Papers by giuseppe camodeca
In questo contributo l'autore, proseguendo le sue ricerche su Cumae romana, tratta dei graffiti r... more In questo contributo l'autore, proseguendo le sue ricerche su Cumae romana, tratta dei graffiti rinvenuti sul tempio superiore dell'acropoli, sul municipium e i suoi magistrati, sugli importanti interventi augustei, fra cui la 'basilica Augusta' nel foro, finora erroneamente definita 'aula sillana', e infine sulle importanti famiglie locali dei Cupienni e dei Luccei.
In questo contributo sono riportate nella lettura dell'autore tutte le datazioni consolari ancora... more In questo contributo sono riportate nella lettura dell'autore tutte le datazioni consolari ancora conservate nelle Tabulae Herculanenses, edite o tuttora inedite.
Oebalus 17, 2022
In this paper the author publishes five more documents, which, although very fragmentary, provide... more In this paper the author publishes five more documents, which, although very fragmentary, provide new data for the reconstruction of the city population of Herculaneum
Corrections to reading and consular dating
Collana di studi e testi per la storia economica, sociale e amministrativa del mondo antico diret... more Collana di studi e testi per la storia economica, sociale e amministrativa del mondo antico diretta da Elio Lo Cascio
Parola del Passato, 2022
The author presents a new edition of two Tabulae Herculanenses: the first one concerns a receipt ... more The author presents a new edition of two Tabulae Herculanenses: the first one concerns a receipt dated 67 AD (TH2 41); the second one (TH2 81) refers to the reconstruction of a compromissum with the receptum arbitrii.
Index Quaderni Camerti Di Studi Romanistici International Survey of Roman Law, 2014
Studies in Roman Imperial History for Anthony R. Birley, Bonn, 2022
His bond with the history of Rome and its provinces went back to his childhood. He was born on 8 ... more His bond with the history of Rome and its provinces went back to his childhood. He was born on 8 October 1937 in Chesterholm, Northumberland, the ancient auxiliary fort of Vindolanda, just miles to the west. His father Eric had bought the house where the Vindolanda Museum now is. Tony grew up there together with his older brother Robin. That ancient place was to shape both their lives. At Clifton College in Bristol, where his father had been educated decades earlier, Tony's interest in, and talent for the classical languages soon became apparent, and he absorbed them with an energy and depth almost unimaginable today. Anyone who came into contact with him later could feel the self-evident familiarity with which he approached the lived historical experience of the Greek and Roman world. He then went up to Oxford, where he studied Classics from 1956 onwards, in the years 1960-1962 as a Craven Fellow; during that time, he not only completed his MA, but also had the chance to study for several months in Paris with Hans-Georg Pflaum at the École des Hautes Études. Pflaum had been in close contact with Tony's father Eric since the end of the Second World War, just like Sir Ronald Syme. Those three great scholars were bound by many common interests, including their efforts to revive the Prosopographia Imperii Romani at the Berlin Academy in 1952. In light of that family and intellectual background, the topic Tony worked on in his dissertation (begun in 1963) was not such a surprise: 'The Roman High Command from the Death of Hadrian to the Death of Caracalla, with Particular Attention to the Danubian Wars of Marcus Aurelius and Commodus'. His supervisor was Ronald Syme, with whom he retained a very close connection throughout his life; his last major publication was an edition of Syme's select correspondence. After holding positions at Birmingham and Leeds and a visiting professorship at Duke University in North Carolina, he was appointed Professor of Ancient History at Manchester University (1974-1990). He was later elected to the Ancient History Chair at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf, succeeding Dietmar Kienast (1990-2002). After his retirement he was Visiting Professor at Newcastle and Durham. His integration into the German academic world was considerably facilitated by his longstanding and close connection with several colleagues, such as the archaeologist and director of the Rheinisches Landesmuseum in Bonn, Harald von Petrikovits, an old friend of his father's, Géza Alföldy, who worked first in Bonn and Bochum and later in Heidelberg, and Johannes Straub, the Bonn ancient historian, in whose Historia Augusta Colloquia Tony took part early on. His second wife, Heide Birley (1938-2022), was a Roman archaeologist, with a strong expertise in the material
Les élites municipales de l’Italie péninsulaire des Gracques à Néron, 1996
