Papers by María José Pérez Alvarez
Resumen. El Concordato de 1851 supuso el inicio de una notable reorganización del territorio dioc... more Resumen. El Concordato de 1851 supuso el inicio de una notable reorganización del territorio diocesano leonés, que no finalizaría hasta pasadas unas décadas. Fruto de la misma surgieron nuevos arciprestazgos, se anularos otros y algunas parroquias cambiaron de demarcación. Al margen de esos vaivenes territoriales, hubo una cuestión que interesó especialmente a los prelados, la salud espiritual y moral de la provincia diocesana que estaba bajo su autoridad. Uno de los medios para recabar esa información eran las visitas pastorales. A partir de las efectuadas a mediados del siglo XVIII se confeccionaron unas "instrucciones secretas" destinadas a los vicarios, a los que encomendaban corregir las conductas, que habían encontrado reprobables, de los eclesiásticos.
Religión, política y patrimonio en la Península Ibérica (siglos XIII-XI), 2018
Consulte nuestra página web: En ella encontrará el catálogo completo y comentado... more Consulte nuestra página web: En ella encontrará el catálogo completo y comentado r ~~. 111 G081ERl':!0 • ~~ DFESPANA Reservados todos los derechos. Está prohibido, bajo las sanciones penales y el resarcimiento civil previstos en las leyes, reproducir, registrar o transmitir esta publicación, íntegra o parcialmente, por cualquier sistema de recuperación y por cualquier medio, sea mecánico, electrónico, magnético, electroóptico, por fotocopia o por cualquier otro, sin la autorización previa por escrito de Editorial Síntesis, S. A.
Religiosidad y reforma católica en el noroeste de la Península Ibérica, 2019
Impreso y encuadernado en España Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación públ... more Impreso y encuadernado en España Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra solo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a CEDRO (Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos) si necesita fotocopiar o escanear algún fragmento de esta obra (; 91 702 19 70 / 93 372 04 97) W' CONTENIDO INTRODUCCIÓN RELIGIOSIDAD Y REFORMA CATÓLICA EN EL NOROESTE DE LA PENÍNSULA IBÉRICA (SIGLOS XV-XXI)
Matrimonio, estrategia y conflicto (ss. XVI-XIX), 2020
y los autores Motivo de cubierta: Los amantes venecianos Pinacoteca de Brera (Milán) Este libro s... more y los autores Motivo de cubierta: Los amantes venecianos Pinacoteca de Brera (Milán) Este libro se ha realizado al amparo del Proyecto financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y competitividad.
RESUMEN: Tras el fallecimiento del deán del cabildo leonés D. Vicente de la Iglesia, se abrió en ... more RESUMEN: Tras el fallecimiento del deán del cabildo leonés D. Vicente de la Iglesia, se abrió en la institución un periodo de inestabilidad que acabó generando una división entre los capitulares. La primera fragmentación surgió cuando no aceptaron a la persona que había nombrado el obispo para ocupar el puesto, pero las verdaderas tensiones de desencadenaron tras presentar la bula el leonés D. Antonio Castañón Villafañe. Los estatutos de limpieza de sangre le proporcionaron al cabildo el medio para intentar reprobarlo. Un largo expediente, en el que se trató demostrar que sobre esa familia recaía la mácula judía y que está cuajado de exigencias documentales, dobles declaraciones o acusaciones infundadas. Solamente la intervención del nuncio logró elevar al deanato a D. Antonio, lo que no supuso el fin del proceso, pues las apelaciones, por ambas partes, presidieron las juntas capi-tulares hasta el fallecimiento de aquel, tres años después de tomar posesión. Palabras clave: León; cabildo de la catedral; deán; conflicto; siglo XVII.
Mujeres, sociedad y conflcito (siglos XVII-XIX), 2019
El reparto de bienes del alto clero leones en la Edad Moderna. (Finales del siglo XVII y siglo XV... more El reparto de bienes del alto clero leones en la Edad Moderna. (Finales del siglo XVII y siglo XVIII) Resumen: La utilidad y el alcance de la información que nos ofrecen los testamentos ya ha sido puesta de manifiesto en numerosas ocasiones. Nuestro objetivo en este momento es analizar los de un grupo muy concreto, el de los canónigos leoneses en el siglo XVIII. Nos fijaremos sobre todo en las clausula dispositivas relacionadas con los bienes, esto es, en las mandas y la elección de herederos, haciendo especial hincapié en aquellas que estaban relacionadas con la ayuda a los necesitados. Abstract: The utility and scope of the information contained in wills has already been demonstrated on numerous occasions. The goal of the present study was to analyse those of a very specific group: canons in 18th century León. Particular attention was paid to the provisions relating to the disposition of property, namely the clauses specifying bequests and beneficiaries, especially those that were related to helping the needy.
