Books by Francisco Marfil Vazquez
Onoba Monografías, 2022
La arquitectura pública romana en general, y los complejos forenses en particular, suponen una de... more La arquitectura pública romana en general, y los complejos forenses en particular, suponen una de las grandes líneas de investigación que articulan el conocimiento que actualmente se tiene sobre Roma. En este sentido, la necesidad de mantener el control sobre un territorio tan amplio obligó a desarrollar una potente maquinaria pública capaz de hacer valer su dominio sobre poblaciones muy distantes y dispares. Un organismo que diseñó, especialmente a partir de época imperial, un nuevo lenguaje paisajístico plasmado en el forum como espacio de máxima representación del Estado, las provinciae, sus ciudades y oligarquías. En esta monografía se analiza el foro bético de manera minuciosa, concentrando todos aquellos estudios que han tratado cada uno de sus testimonios en su notable desarrollo historiográfico para comprenderlo no solo como conjunto arquitectónico, sino como sede y representación del poder oficial, configurando un microcosmos cuyo entendimiento resulta necesario para poder entender el fenómeno urbano en su totalidad. De este modo, se incluye dentro de la línea de investigación centrada en la implantación y evolución del fenómeno urbano.
Papers by Francisco Marfil Vazquez
Lucentum, 2025
El avance del conocimiento del ámbito costero bético está definiendo un panorama heterogéneo y va... more El avance del conocimiento del ámbito costero bético está definiendo un panorama heterogéneo y variable generado a partir de la implantación del modelo productivo, comercial y fiscal romano. Las políticas territoriales y la inclusión de la península en las redes mercantiles trajeron consigo un profundo cambio en los modelos de explotación de los recursos naturales. El nuevo sistema se sustentó en una jerarquización del territorio y la creación de una estructura portuaria con los principales núcleos urbanos a la cabeza (Gades, Baelo Claudia, Iulia Traducta, Carteia, etc.), generándose en torno a éstos un poblamiento especializado en la producción y dependiente de los primeros. Los sucesivos estudios parecen apuntar a una serie de diferencias territoriales que permiten definir distintas áreas o distritos portuarios con características poblacionales y evolutivas propias.
En el caso del área del Estrecho de Gibraltar, la preponderancia tradicional de Gadir como referente comercial en las rutas atlánticas marcará en buena medida el desarrollo de toda su área de influencia durante el periodo romano. En este sentido, los enclaves costeros identificados en la actual provincia gaditana presentan unas características en cuanto a su desarrollo, patrones y ritmos de ocupación y producción que la diferencian de otras áreas béticas como pueden ser la actual costa onubense y malagueña, propiciando la identificación del litoral gaditano como un área o distrito portuario.
Sagvntum, 2024
The succession of studies carried out in the port cities and halieutic and pottery industrial ins... more The succession of studies carried out in the port cities and halieutic and pottery industrial installations of the mid-Peninsula have highlighted
the existence of a changing and varied landscape throughout the whole Antiquity. In this sense, the undeniable qualitative improvement made
by Rome thanks to its territorial planning with the clear objective of optimising the exploitation of resources and their organisation through
a solid mercantile network, brought with it a process of relative homogenisation of the whole Provincia. This circumstance changed in the
Low-Imperial period, from which time onwards, the differences in terms of population were accentuated due to the social, administrative and
economic diversity of each area, characteristics that were determined by the urban centres that managed and articulated the regions under
their influence.
La organización fiscal del litoral malacitano en época romana: una hipótesis a partir de sus infraestructuras portuarias y su evolución comercial, 2024
The economic growth caused by the inclusion of the territory in the commercial networks of Rome w... more The economic growth caused by the inclusion of the territory in the commercial networks of Rome was sustained by a complex system of enclaves oriented towards industrial production. The territorial differences resulted in a unique panorama that was configured from the dependence and leadership of the large urban centres, from which smaller nuclei developed whose articulation responded to the very organisation of maritime trade, forming areas of influence. The analysis of these sites and their port infrastructures allows us to suppose how not only maritime trade, but also the provincial fiscal system itself, was hierarchised and structured.
Virtual Archaeology Review (VAR), Jul 2023
The progress of archaeological research, as well as the improved means of analysis and data proce... more The progress of archaeological research, as well as the improved means of analysis and data processing, is leading to a notable advance in the knowledge we have of such complex enclaves as Roman ports. In this sense, the progression in terms of the definition of urban planning, the greater knowledge in the identification of the so-called "contact structures" such as docks or wharves, the progress of underwater archaeology to locate wrecks and known anchorage areas, as well as the rest of the evidence linked to port infrastructures, allows researchers to articulate a more specific discourse about how the port functioned in the Ancient period. Nevertheless, these areas, defined by combining productive, administrative, commercial, fiscal and service environments, still remain one of the least known of Roman culture. Thus, classical sources, numismatics or pictorial, musivarian or sculptural representations are the main references for the theoretical composition of these spaces. This circumstance is mainly due to two causes: the lack of evidence caused by water –related erosive action on the structures, and the ephemeral nature of wood or other perishable elements when making some constructions.