The recent acquisitions on the epigraphic patrimony and on the Puteoli archive of the Sulpicii fi... more The recent acquisitions on the epigraphic patrimony and on the Puteoli archive of the Sulpicii finally allow reconstructing, albeit in great lines, the events of the oligarchy of Puteoli between the late Republic and Nero. One can conclude that the most important families of the Augustan colony's elite substantially remain the same as those of Cicero's time ; they continue their overseas trade and compete in open rivalry among themselves to give a new face to the monumental and town-planning layout of the city. The rise to the senatorial rank is known, however, only for two of these families (Hordeonii and Limbricii). But in the complex and many-sided Puteoli society of this period, with a numerous class of freedmen, which had a big part in the management of business and sometimes held large patrimonies, but at the same time was excluded from the city government, it is not surprising that tensions grew to the point of conflicts, such as the famous episode of 58. The intervention of the central power led two years after to the Neronian colony, with which according to the Α., there opens a new chapter in the city's history. Not only do new men appear more often in the ordo decurionum, particularly of freedman origin, but above all it can be demonstrated that one of the persons of major political importance in Neronian Puteoli was a son of freedmen : L. Cassius Cerealis. In appendix, other that the list of gentilicia attested to in Puteoli in the Julio-Claudian period, is published a new decretum decurionum of Puteoli of 7 A.D.
The author publishes ten fistulae aquariae of lead found in Puteoli and in its
territory after th... more The author publishes ten fistulae aquariae of lead found in Puteoli and in its
territory after the CIL.
In questa relazione l'a. presenta una decina di nuove acquisizioni epigrafiche da Beneventum e da... more In questa relazione l'a. presenta una decina di nuove acquisizioni epigrafiche da Beneventum e dal suo ampio territorio (Aequum Tuticum, Buonalbergo, Montemiletto). Inoltre fornisce la prova definitiva dell'origine beneventana, da lui già sostenuta nel lontano 1976, dell’importante iscrizione onoraria del cavaliere M. Bassaeus Axius, da secoli vista in una chiesa di Napoli e attribuita nel CIL a Puteoli (CIL X 1795); la prova si trova fra le schede epigrafiche del noto erudito di Benevento del primo ‘500, Vincenzo Franco, in un codice miscellaneo (NAL 1867) posseduto dalla Bibliothèque Nationale di Parigi.
Puteoli, Cumae, Misenum. Rivista di Studi, 1, 2021
Cuma, dall'occupazione pre-ellenica all'abitato greco-romano. Nuovi dati dagli scavi dell'Univers... more Cuma, dall'occupazione pre-ellenica all'abitato greco-romano. Nuovi dati dagli scavi dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli tOrientale. Tra le Terme del Foro e le mura settentrionali
Puteoli, Cumae, Misenum. Rivista di Studi, 2021
The author publishes forty funerary inscriptions,
some fragmentary, found in Pozzuoli, mostly alo... more The author publishes forty funerary inscriptions,
some fragmentary, found in Pozzuoli, mostly along the Via
Campana at Croce Campana, during the works for the railway
‘Direttissima’ in 1913-1915 and remained unpublished and
without inventory in the deposits of the MANN. Numerous
are the new data of onomastics and prosopography on the population
of Puteoli.
In this paper the author studies three fragmentary inscriptions concerning senators, two of which... more In this paper the author studies three fragmentary inscriptions concerning senators, two of which are still unpublished and the third totally misunderstood in CIL IX 1673.
Puteoli. Studi di storia antica, VI, 1982
1. CIL X 1699 e C. Aquillius Proculus, cos. suff. 90.
- 2. Sulla pretesa origine puteolana dei C... more 1. CIL X 1699 e C. Aquillius Proculus, cos. suff. 90.
- 2. Sulla pretesa origine puteolana dei Calvisii Rusones.
The Author publishes some Latin inscriptions, so far unpublished or wrongly published, found in t... more The Author publishes some Latin inscriptions, so far unpublished or wrongly published, found in the territory of the Roman colonies of Nola and Abella. Apart from the fragment of a Nolan dedication to an emperor (Trajan?), the inscriptions are mostly funerary texts, including that of a 'servus actor' of a Catilius (of senatorial rank?) and that of an alumna; some of them mention rare 'nomina gentilicia' (for example Mammuleius). Particularly interesting is a new, albeit fragmentary, specimen of a series of lintels, bearing inscriptions related to a public work (probably the amphitheater), built 'de decurionum sententia' by the duoviri of the Sullan colony of Abella: T. Propertius and L. Vitrovius.
