Papers by rosanna scatamacchia
Based on a wide range of archive sources, the essay investigates the effects of the Italian armis... more Based on a wide range of archive sources, the essay investigates the effects of the Italian armistice on the administrative and institutional life of the Bank of Italy. It analyses the political and financial reasons that between 1941 and 1944 drove the institution to enter into the occupied territories of Yugoslavia, to play a diplomatic role, and to take part in the development of the fascist plans. Among the areas targeted by the Fascist expansionism, the Yugoslavian case is particularly interesting. Only in Yugoslavia the Bank of Italy assumed the risk to enter without «standard of caution», while the military operations in the region were still in progress and the negotiations both for the definition of the borders, and for the property setup were barely started. Furthermore, in Yugoslavia the Bank launched its own branches and sent its own staff in the country. Often it did it in order to support the employees of the Italian financial administration in the disputes with German...
Società e storia, 2019
Introduzione al dibattito sulla Storia mondiale dell'Italia
Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 94, 2019
Profilo biografico
The essay focuses the facts and the effects of September 8th 1943 on the administrative and insti... more The essay focuses the facts and the effects of September 8th 1943 on the administrative and institutional life of the Bank of Italy. Founding on a wide range of archive sources, the essay considers the main lines of political and financial reasons that between 1941 and 1944 moved the institution to enter into the occupied territories of Yugoslavia, to play a diplomatic role and to be part of the plans of fascist Italy. This unknown history is analyzed through the documents produced by the staff of the Bank during the occupation period, in The case of the Yugoslavian territories has a special interest among the different areas entered into the political and military Italian field (Albania, Greece, Ionian islands). Yugoslavia was the only country in which the Bank assumed the risk to enter without "standard of caution", while the military operations were still in progress and the negotiations for the definition of the borders and for the property setup were barely started. Furthermore, in Yugoslavia the Bank launched its own branches, sent its own staff, often to support the staff of the Italian financial administration in the disputes with Germans and Croatians.
The Bank administration got successful consideration through the management of the consequences of September 8th, in the ability to bring back to Italy its own staff. This forcefulness contributed to strengthen the image of the Bank inside and outside Italy. Reclaiming this administrative capacity, the Bank could claim a central role in the economic and political scene of Italy after the end of the war, despite the controversial choices and the compromises with the fascist regime.
in Credito e nazione in Francia e in Italia (XIX-XX secolo), a cura di G. Conti, O. Feiertag, R. Scatamacchia, Pisa, Edizioni Plus – Pisa University Press, 2009, pp. 437-456
Le mouvement social», 2004, n. 206 (frutto del progetto presentato all'VIII Tavola rotonda franco... more Le mouvement social», 2004, n. 206 (frutto del progetto presentato all'VIII Tavola rotonda franco-tedesca di storia sociale sui consumi nel 2001); A. Chatriot, M.-E. Chessel e M. Hilton (a cura di), Au nom du consommateur. Consommation et politique en Europe et aux État-Unis au XXe siècle, Paris, La Découverte, 2004; Consommer en masse, a cura di S. Caveau, numéro spécial de «Vingtième siècle. Revue d'histoire», 2006, n. 91. La consapevolezza del ritardo italiano si è palesata anche in occasione dei due incontri internazionali (La rivoluzione dei consumi. L'avvento dei consumi nel secondo dopoguerra in una prospettiva comparata) promossi dal Dipartimento di Politica, Istituzioni, Storia, dell'Università degli studi di Bologna, Bologna 2 febbraio-Milano 4 maggio 2007.
in Mesurer la monnaie. Banques centrales et construction de l’autorité monétaire (XIXe-XXe siècle), sous la direction d’O. Feiertag, Paris, Albin Michel, Collection de la Mission historique de la Banque de France, 2005, pp. 87-111
«Quaderni storici», 2000 (XXXV), n. 103, pp. 163-200
In the first half of the nineteenth century, wide reaching changes took place in the economic and... more In the first half of the nineteenth century, wide reaching changes took place in the economic and financial life of Italy. It was also occurring in other countries, but in Italy it was giving rise to deeper political divisions. The administrative unification of the Kingdom of Italy had not solved any of the problems concerning the different types of paper money which remained in use, currency checking or the State's financial emergencies. Between 1844 and 1893, six banks issued currency in Italy. The task of solving such problems was the duty of the principal bank - first the "Banca di Genova", then the "Banca Nazionale nel Regno di Napoli" and at last the "Banca d'Italia" a joint-stock company (until 1936) governed by the capitalism of Liguria and Piedmont. The essay presents research on the presence and behavior of women, especially those who acquired bank shares. In order to attain this objective, it was essential to get hold of the sources preserved in the Historical Archive of the Bank of Italy and rebuild the names, families, places and numbers of shares, distinguishing them between free and locked up shares as a dowry. These women belonged prevalently to the aristocracy and bourgeoisie. They were richer and freer than one may suppose. If women traders asked for information and access to credit, widows often choose to keep or settle their investments for their sons. In any case, this was a clear indication that women had begun to aspire to action and that they had a growing awareness of their rights.