Among the infrastructures that define a port, such as jetties, administrative buildings or stationes, cetariae, horrea, etc., the pharus stands out: a monumental element whose main functions were to signal the entrance to the port and to articulate the arrival and departure of ships; the pharus normally had complementary systems of lights, sound signals or other visual elements such as flags. Although they are large constructions, they are built without complexity, according to the references in the sources and representations; they have a simple architecture: a wide base upon which a series of bodies are arranged and which are topped by a bonfire or luminaria. Their importance, beyond the functional aspect, is reflected in the multiple representations of these elements, at times becoming the hallmark of the port in question or of the city itself, appearing on its coins.
The Baetic coast, as one of the main industrial and trading territories of the High Imperial period, has a large number of important ports, most of which are located on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar. These include Onoba as a port of departure for the metalla of the southwest, Gades and its hegemonic role in the south of the peninsula, enclaves with a large productive volume and/or determining factors in the North African connections, such as Baelo Claudia, Iulia Traducta, Carteia, Suel and Malaca, etc. Despite their importance and the definition of several of these cases as annonary ports, archaeology has only been able to confirm the existence of structures linked to a lighthouse structure in the city of Onoba; about the rest, there are only hypotheses about their existence and possible location.
On this basis, this work has analysed the Baetic port network configuration on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar. To this end, a geographic information system (GIS) has been designed; the evidence and hypotheses on the lighthouse structures that were distributed between the ports of the current provinces of Huelva, Cadiz and Malaga have been included. With this information, calculations of visibility basins (viewshed) have been carried out based on estimated heights according to the reference bibliography. Since the result showed large "gaps" in the coastline, the port and productive infrastructures of the rest of the urban enclaves in this context were studied; the objective was to establish the possible locations of lighthouses by combining them with the geomorphological and palaeotopographical data plus information on the usual locations. Even with the addition of these new data, this process has revealed a panorama in which, apparently and taking into account the current state of research, the lighthouse as a monumental construction is not likely to have been a frequent infrastructure in the Baetic port landscapes. This information, similar to that identified in other ports such as Carthago Nova and supported by some data referred to in classical sources, has made it possible to propose a hierarchical configuration of this territory ports; by indicating only some of them as points where the official or annonary routes converged and those destined for redistribution at regional or local level, a series of first-level enclaves are defined as annonary ports, relegating the rest of the commercial nodes to a secondary or less relevant category, regardless oftheir urban nature.
Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 2023
Nowadays, the study of ports in Hispania has a firmly established line of research highlighting t... more Nowadays, the study of ports in Hispania has a firmly established line of research highlighting the port configuration of numerous Atlantic and Mediterranean cities. Within this context, along the coasts of the Iberian
Peninsula —as well as in the course of the main rivers— the port ettlements that mark the water from the Mediterranean to the Cantabrian Sea have a series of structures or environments whose architectural elements seem to follow standard patterns in their structural systems and location that are perpetuated throughout their evolution. The common need to solve the various problems caused by maritime traffic and port activity linked to the commercial networks of an increasingly complex provincialized imperial economy seems to lie in their endowment.
Lvcentvm, 2023
The change of government that began to develop under the rule of Caesar ended up taking the shape... more The change of government that began to develop under the rule of Caesar ended up taking the shape of a new system that Rome would inherit from Augustus. In this sense, the reforms implemented by the Princeps came with a context of stability and prosperity thanks to the establishment of the Pax and certain municipalising policies in the Hispanic territory, a territory that experienced a wave of monumentalisation where the cities tried to show their new status, as well as their submission to the control of the Urbs. Likewise, the emergence of the imperial forum as a transmitter of the new sense of state forced the provincial urban centres to adopt the recent architectural models that emanated directly from the Augustan ideology itself. The particular characteristics of Hispania and its cities largely conditioned the implementation of the new forum archetype. Thus, as it spread throughout the territory, it underwent a series of changes and modifications that resulted in a mixed provincial picture. This process of «provincialisation» developed throughout the first centuries of the Imperial period, modifying and adapting the successive archetypes that emanated from the Urbs as they spread throughout the Hispanic territory. Finally, this process was affected by many factors. The legal status of the city, the nature of its elites, its administrative status in the provincial context, its political and economic power or the cultural heritage of these populations, are just some of the elements that played a determining role in the configuration of its fora as the main urban landmark representing the central power.
Research into what is known as the Atlantic Europe of Southwest Spain has highlighted an importan... more Research into what is known as the Atlantic Europe of Southwest Spain has highlighted an important network of fluvial coastal anchorages that, in a diachronic way, mark the coastline from the mouth of the Baetis River to the Anas. Most are associated with fishing factories, coastal population settlements, or the port of Onoba itself, and all have meaningful commercial traffic in products that show extensive Mediterranean and Atlantic commercial networks. Based on this context, the aim of this article is to demonstrate that these stationes, besides developing and keeping trade networks, provided a place for boats to shelter as they moved along the southwest coast. To do this, various terrestrial and subaquatic archaeological testimonies will be analyzed, which support the existence and development of a group of ports and anchorage areas with different port and commercial maritime models.
