Papers by Marcello Ghilardi
Hasekura series - Images Philosophy Communication, 2021
In the general frame that binds "Images, Philosophy, and Communication", I would like to focus on... more In the general frame that binds "Images, Philosophy, and Communication", I would like to focus on the possible pathway that allows to move on the way to an intercultural thought and experience. In these pages I will thus discuss some notions, experiences and arguments, crossing philosophical concepts and artistic insights, in order to provide a possible mutual understanding and self-reflection among different cultures. Going beyond personal interest and involvement, the effort to decode some Japanese categories and put them in dialogue with European patterns reveals itself not only as a sort of methodological lever for questioning the general framework of the so-called "Western rationality"; it is also an opportunity to create a space of crosscultural inquiry "that maintains the integrity and the richness of both Eastern and Western schools of thought". 2 It should be clear enough that this method does not imply at all that Europe should follow Japan, or vice versa. Reflecting each other on the grounds of different languages, images, and aesthetic experience means rather to strengthen "the sensitivity of 'being affected' […] as an aspect of 'being in phase' […] with the environment. Reflexivity as self-reflection of what it means to be humans in nature and in culture could favor a sustainable hygiene". 3
Since the late 1970s, Francois Jullien’s philosophical path crosses the Chinese aesthetic traditi... more Since the late 1970s, Francois Jullien’s philosophical path crosses the Chinese aesthetic tradition in order to get a new understanding of the European one. By reconsidering classical notions such as nude, image, form, beauty, or landscape, he shows through a “deconstruction from the outside” (the “outside” or otherness of Chinese language and thought) the implicit common ground of Western aesthetics, and its peculiar and original character. Moreover, through the years, Jullien comes to overcome the work of confrontation and mutual clarification of European categories vis-a-vis Chinese notions; by exploiting the different perspectives he studied along the years, he develops a new proposal in which art and existence are considered as the fruitful result of a dynamic of “de-coincidence”.
Antropologia e Teatro, 2015
Attraverso un esercizio di pensiero interculturale, come tentativo di superare ogni forma di mono... more Attraverso un esercizio di pensiero interculturale, come tentativo di superare ogni forma di monologo e di chiusura identitaria per ripensare le cosiddette “scienze dell'uomo” – dall'antropologia alla pedagogia, dalla psicologia alla sociologia, dall'etnologia alla storia delle religioni – questo articolo cerca di proporre alcune possibili analisi relative all’“estetico”. Questo ambito appare come uno dei caratteri antropologici costitutivi del presente, del mondo attuale, inteso come un complesso laboratorio nel quale forme di vita ed esperienze estetiche appaiono e scompaiono a velocita inedite. Il confronto con linguaggi dell'arte in cui si raccolgono voci differenti diviene un'occasione per elaborare un sapere antropologico e filosofico interculturale: in particolare, il teatro-danza giapponese che ha preso il nome di butō si presenta come un campo d'indagine privilegiato per osservare come si possano ibridare sguardi, culture e dimensioni del corpo plurali.
Philosophical Inquiries, 2021
The article focuses on some aesthetic issues in an intercultural perspective. The confrontation w... more The article focuses on some aesthetic issues in an intercultural perspective. The confrontation with a context of thought that developed outside the Western influence for centuries, such as the Sino-japanese one, allows to discuss and intertwine some notions, experiences and arguments, in order to provide a possible mutual understanding and self-reflection among different cultures through aesthetics and artistic experience. In particular, the notions of “image” and “body”, traditionally relevant in Western aesthetics, are presented as thought-provoking in a cross-cultural “fusion of horizon”. So, a de-coincidence with the European atavic categories and their “unthought” can be promoted and enhanced, thus providing new prespectives and non-eurocentric views.
The Western philosophical tradition usually investigated the notion of “body” in opposition, or c... more The Western philosophical tradition usually investigated the notion of “body” in opposition, or continuity, or in some kind of relation with the notion of “mind”, or “soul”. To engage this general path of thought and re-elaborate the experience and definition of “body”, it seems useful to foster a twofold pratice: a deconstruction “from the outside”, passing through some intuitions from the Eastern languages and thoughts, and a genealogical consideration, in order to shed light on the strict relationship between the form of writing, on the one hand, and the frames that literally “shaped” the Western notion of body.
Amore e odio per l’Europa, 2019
AOQU (Achilles Orlando Quixote Ulysses). Rivista di epica
Nella tradizione epica giapponese, come pure nei racconti basati su eventi storici e tramandati d... more Nella tradizione epica giapponese, come pure nei racconti basati su eventi storici e tramandati di generazione in generazione, spiccano le figure di eroi la cui apoteosi coincide con la morte – talvolta autoinflitta tramite la pratica del seppuku, il taglio rituale del ventre. Vi sono certo motivazioni legate alle principali religioni e dottrine che hanno formato la cultura nipponica, come lo shintō, il confucianesimo e il buddhismo; ma soprattutto, alla radice dell’affetto che tali figure suscitano nella coscienza collettiva in Giappone, si intrecciano un senso di commozione per la transitorietà della vita e il riconoscimento di una purezza di intenti, di un’autenticità che si rende tanto più evidente ed esplicita quanto meno è sostenuta dalla vittoria, personale o politica. La fedeltà a una causa o a un ideale si misura non dall’utile che se ne ricava, ma dalla capacità di aderirvi con la totalità del proprio essere. La figura dell’eroe guerriero, perennemente esposto al rischio d...
Theoría. Revista del Colegio de Filosofía
En algunas experiencias recientes del arte japonés, podemos encontrar un cruce interesante y orig... more En algunas experiencias recientes del arte japonés, podemos encontrar un cruce interesante y original del pensamiento tradicional y las ideas modernas surgidas tras el encuentro con la estética occidental. El diálogo entre las obras artísticas de Shimamoto Shōzo, Lee Ufan, Suga Kishio, por un lado, y las ideas filosóficas de Nishida Kitarō, inspiradas por el budismo y la filosofía occidental, por otro lado, puede establecer un itinerario significativo a fin de descubrir los recursos que ofrecen palabras japonesas como koto y mono, es decir, eventos y cosas. Por tanto, se puede trazar y evidenciar un posible camino para ampliar la noción de espacio y “espacialización”.
A short analysis and some remarks about the notion of "truth" in Chinese classical thought (in It... more A short analysis and some remarks about the notion of "truth" in Chinese classical thought (in Italian)
Philosophy East and West, 2015
Papers by Marcello Ghilardi