in «Contemporanea», 2012 (XV), n. 4, pp. 587-620
The article analyzes the different attempts at introducing banking supervision in Italy, the legi... more The article analyzes the different attempts at introducing banking supervision in Italy, the legislative solutions adopted, and the problems and conflicts accompanying its setting. Banking supervision is examined from the point of view of the history of institutions and State formation. Using this approach, the article deals with the tension between legitimacy and discipline, and between political decision and normative choices. In looking at the role played by different actors in this process, the category of disciplining proved useful to explain the conflicts and relationships between those in power and those who were subjected to it. The article focuses on the mechanisms by which governments and/or the Italian Central Bank challenged the reluctance of the banks of being ruled. It shows how rigid forms of control regulated the conduct of players in the credit and finance systems - up to the point of constraining the entrepreneurial nature of bank business -, while protecting savings.
Keywords: Contemporary Italy - Banks - Surveillance system.
La prima assemblea generale dei partecipanti al capitale azionario della Banca d'Italia, che si a... more La prima assemblea generale dei partecipanti al capitale azionario della Banca d'Italia, che si apre il 17 giugno 1936 nella sede di Genova, può considerarsi, nella coscienza di quanti vi prendono parte, un momento simbolicamente -oltre che istituzionalmentecentrale per la vita dell'Istituto. Da pochi mesi, infatti, il nuovo ordinamento, statuito dal Rd 12 marzo 1936, n. 375, ha trasformato la Banca da società anonima di privati in ente di diritto pubblico ed avviato le procedure di rimborso, 1.300 lire per azione, ai suoi 10.921 azionisti 1 . Anche in questo caso, come spesso accade, il legislatore era arrivato a ratificare un processo nei fatti compiuto perciò, fra i presenti, non vi fu sorpresa ed il dissenso poté restare circoscritto nell'ambito di un contenuto malumore tutto ascrivibile all'entità del rimborso assegnato. Nell'occasione, il presidente del consiglio di reggenza della sede, il commendator Domenico Balduino, aperta la seduta, si era rivolto con inediti accenti agli intervenuti, affluiti, secondo copione, al n. 3 di Via Dante:
in Pincio I. La Villa Médicis et le couvent de la Trinité-des-Monts à Rome. Réinvestir un site antique, a cura di H. Broise et V. Jolivet, Rome, Collection de l’École française de Rome-Soprintendenza speciale per i Beni archeologici di Roma, 2009, pp. 321-344
Il lavoro è stato concepito e realizzato congiuntamente, ma la responsabilità dei paragrafi 1-5 s... more Il lavoro è stato concepito e realizzato congiuntamente, ma la responsabilità dei paragrafi 1-5 spetta a R. Scatamacchia, e quella del paragrafo 6 a V. Jolivet. Si deve al sig. Massimo Aloisi, attuale dipendente di Villa Medici, l'informazione sull'uso della Villa nel periodo 1942-46 dalla quale ha preso le mosse la ricerca; a Vincent Jolivet -responsabile di una attenta ricognizione archeologica della rete di sotterranei di Villa Medici -aver dato credito e supporto scientifico alla stessa; alla dott.ssa Rosa Ansuini ed alla dott.ssa Manuela Fulgenzi, aver facilitato la ricerca nell'Archivio della Banca di Roma. Aloisi, appartenente ad una famiglia da circa un secolo impiegata a Villa Medici, ha raccolto le testimonianze di più generazioni di dipendenti in un dossier informativo sul personale e sulle vicende della Villa per il periodo 1900 Memoriale, redatto in italiano all'inizio degli anni Ottanta e successivamente tradotto in francese da un pensionnaire architetto, si compone di due parti -Description (dattilografato, 4 folî : Aloisi s.d.) e La vie du personnel 17 folî : Aloisi s.d.a.) -ed è stato messo a disposizione degli autori con grande generosità. Aloisi racconta : «Au début des hostilités, la Villa Médicis, comme tous les biens étrangers, fut mise
Papers by rosanna scatamacchia
The Bank administration got successful consideration through the management of the consequences of September 8th, in the ability to bring back to Italy its own staff. This forcefulness contributed to strengthen the image of the Bank inside and outside Italy. Reclaiming this administrative capacity, the Bank could claim a central role in the economic and political scene of Italy after the end of the war, despite the controversial choices and the compromises with the fascist regime.
Keywords: Contemporary Italy - Banks - Surveillance system.
The Bank administration got successful consideration through the management of the consequences of September 8th, in the ability to bring back to Italy its own staff. This forcefulness contributed to strengthen the image of the Bank inside and outside Italy. Reclaiming this administrative capacity, the Bank could claim a central role in the economic and political scene of Italy after the end of the war, despite the controversial choices and the compromises with the fascist regime.
Keywords: Contemporary Italy - Banks - Surveillance system.