Revista Onoba, 2021
The Roman forensic complex has been defined as the space of maximum political and social expressi... more The Roman forensic complex has been defined as the space of maximum political and social expression of its urban world, especially in its provincial aspect, where it should reflect the own dominion that Rome exercised over the territory. Within these groups, the aedes is situated as a privileged building, dominating a
monumentalized and hierarchical landscape in which a special care will be placed in the choice and combination of the materials, elements and symbology of each of the buildings on the forum. Its significance as the maximum exponent of forensic spaces place it, as it could not be otherwise, as the image of its city, its population and its territory. In this sense, the comparative analysis of all the templar buildings found in the Betic and Hispanic forensic context will provide us with the possibility of knowing how the government of the provinces was articulated, the proper organization or categorization of their cities based on their functions politicaladministrative, the difference between the elites of the small municipia and the capital of the provincial
demarcations themselves, and even the general comparison of the three Hispanic provinces.
Pyrenae. Revista de Prehistòria i Antiguitat de la Mediterrània Occidental, 2021
The changes produced in the Roman State model from its foundation to its expansion throughout the... more The changes produced in the Roman State model from its foundation to its expansion throughout the Mediterranean brought with it the evolution of the civic centers in which power was represented. The arrival and subsequent domination of the Iberian Peninsula by Rome led to a decisive change in the configuration of the fora located in these provinciae, marked by the evolution from a Republican model to an imperial one, individual and unidirectional. These changes were reflected the evolution of fora archetypes developed at this stage and imported from the Urbs to the provincial capitals which acted as centres of their diffusion.
Anales de Arqueología Cordobesa, 2019
The study of the different marble elements conserved and assigned
to the Baetica forums has allow... more The study of the different marble elements conserved and assigned
to the Baetica forums has allowed the hierarchy of the components of
the public architectural landscape of their cities. An order that will be
determined by the use of the marbles of different origin depending on
factors such as the piece that was intended to be made, its location
within the forensic scenario, the dignitas of the city, the economic power
of its urban elites or the possible connection between that community
and the emperor. The arrival to the power of Augusto will suppose a true
revolution that will encompass all political, religious, social and cultural
aspects; a new era in which the public architecture will be put at the
service of the princeps and that in the Betic territory will live a second
and last stylistic renewal after the ascension of the Ulpia-Aelia dynasty.
ONOBA, 2018
This work made a comparative analysis between which was the main southern port of the Ibe... more This work made a comparative analysis between which was the main southern port of the Iberian Peninsula before the arrival of Rome -Gades - and which will assume that predominant condition after the conformation of the Baetica Province -Hispalis- thank of the impulse that will provide it the development as an annonary port and gateway to the province after the Augustan reforms. In the second half of the Ist. century BC and specially at the beginning of the principality, both cities will seen an important urban development, transformation and increase of productive spaces and development of economic sectors. However, in the future of the Ist. c. AC the port of Seville will see an important takeoff as a Betic port core, confirmed by economic indicators as well as by the presence of important magistrates and imperial officials.
Book chapters by Francisco Marfil Vazquez
M. L. Caldelli, N. Laubry e F. Zevi (ed), Ostia e Portus dalla Repubblica alla Tarda Antichità : studi di archeologia e di storia urbana sui porti di Roma. Collection de l'École française de Rome 612, 2023
The following paper shows the results of the archaeological research carried out in the east-west... more The following paper shows the results of the archaeological research carried out in the east-west dock of Portus in 2019. In this sense, the results of this intervention are presented, in a preliminary way, with a particular focus on the upper area of the head of the mole. The excavation activities have highlighted numerous environments, compartments, attached piers, etc. that allow drawing a more complex reality than our previous knowledge. From this perspective, since its foundation phase, the addition, remodeling and reconstruction of numerous spaces can be observed, until the transition to Late Antiquity.
Las actuales investigaciones que se están desarrollando en numerosas ciudades costeras y fluviale... more Las actuales investigaciones que se están desarrollando en numerosas ciudades costeras y fluviales atlánticas tanto en la Bética como en la Lusitania, así como en Portus y Ostia Antica, reflejan un importante nivel de desarrollo comercial entre las correspondientes áreas geográficas del atlántico sudhispánico, el mediterráneo occidental y los puertos
imperiales, focos de atracción de las principales mercancías y productos que se exportaban desde los primeros.
La ruta portuaria del arco atlántico del suroeste que se presenta en las siguientes páginas supone una síntesis relativa al conocimiento de los principales puertos marítimos y fluviales objeto de estudio en el proyecto DEATLANTIR, sus principales novedades arqueológicas, así como el conocimiento que a día de hoy se tiene de los mismos. En esta
ruta se podrá seguir la dinámica histórica y arqueológica de todo un conjunto de ciudades, la mayoría superpuestas, cuyo conocimiento se encontraba fragmentado y carente de síntesis. El lector igualmente
encontrará bibliografía de referencia que le permitirá profundizar en aspectos y detalles de mayor calado.
