic-Roman quarter, Dwelling Forms.
La ripresa degli scavi nel Quartiere Ellenistico-Romano: L'Insula III, pp. 46-52, 2020
· The resumption of the excavations in the Hellenistic-Roman quarter: the insula iii · The most r... more · The resumption of the excavations in the Hellenistic-Roman quarter: the insula iii · The most recent research in the Insula III of the Hellenistic-Roman Quarter of Agrigento has made it possible to propose some new considerations on the general structure of the block and in particular of two of its houses. The first one, Casa III A, provided the basic scheme of the domestic space (so-called pastàs house) and made it possible to define a reliable stratigraphic column -from the medieval to the archaic agethanks to a trial trench carried out at its interior. The oldest structures and materials found in the trench confirm the frequentation of the housing area in the years immediately following the foundation of the colony. Here, in addition to the oldest structures, we will consider pottery fragments relating to Corinthian and East Greek productions unearthed during the recent excavations and the past investigations carried out during the 50s of the last century.
Conference Presentations by Davide Giubileo
by LANDSCAPE UNA SINTESI DI ELEMENTI DIACRONICI, Davide Gangale Risoleo, Paolo Liverani, Giuseppe Ceraudo, Maria Elisa Amadasi, Francesca Bindelli, Carlotta Borella, Alessandra Canale, Federica Carbotti, Margherita Casandra, Veronica Castignani, Davide Giubileo, Sara Malavasi, Michele Matteazzi, Giovanni Polizzi, Matteo Rivoli, Saverio Scerra, Sofia Vagnuzzi, and Francesca D'Ambola La progettazione di un mondo eco-sostenibile, che sappia convivere con l'ambiente circostante ris... more La progettazione di un mondo eco-sostenibile, che sappia convivere con l'ambiente circostante rispettando gli equilibri ecologici, è una delle sfide delle comunità contemporanee, non a caso è tra le linee guida di Horizon 2020.
La terza edizione di Landscape vuole tentare di declinare questa tematica nell'antichità, cercando di comprendere il livello di consapevolezza ecologica delle società antiche ed evidenziando quali sono state le scelte politiche ed economiche attuate tenendo in considerazione la componente ambientale.
Il convegno, organizzato in collaborazione con l'Università di Bologna e la Consulta di Topografia Antica, si terrà tra il 5 ed il 6 maggio 2022 a Bologna e Ravenna.
Papers by Davide Giubileo
The researches carried out by the University of Bologna between 2019 and 2022 at the kilns located west of Porta V in Agrigento have provided first data about the classes of materials produced in this area of the artisanal quarter. Here we present the results of the preliminary quantitative and morphological study conducted on these materials, that were produced by the kilns between the end of the sixth and the first half of the fifth century. B.C. and then traded within and outside the polis.
The recent archaeological researches carried out by the University of Bologna in the Casa III M of the Hellenistic-Roman Quarter of Agrigento have investigated layers underneath the Hellenistic and Roman phases. The materials found there, related to Corinthian, East-Greek and Attic pottery and colonial and local productions, date between the foundation of the apoikia to the end of the sixth century B.C. Those are correlated with other evidences coming from the same residential area and confirm the Greek presence there in the first decades after the foundation of Akragas.
The second house, named III M in continuity with the research started by Ernesto De Miro in this sector of the city, has returned a large quantity of wall paintings and stucco decorations of which a first summary is provided here.
Keywords · Agrigento, Hellenistic-Roman quarter, Dwelling Forms.
Conference Presentations by Davide Giubileo
La terza edizione di Landscape vuole tentare di declinare questa tematica nell'antichità, cercando di comprendere il livello di consapevolezza ecologica delle società antiche ed evidenziando quali sono state le scelte politiche ed economiche attuate tenendo in considerazione la componente ambientale.
Il convegno, organizzato in collaborazione con l'Università di Bologna e la Consulta di Topografia Antica, si terrà tra il 5 ed il 6 maggio 2022 a Bologna e Ravenna.
The researches carried out by the University of Bologna between 2019 and 2022 at the kilns located west of Porta V in Agrigento have provided first data about the classes of materials produced in this area of the artisanal quarter. Here we present the results of the preliminary quantitative and morphological study conducted on these materials, that were produced by the kilns between the end of the sixth and the first half of the fifth century. B.C. and then traded within and outside the polis.
The recent archaeological researches carried out by the University of Bologna in the Casa III M of the Hellenistic-Roman Quarter of Agrigento have investigated layers underneath the Hellenistic and Roman phases. The materials found there, related to Corinthian, East-Greek and Attic pottery and colonial and local productions, date between the foundation of the apoikia to the end of the sixth century B.C. Those are correlated with other evidences coming from the same residential area and confirm the Greek presence there in the first decades after the foundation of Akragas.
The second house, named III M in continuity with the research started by Ernesto De Miro in this sector of the city, has returned a large quantity of wall paintings and stucco decorations of which a first summary is provided here.
Keywords · Agrigento, Hellenistic-Roman quarter, Dwelling Forms.
La terza edizione di Landscape vuole tentare di declinare questa tematica nell'antichità, cercando di comprendere il livello di consapevolezza ecologica delle società antiche ed evidenziando quali sono state le scelte politiche ed economiche attuate tenendo in considerazione la componente ambientale.
Il convegno, organizzato in collaborazione con l'Università di Bologna e la Consulta di Topografia Antica, si terrà tra il 5 ed il 6 maggio 2022 a Bologna e Ravenna.