Resumen A mediados del siglo XVIII estaban funcionando en la villa zamorana de benavente tres hos... more Resumen A mediados del siglo XVIII estaban funcionando en la villa zamorana de benavente tres hospitales: el de san Juan bautista, Nuestra Señora de La Piedad y San José, fundados en la época medieval, en el siglo XVI y en el XVII, respectivamente. de todos ellos, el de Piedad se convertiría en el centro con asistencia médica más importante del norte de zamora y sur de la provincia de León. Pero, también tuvo otra clientela especialmente numerosa, la de los temporeros gallegos. En este trabajo, además de analizar el radio de influencia del centro, o de capitación de enfermos, es-tudiaremos las características de los mismos, el periodo de convalecencia o la mortalidad, haciendo especial hincapié en los diferentes colectivos que allí fueron atendidos. Palabras clave: Edad Moderna, zamora, benavente, Hospital de La Piedad. ABStRAct In the mid eighteenth century three hospitals were in operation in the town of benavente in the Province of zamora in Spain. These were the hospitals of San Juan bautista, Nuestra Señora de La Piedad and San José, which had been founded in the Middle Ages, in the sixteenth century, and in the seventeenth century, respectively. Of the three, Nuestra Señora de La Piedad was to become the principal centre for medical assistance in the zone covering the North of the Province of zamora and the South of the Province of Leon. However, it also had another, particularly numerous, group of users: seasonal workers from Galicia, who each year travelled up to the central plateau to earn a living as agricultural labourers during the summer months. This paper will address the question of the centre's catchment area, from which its clientele came, and also will look into their characteristics , the period for which they convalesced, or their mortality rates, laying special emphasis on the various different types of patient treated there.
The cases brought before the ecclesiastical tribunal of the diocese of León in the early eighteen... more The cases brought before the ecclesiastical tribunal of the diocese of León in the early eighteenth century have shed light on the most frequent offences committed by the clergy. These included sexual relations. The committal proceedings that gave rise to these cases provided a large volume of data on this subject, especially in relation to women. In addition, the sentences decreed by the Royal Chancellery of Valladolid have been of particular use as regards the 16th century, in order to compare the sentences imposed by local and higher courts.
Two of the characteristics of daily life in societies under the Old Regime in Spain were religios... more Two of the characteristics of daily life in societies under the Old Regime in Spain were religiosity and poverty. On the basis that salvation of the soul was associated with giving alms, the two became linked through charitable works intended to offer a very diverse range of attention to those in need. This paper will consider the various foundations that, in combination with religious fraternities, provided social services in rural zones in the Province of Zamora.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 161, 2014
One of the defining characteristics of the working classes during the Old Regime was poverty, and... more One of the defining characteristics of the working classes during the Old Regime was poverty, and the main victims were women, especially those who "vivían sobre sí" [eighteenth century Spanish expression meaning to fend for or support oneself]. Indeed, the percentage of female-headed households in cities which were considered "impoverished" was higher than that of male-headed households. Furthermore, women not only had to cope with hardship and destitution but they also expected to scrupulously observe the prevailing moral doctrine. If they were considered respectable, they were eligible to receive relief from public and private charitable institutions, but should they transgress the moral standards of the day, they would find that there was no room for tolerance
Studia Historica: Historia Moderna, 2014
In the second half of the twentieth century, studies on the family occupied a very important plac... more In the second half of the twentieth century, studies on the family occupied a very important place in modern Spanish historiography, reaching a peak in the nineties. Whilst it is true that some regions received more research attention than others, it can also be said that in general, the entire country was represented in this research. Thanks to these studies and to the different analytical perspectives and diversity of sources and methodologies they used, we now have extensive knowledge of all matters relating to this subject. As regards the province of Leon, much research has been conducted on family issues, focusing on rural areas. These studies have analysed patterns of adaptation in the region as regards three variables wholly linked to social reproduction: marriage, co-residence and the division of property.
SÉMATA, Ciencias Sociais e Humanidades, 26, 2014
In this paper, we discuss the rise of Franciscan convents in the province of Leon in the Early
M... more In this paper, we discuss the rise of Franciscan convents in the province of Leon in the Early
Modern Period. There were only two convents belonging to this religious order in early sixteenth
century Leon, both located in Astorga, but by the mid-seventeenth century this number had risen
to seven convents and one beaterio [community or house of women living under informal religious
vows]. The geographical areas that benefited most from this expansion were the district of Bierzo,
where three were founded, and the city of Leon, where two were established. The founders of these
convents were usually members of the local nobility. The number of nuns entering the convents fell
as the historical period advanced. They were usually very young women who belonged to the most
socioeconomically advantaged groups in the province, and came from the immediately surrounding
Papers by María José Pérez Alvarez
Modern Period. There were only two convents belonging to this religious order in early sixteenth
century Leon, both located in Astorga, but by the mid-seventeenth century this number had risen
to seven convents and one beaterio [community or house of women living under informal religious
vows]. The geographical areas that benefited most from this expansion were the district of Bierzo,
where three were founded, and the city of Leon, where two were established. The founders of these
convents were usually members of the local nobility. The number of nuns entering the convents fell
as the historical period advanced. They were usually very young women who belonged to the most
socioeconomically advantaged groups in the province, and came from the immediately surrounding
Modern Period. There were only two convents belonging to this religious order in early sixteenth
century Leon, both located in Astorga, but by the mid-seventeenth century this number had risen
to seven convents and one beaterio [community or house of women living under informal religious
vows]. The geographical areas that benefited most from this expansion were the district of Bierzo,
where three were founded, and the city of Leon, where two were established. The founders of these
convents were usually members of the local nobility. The number of nuns entering the convents fell
as the historical period advanced. They were usually very young women who belonged to the most
socioeconomically advantaged groups in the province, and came from the immediately surrounding