En el marco del convenio firmado entre el Parque Arqueológico de Ostia Antica y la Universidad de... more En el marco del convenio firmado entre el Parque Arqueológico de Ostia Antica y la Universidad de Huelva, se inició un proyecto de investigación sobre uno de los muelles internos de Portus, el conocido como Molo della Lanterna. Aquí presentamos los resultados de la primera campaña
de estudio, en particular, el análisis de la cabeza del muelle, lo que nos permite tener un conocimiento preliminar de la estructura, así como del sistema de elementos de atraque de este complejo portuario. Los datos obtenidos hasta ahora se refieren principalmente al sistema de construcción, las últimas fases de uso de las estructuras, en torno a mediados del siglo v d. C., así como información sobre el paleoambiente circundante.
M. L. Caldelli, N. Laubry, e F. Zevi (ed), Ostia, l'Italia e il Mediterraneo. Intorno all'opera di Mireille Cébeillac-Gervasoni. Collection de l'École française de Rome 583, 2021
In the framework of the memorandum signed between the Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica and the ... more In the framework of the memorandum signed between the Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica and the University of Huelva, a research project has been started on one of the internal east-west piers of Portus, the one known as “Molo della Lanterna”. Here we present the results of the first excavation campaign, in particular the analysis of the structure in the front area of the pier, which allow to have a preliminary knowledge of a very significant part of the main port system of the Roman Empire. Data were obtained concerning the construction of the quay head and the last phases of use of the structures, following the 5th century C.E. Finally, were obtained data on the paleo-environment and sea levels during the life of the structure.
M. B. Carre et Pierre Excoffon (ed), Les ports dans l’espace méditerranéen antique. Fréjus et les ports maritimes. Aix-en-Provence : Presses universitaires de Provence : Centre Camille Jullian, 2021
We present the results of the first excavations to be conducted at the extremity of the east/west... more We present the results of the first excavations to be conducted at the extremity of the east/west mole of Portus, the molo della Lanterna (2017-2018 campaign). This intervention is part of a research convention involving the Archaeological Park of
Ostia Antica and the University of Huelva. The archaeological and architectural analyses and the excavation of several sectors at the foot of the end of the mole have provided initial information regarding construction methods and the final phases in the life
of the structure, towards the mid-5th century. The excavation has also led to a better understanding of the paleoenvironment and changes in sea level during the period when the jetty was in use.
XEncuentro de Arqueología del Suroeste Penínsular Encontro de Arqueologia do Sudoeste Peninsular, 2022
Los trabajos realizados durante la campaña de 2017 en el área sepulcral septentrional de la ciuda... more Los trabajos realizados durante la campaña de 2017 en el área sepulcral septentrional de la ciudad nos han permitido aproximarnos a cuestiones tan relevantes para el mundo funerario como conocer cuál fue su organización topográfica, cuáles fueron las estructuras monumentales de corte itálico más demandadas por la población autóctona, qué tipologías sepulcrales fueron las más empleadas a nivel individual y, por supuesto, acercarnos de primera mano a la manera en la que la población de la ciudad de Arucci adoptó el funus romano. En definitiva, si el conocimiento de los rituales y las tipologías funerarias empleadas es importante, es porque a través de ellos es posible rastrear el nivel real de romanización alcanzado por la población, dado que esta no dudó en demostrarla visualmente en cuestiones menos personales como el urbanismo o las instituciones municipales, pero no así en temas tan profundos e íntimos como las costumbres religiosas.
XEncuentro de Arqueología del Suroeste Penínsular Encontro de Arqueologia do Sudoeste Peninsular, 2022
The last excavation campaign carried out in the site of the Hispano-Roman city of Arucci has allo... more The last excavation campaign carried out in the site of the Hispano-Roman city of Arucci has allowed to know the complete plant of a house from Roman age that has come to be called as Domus of Peristyle because it has a large space in its back This work aims to be a brief synthesis of the work carried out and a first approach to the
preliminary results obtained in regard to its building floor and possible construction phases
XEncuentro de Arqueología del Suroeste Penínsular Encontro de Arqueologia do Sudoeste Peninsular, 2022
The successive interventions developed in the Arucci site have allowed us to obtain an outstandin... more The successive interventions developed in the Arucci site have allowed us to obtain an outstanding volume of data related to the urban planning of the city and its diachronic evolution through some of its unique elements
such as the forum, macellum, campus and various domestic environments. The so-called column house is the paradigm of a domestic-craft environment, with a changing morphology that allows recognize in its, different phases of the own city, from its foundation to its collapse, identifying, at the same time, the moment of maximum urban
development apogee. In the same way, the archaeo-architectural analysis is a key tool for the definition of this space in contrast to other domestic environments of a more noble character such as the so-called north house or the peristilo house.