Annali della Facoltà Giuridica dell’Università di Camerino ‒ Studi – n. 11, , 2022
1.- Il SC. Neronianum adversus falsarios nei documenti della prassi (a. 61/62); 2.- Il SC. di con... more 1.- Il SC. Neronianum adversus falsarios nei documenti della prassi (a. 61/62); 2.- Il SC. di condanna per maiestas del consolare Cn. Sentius Saturninus (a. 66) (TH A13).
1 - The author examines the problem of dating, probably the spring of 62, of SC Neronianum adversus falsarios, which prescribed new measures to avoid the falsification of inter vivos legal documents and its application in practice.
2 - Moreover, on the basis of the reading of an unpublished Tabula Herculanensis, he can reconstruct the story of the consular Sentius Saturninus, cos. 41, damnatus ex Senatus consulto per maiestas in Sept. 66 during the repression of the coniuratio Viniciana against Nero.
A glass flask of the Puteolan series, found fragmentary in Brescia, with an engraved representati... more A glass flask of the Puteolan series, found fragmentary in Brescia, with an engraved representation of monuments, shows some important new data, including the image of a circus with the typical central ‘spine’. So far this monument has been identified with the stadium at Puteoli, built by Antoninus Pius in Hadrian’s memory, but in the author’s opinion there are serious difficulties for this solution. Indeed, the ruins of a circus in Miseno are mentioned in the sixteenth-seventeenth-century antiquarian tradition, which, however, cannot be trusted. Now a circus in the Phlegraean area is undoubtedly attested by the Brescia flask, but the problem of its identification remains unsolved.
Papers by giuseppe camodeca
territory after the CIL.
some fragmentary, found in Pozzuoli, mostly along the Via
Campana at Croce Campana, during the works for the railway
‘Direttissima’ in 1913-1915 and remained unpublished and
without inventory in the deposits of the MANN. Numerous
are the new data of onomastics and prosopography on the population
of Puteoli.
- 2. Sulla pretesa origine puteolana dei Calvisii Rusones.
1 - The author examines the problem of dating, probably the spring of 62, of SC Neronianum adversus falsarios, which prescribed new measures to avoid the falsification of inter vivos legal documents and its application in practice.
2 - Moreover, on the basis of the reading of an unpublished Tabula Herculanensis, he can reconstruct the story of the consular Sentius Saturninus, cos. 41, damnatus ex Senatus consulto per maiestas in Sept. 66 during the repression of the coniuratio Viniciana against Nero.
territory after the CIL.
some fragmentary, found in Pozzuoli, mostly along the Via
Campana at Croce Campana, during the works for the railway
‘Direttissima’ in 1913-1915 and remained unpublished and
without inventory in the deposits of the MANN. Numerous
are the new data of onomastics and prosopography on the population
of Puteoli.
- 2. Sulla pretesa origine puteolana dei Calvisii Rusones.
1 - The author examines the problem of dating, probably the spring of 62, of SC Neronianum adversus falsarios, which prescribed new measures to avoid the falsification of inter vivos legal documents and its application in practice.
2 - Moreover, on the basis of the reading of an unpublished Tabula Herculanensis, he can reconstruct the story of the consular Sentius Saturninus, cos. 41, damnatus ex Senatus consulto per maiestas in Sept. 66 during the repression of the coniuratio Viniciana against Nero.
Scientific committee: prof. Giuseppe CAMODECA (University of Naples L’Orientale), prof. Stefano DE CARO (ICCROM); prof. Federico RAUSA (University of Naples Federico II), dott. Antonio SALERNO (MIBACt-Soprintendenza Archeologia Campania), arch. Alfredo BALASCO (MIBACt-Soprintendenza Archeologia Campania), dott.ssa Angela PALMENTIERI (University of Naples Federico II)
Organizing committee: prof. Federico Rausa (; dott.ssa Angela Palmentieri (