Books by Francisco Marfil Vazquez
Papers by Francisco Marfil Vazquez
En el caso del área del Estrecho de Gibraltar, la preponderancia tradicional de Gadir como referente comercial en las rutas atlánticas marcará en buena medida el desarrollo de toda su área de influencia durante el periodo romano. En este sentido, los enclaves costeros identificados en la actual provincia gaditana presentan unas características en cuanto a su desarrollo, patrones y ritmos de ocupación y producción que la diferencian de otras áreas béticas como pueden ser la actual costa onubense y malagueña, propiciando la identificación del litoral gaditano como un área o distrito portuario.
the existence of a changing and varied landscape throughout the whole Antiquity. In this sense, the undeniable qualitative improvement made
by Rome thanks to its territorial planning with the clear objective of optimising the exploitation of resources and their organisation through
a solid mercantile network, brought with it a process of relative homogenisation of the whole Provincia. This circumstance changed in the
Low-Imperial period, from which time onwards, the differences in terms of population were accentuated due to the social, administrative and
economic diversity of each area, characteristics that were determined by the urban centres that managed and articulated the regions under
their influence.
Among the infrastructures that define a port, such as jetties, administrative buildings or stationes, cetariae, horrea, etc., the pharus stands out: a monumental element whose main functions were to signal the entrance to the port and to articulate the arrival and departure of ships; the pharus normally had complementary systems of lights, sound signals or other visual elements such as flags. Although they are large constructions, they are built without complexity, according to the references in the sources and representations; they have a simple architecture: a wide base upon which a series of bodies are arranged and which are topped by a bonfire or luminaria. Their importance, beyond the functional aspect, is reflected in the multiple representations of these elements, at times becoming the hallmark of the port in question or of the city itself, appearing on its coins.
The Baetic coast, as one of the main industrial and trading territories of the High Imperial period, has a large number of important ports, most of which are located on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar. These include Onoba as a port of departure for the metalla of the southwest, Gades and its hegemonic role in the south of the peninsula, enclaves with a large productive volume and/or determining factors in the North African connections, such as Baelo Claudia, Iulia Traducta, Carteia, Suel and Malaca, etc. Despite their importance and the definition of several of these cases as annonary ports, archaeology has only been able to confirm the existence of structures linked to a lighthouse structure in the city of Onoba; about the rest, there are only hypotheses about their existence and possible location.
On this basis, this work has analysed the Baetic port network configuration on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar. To this end, a geographic information system (GIS) has been designed; the evidence and hypotheses on the lighthouse structures that were distributed between the ports of the current provinces of Huelva, Cadiz and Malaga have been included. With this information, calculations of visibility basins (viewshed) have been carried out based on estimated heights according to the reference bibliography. Since the result showed large "gaps" in the coastline, the port and productive infrastructures of the rest of the urban enclaves in this context were studied; the objective was to establish the possible locations of lighthouses by combining them with the geomorphological and palaeotopographical data plus information on the usual locations. Even with the addition of these new data, this process has revealed a panorama in which, apparently and taking into account the current state of research, the lighthouse as a monumental construction is not likely to have been a frequent infrastructure in the Baetic port landscapes. This information, similar to that identified in other ports such as Carthago Nova and supported by some data referred to in classical sources, has made it possible to propose a hierarchical configuration of this territory ports; by indicating only some of them as points where the official or annonary routes converged and those destined for redistribution at regional or local level, a series of first-level enclaves are defined as annonary ports, relegating the rest of the commercial nodes to a secondary or less relevant category, regardless oftheir urban nature.
Peninsula —as well as in the course of the main rivers— the port ettlements that mark the water from the Mediterranean to the Cantabrian Sea have a series of structures or environments whose architectural elements seem to follow standard patterns in their structural systems and location that are perpetuated throughout their evolution. The common need to solve the various problems caused by maritime traffic and port activity linked to the commercial networks of an increasingly complex provincialized imperial economy seems to lie in their endowment.
monumentalized and hierarchical landscape in which a special care will be placed in the choice and combination of the materials, elements and symbology of each of the buildings on the forum. Its significance as the maximum exponent of forensic spaces place it, as it could not be otherwise, as the image of its city, its population and its territory. In this sense, the comparative analysis of all the templar buildings found in the Betic and Hispanic forensic context will provide us with the possibility of knowing how the government of the provinces was articulated, the proper organization or categorization of their cities based on their functions politicaladministrative, the difference between the elites of the small municipia and the capital of the provincial
demarcations themselves, and even the general comparison of the three Hispanic provinces.
to the Baetica forums has allowed the hierarchy of the components of
the public architectural landscape of their cities. An order that will be
determined by the use of the marbles of different origin depending on
factors such as the piece that was intended to be made, its location
within the forensic scenario, the dignitas of the city, the economic power
of its urban elites or the possible connection between that community
and the emperor. The arrival to the power of Augusto will suppose a true
revolution that will encompass all political, religious, social and cultural
aspects; a new era in which the public architecture will be put at the
service of the princeps and that in the Betic territory will live a second
and last stylistic renewal after the ascension of the Ulpia-Aelia dynasty.
Book chapters by Francisco Marfil Vazquez
imperiales, focos de atracción de las principales mercancías y productos que se exportaban desde los primeros.
La ruta portuaria del arco atlántico del suroeste que se presenta en las siguientes páginas supone una síntesis relativa al conocimiento de los principales puertos marítimos y fluviales objeto de estudio en el proyecto DEATLANTIR, sus principales novedades arqueológicas, así como el conocimiento que a día de hoy se tiene de los mismos. En esta
ruta se podrá seguir la dinámica histórica y arqueológica de todo un conjunto de ciudades, la mayoría superpuestas, cuyo conocimiento se encontraba fragmentado y carente de síntesis. El lector igualmente
encontrará bibliografía de referencia que le permitirá profundizar en aspectos y detalles de mayor calado.
de estudio, en particular, el análisis de la cabeza del muelle, lo que nos permite tener un conocimiento preliminar de la estructura, así como del sistema de elementos de atraque de este complejo portuario. Los datos obtenidos hasta ahora se refieren principalmente al sistema de construcción, las últimas fases de uso de las estructuras, en torno a mediados del siglo v d. C., así como información sobre el paleoambiente circundante.
Ostia Antica and the University of Huelva. The archaeological and architectural analyses and the excavation of several sectors at the foot of the end of the mole have provided initial information regarding construction methods and the final phases in the life
of the structure, towards the mid-5th century. The excavation has also led to a better understanding of the paleoenvironment and changes in sea level during the period when the jetty was in use.
preliminary results obtained in regard to its building floor and possible construction phases
such as the forum, macellum, campus and various domestic environments. The so-called column house is the paradigm of a domestic-craft environment, with a changing morphology that allows recognize in its, different phases of the own city, from its foundation to its collapse, identifying, at the same time, the moment of maximum urban
development apogee. In the same way, the archaeo-architectural analysis is a key tool for the definition of this space in contrast to other domestic environments of a more noble character such as the so-called north house or the peristilo house.
En el caso del área del Estrecho de Gibraltar, la preponderancia tradicional de Gadir como referente comercial en las rutas atlánticas marcará en buena medida el desarrollo de toda su área de influencia durante el periodo romano. En este sentido, los enclaves costeros identificados en la actual provincia gaditana presentan unas características en cuanto a su desarrollo, patrones y ritmos de ocupación y producción que la diferencian de otras áreas béticas como pueden ser la actual costa onubense y malagueña, propiciando la identificación del litoral gaditano como un área o distrito portuario.
the existence of a changing and varied landscape throughout the whole Antiquity. In this sense, the undeniable qualitative improvement made
by Rome thanks to its territorial planning with the clear objective of optimising the exploitation of resources and their organisation through
a solid mercantile network, brought with it a process of relative homogenisation of the whole Provincia. This circumstance changed in the
Low-Imperial period, from which time onwards, the differences in terms of population were accentuated due to the social, administrative and
economic diversity of each area, characteristics that were determined by the urban centres that managed and articulated the regions under
their influence.
Among the infrastructures that define a port, such as jetties, administrative buildings or stationes, cetariae, horrea, etc., the pharus stands out: a monumental element whose main functions were to signal the entrance to the port and to articulate the arrival and departure of ships; the pharus normally had complementary systems of lights, sound signals or other visual elements such as flags. Although they are large constructions, they are built without complexity, according to the references in the sources and representations; they have a simple architecture: a wide base upon which a series of bodies are arranged and which are topped by a bonfire or luminaria. Their importance, beyond the functional aspect, is reflected in the multiple representations of these elements, at times becoming the hallmark of the port in question or of the city itself, appearing on its coins.
The Baetic coast, as one of the main industrial and trading territories of the High Imperial period, has a large number of important ports, most of which are located on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar. These include Onoba as a port of departure for the metalla of the southwest, Gades and its hegemonic role in the south of the peninsula, enclaves with a large productive volume and/or determining factors in the North African connections, such as Baelo Claudia, Iulia Traducta, Carteia, Suel and Malaca, etc. Despite their importance and the definition of several of these cases as annonary ports, archaeology has only been able to confirm the existence of structures linked to a lighthouse structure in the city of Onoba; about the rest, there are only hypotheses about their existence and possible location.
On this basis, this work has analysed the Baetic port network configuration on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar. To this end, a geographic information system (GIS) has been designed; the evidence and hypotheses on the lighthouse structures that were distributed between the ports of the current provinces of Huelva, Cadiz and Malaga have been included. With this information, calculations of visibility basins (viewshed) have been carried out based on estimated heights according to the reference bibliography. Since the result showed large "gaps" in the coastline, the port and productive infrastructures of the rest of the urban enclaves in this context were studied; the objective was to establish the possible locations of lighthouses by combining them with the geomorphological and palaeotopographical data plus information on the usual locations. Even with the addition of these new data, this process has revealed a panorama in which, apparently and taking into account the current state of research, the lighthouse as a monumental construction is not likely to have been a frequent infrastructure in the Baetic port landscapes. This information, similar to that identified in other ports such as Carthago Nova and supported by some data referred to in classical sources, has made it possible to propose a hierarchical configuration of this territory ports; by indicating only some of them as points where the official or annonary routes converged and those destined for redistribution at regional or local level, a series of first-level enclaves are defined as annonary ports, relegating the rest of the commercial nodes to a secondary or less relevant category, regardless oftheir urban nature.
Peninsula —as well as in the course of the main rivers— the port ettlements that mark the water from the Mediterranean to the Cantabrian Sea have a series of structures or environments whose architectural elements seem to follow standard patterns in their structural systems and location that are perpetuated throughout their evolution. The common need to solve the various problems caused by maritime traffic and port activity linked to the commercial networks of an increasingly complex provincialized imperial economy seems to lie in their endowment.
monumentalized and hierarchical landscape in which a special care will be placed in the choice and combination of the materials, elements and symbology of each of the buildings on the forum. Its significance as the maximum exponent of forensic spaces place it, as it could not be otherwise, as the image of its city, its population and its territory. In this sense, the comparative analysis of all the templar buildings found in the Betic and Hispanic forensic context will provide us with the possibility of knowing how the government of the provinces was articulated, the proper organization or categorization of their cities based on their functions politicaladministrative, the difference between the elites of the small municipia and the capital of the provincial
demarcations themselves, and even the general comparison of the three Hispanic provinces.
to the Baetica forums has allowed the hierarchy of the components of
the public architectural landscape of their cities. An order that will be
determined by the use of the marbles of different origin depending on
factors such as the piece that was intended to be made, its location
within the forensic scenario, the dignitas of the city, the economic power
of its urban elites or the possible connection between that community
and the emperor. The arrival to the power of Augusto will suppose a true
revolution that will encompass all political, religious, social and cultural
aspects; a new era in which the public architecture will be put at the
service of the princeps and that in the Betic territory will live a second
and last stylistic renewal after the ascension of the Ulpia-Aelia dynasty.
imperiales, focos de atracción de las principales mercancías y productos que se exportaban desde los primeros.
La ruta portuaria del arco atlántico del suroeste que se presenta en las siguientes páginas supone una síntesis relativa al conocimiento de los principales puertos marítimos y fluviales objeto de estudio en el proyecto DEATLANTIR, sus principales novedades arqueológicas, así como el conocimiento que a día de hoy se tiene de los mismos. En esta
ruta se podrá seguir la dinámica histórica y arqueológica de todo un conjunto de ciudades, la mayoría superpuestas, cuyo conocimiento se encontraba fragmentado y carente de síntesis. El lector igualmente
encontrará bibliografía de referencia que le permitirá profundizar en aspectos y detalles de mayor calado.
de estudio, en particular, el análisis de la cabeza del muelle, lo que nos permite tener un conocimiento preliminar de la estructura, así como del sistema de elementos de atraque de este complejo portuario. Los datos obtenidos hasta ahora se refieren principalmente al sistema de construcción, las últimas fases de uso de las estructuras, en torno a mediados del siglo v d. C., así como información sobre el paleoambiente circundante.
Ostia Antica and the University of Huelva. The archaeological and architectural analyses and the excavation of several sectors at the foot of the end of the mole have provided initial information regarding construction methods and the final phases in the life
of the structure, towards the mid-5th century. The excavation has also led to a better understanding of the paleoenvironment and changes in sea level during the period when the jetty was in use.
preliminary results obtained in regard to its building floor and possible construction phases
such as the forum, macellum, campus and various domestic environments. The so-called column house is the paradigm of a domestic-craft environment, with a changing morphology that allows recognize in its, different phases of the own city, from its foundation to its collapse, identifying, at the same time, the moment of maximum urban
development apogee. In the same way, the archaeo-architectural analysis is a key tool for the definition of this space in contrast to other domestic environments of a more noble character such as the so-called north house or the peristilo house.
archaeological study of the known structures as well as of the hydraulic works in general encouraged the Area of Archaeology
of the University of Huelva to carry out an archaeological study on the remaining hydraulic structures. This intervention has resulted into the location of the several structures, the establishment of a chronology of the original construction and of the different phases of remodelling, as well as the description of the diachronic sequence of the aqueduct
west, so-called lantern. In this contribution the main results of the first actions on this dock are exposed, which was configured as one of the main ones of the port complex by articulating the maritime traffic between the outer and inner docks, as well as with the so-called canale trasverso. The data obtained to date, still in the analysis and study process phase, show preliminary results that allow us to understand, for the first time, the structure’s construction system, its diachronic study, as well as the last phases of
activity of the pier.
de cara al conocimiento de estas instalaciones y sus producciones en el tránsito de época medieval a la moderna.
hidráulicas que conformaron el aquaeductus de Onoba, con un especial énfasis en el análisis
arqueoarquitectónico y de cotas de la denominada Fuente Vieja, ya que la conjunción de
ambos elementos ha permitido establecer una secuencia cronológica faseada de las diferentes
obras que son hoy día apreciables tanto en el interior como en el exterior del depósito y sus
galerías. Al mismo tiempo se ha podido confirmar, sin ningún género de dudas, su datación en
época romana, así como su funcionalidad como piscina limaria para estos primeros momentos
fundacionales. No obstante, también se ha podido determinar cómo esta estructura primara
sufrió importantes reformas marcadas por las necesidades de abastecimiento de agua de la
población en diferentes periodos históricos, que terminaron alterando su morfología hasta el
punto de convertirla en una fuente.
funerario, entre otras, por lo que respecta a este segundo volumen su carácter es significativamente distinto. Es pues, de acuerdo con esta idea, que en el presente tomo el lector encontrará el corpus de ciudades béticas propiamente dicho, esto es, todo el elenco de ciudades así como la información y sistematización de las mismas; de tal modo este compendio es el que otorga sentido en última instancia a este proyecto y supone el germen del mismo.
Public architecture in general and furrms complexes in particular were the main indicator of the status of a city and its elite in the Classical world. Sustained in an everghetical system, the monumental constructions had to reflect the dignitas of a city for being the seat of the political, judicial and economic power of that politically constituted citizen community. For the Betic case there are numerous material testimonies of fora that allow to establish the development of different architectural models in the Province; they are, with greater prominence, the Conuentus Hispalensis and Astigitanus in which we find, to date, the largest number of these monumental public enclosures. The following work is a synthesis in which are collected, their characteristics and particularities, being a first study of a broader investigation related to the betics fora that should be expanded with the rest of provincial examples.
escala de los paisajes arquitectónicos de las urbes béticas, tanto para aquellas colonias o municipios ex novo, Ituci, Astigi o Arucci, como para ciudades preexistentes, caso de Carmo o Hispalis.
The Bética province was one of the most Romanized of the Empire, proof of which are the numerous and important archaeological and literary testimonies that have been documented and collected over the centuries. In this dynamic it is understood how the said Province will develop important urban and architectural models in the Roman way and since republican times, as well as the analysis of material remains in pre-existing cities. With the cesarian and augustean foundations, as well as with the advent of the principality, with all the political, economic and ideological manifestations that went hand in hand, there will be a large-scale transformation of the
architectural landscapes of the Baetic cities, both for those colonies or municipalities ex novo, Ituci, Astigi or Arucci, as for the preexisting cities, case of Carmo or Hispalis.
Vaquerizo, Desiderio, Ruiz-Osuna, Ana y Vázquez-Navajas, Belén (eds.), (2023): Claves para la definición de un paisaje cultural. Arqueología, patrimonio, didáctica y turismo en la cuenca del Guadalquivir.
Archaeopress Archaeology, Oxford, 353 pp. ISBN: 978-18-0327-487-4.
Fernández Sutilo, L. (2020): Muerte y ritual en Onoba Aestuaria y su territorium, Onoba Monografías, 6, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Huelva, 326 pp. ISBN: 978-84-18280-04-07
being the first the most prolific in regard to the use of marble. With regard to the materials used, it is worth highlighting the majority use of those extracted in provincial quarries -Almadén and Estremoz mainly-, reserving their use for the most prominent pieces - imperial plastic, its epigraphy and the capitals of buildings such as aedes or the basilica-, as well as to carry out the works financed by the local / provincial oligarchy to reflect its social, economic and political position. If you take into account the use that was given to the materials extracted from the imperial quarries, the cities of Colonia Patricia and Italica also stand out. Two cities that are configured as the great centers of worship of the emperor in the most prolific stages of the Provincia reflected in its monumental landscapes.
Regarding the adaptation of forensic models to the Betic territory, a clear hierarchy has been identified in which Colonia Patricia as capital stands as a reflection of the Urbs , welcoming materials including specialized labor coming from the metropolis itself. As we move away from administrative capitals, we can see how styling is schematized and simplified, replacing marble materials with more difficult to treat such as terracotta or local stones and limestones. Some materials that will not allow definite finishes and will need a subsequent coating and painting in which to capture the details of the style prevailing at all times. Although there was a language, where samples of indigenous or pre-Roman culture are at least scarce. These seem to be reduced to small nuclei outside the orbit of administrative capitals, where the official language will monopolize any architectural, sculptural and epigraphic manifestation of public environments.
Finally, the analysis of the Betic fora and their comparison with the rest of forensic complexes has allowed the definition of several archetypes that were imported directly from the metropolis establishing a close relationship between it and the monumental image of the provincial civic centers. In this way, the so-called imperial forums as well as the evolution of the concept of state itself, evolving from a republican government to a single-person imperial court, going through a transition period or Principality, will be reflected in the evolution of the Hispanic complexes, composition and outstanding elements, being the figure of the emperor and the cult towards his domus the aspect that will monopolize an increasing importance in the provincial forensic phenomenon.