Mela Albana
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Papers by Mela Albana
Tuttavia, pur potendo disporre di una considerevole mole di notizie sulla fiscalità antica, non pochi interrogativi rimangono aperti. I contributi presentati nel corso del convegno internazionale svoltosi a Catania dal 29 al 30 giugno del 2019 e pubblicati in questo volume intendono gettar luce su alcune tematiche concernenti il sistema tributario romano e formulare nuove ipotesi in merito a questioni molto dibattute e finora insolute.
The study of fiscal issues has always benefited from the contribution of epigraphy: various provisions issued by the competent authorities and made public carved on stone or other durable materials have made it possible to know the names of certain taxes, those responsible for collecting them, their scope and, more rarely, some of the collection procedures; on the other hand, the names and duties of many actors in the tax field have been transmitted by the funerary epigraphs.
However, while there is a considerable amount of information on ancient taxation, many questions remain unanswered. The contributions presented at the international conference held in Catania from June 29 to 30, 2019 and published in this volume are intended to shed light on a number of issues concerning the Roman tax system and to formulate new hypotheses regarding much debated and so far unresolved issues.
Atti del convegno internazionale
A cura di Cristina Soraci
Anno di Edizione: 2020
Biblotheca Aperta, 1
ISBN: 9788891320728
Rilegatura: Brossura
Pagine: 154, 12 ill. B/N
Formato: 17 x 24 cm
disciplina Augusti, the soldiers had relationships with women who are qualified in the epigraphs with the same terminology used for the iustae nuptiae (coniunx, uxor and, less often, sponsa and marita).
Le stele funerarie, fatte incidere da familiari, amici, clienti o, talvolta, dagli stessi defunti, ci consegnano, infatti, il ritratto ideale del buon medico, correggendo e ridimensionando l’immagine negativa che spesso le fonti letterarie hanno costruito.
Un contributo essenziale per una più corretta e completa comprensione del problema può venire anche dalle fonti giuridiche che fanno riferimento, a proposito della scelta di medici pubblici da parte delle curie cittadine, alla probitas morum e alla peritia artis e, nel tardo impero, invitano espressamente gli archiatri delle regiones dell’urbe ad occuparsi dei tenuiores senza pretendere ulteriori emolumenti.
Seit dem ersten Jahrhundert n.Chr. nimmt die Zahl der Ärzte zu, die mit Stolz auf ihren Grabsteinen die Ausübung ihres Berufes als Quelle wirtschaftlichen Wohlstandes und sozialen Ansehens hervorheben. Zahlreiche Inschriften führen die ausgeübte Spezialisierung an oder stellen die familiären Verbindungen in den Vordergrund, andere dagegen setzen neben den Namen einfach nur die Bezeichnung medicus.
Besonderes Interesse gilt einigen Epigraphen, in denen sich die Auftraggeber unter Hervorhebung unverkennbar ethischer Prinzipien, von den am häufigsten vorgebrachten Stereotypen und Anklagen wie Geiz, Raffgier und Inkompetenz distanzieren. Die Stelen, in die im Auftrag von Familienmitgliedern, Freunden, Patienten oder den Verstorbenen selbst Inschriften eingegraben wurden, liefern uns so das ideale Bild des guten Arztes und korrigieren bzw. schwächen das oft durch literarische Quellen geschaffene negative Bild ab.
Ein wesentlicher Beitrag für ein genaueres und vollständigeres Verständnis des Problems kann auch bei juristischen Quellen gefunden werden, die sich in Bezug auf die Auswahl von öffentlichen Ärzten vonseiten der Bürgerschaftskurien , auf probitas morum und peritia artis berufen, und in der späten Kaiserzeit die Oberärzte der regiones Roms ausdrücklich auffordern, sich um die tenuiores zu kümmern, ohne weitere Bezahlung zu verlangen.
Absolute trust in the educational function of literary studies, attention to education but also to the training of students, great appreciation for the pedagogical function of public schools, the choice of teachers of undoubted morality and competence and the importance of a decent place in which to study are the fundamental points present in the oratio by Eumenius who, with consistency and generosity, undertook to apply them concretely for the good of his city.
Tuttavia, pur potendo disporre di una considerevole mole di notizie sulla fiscalità antica, non pochi interrogativi rimangono aperti. I contributi presentati nel corso del convegno internazionale svoltosi a Catania dal 29 al 30 giugno del 2019 e pubblicati in questo volume intendono gettar luce su alcune tematiche concernenti il sistema tributario romano e formulare nuove ipotesi in merito a questioni molto dibattute e finora insolute.
The study of fiscal issues has always benefited from the contribution of epigraphy: various provisions issued by the competent authorities and made public carved on stone or other durable materials have made it possible to know the names of certain taxes, those responsible for collecting them, their scope and, more rarely, some of the collection procedures; on the other hand, the names and duties of many actors in the tax field have been transmitted by the funerary epigraphs.
However, while there is a considerable amount of information on ancient taxation, many questions remain unanswered. The contributions presented at the international conference held in Catania from June 29 to 30, 2019 and published in this volume are intended to shed light on a number of issues concerning the Roman tax system and to formulate new hypotheses regarding much debated and so far unresolved issues.
Atti del convegno internazionale
A cura di Cristina Soraci
Anno di Edizione: 2020
Biblotheca Aperta, 1
ISBN: 9788891320728
Rilegatura: Brossura
Pagine: 154, 12 ill. B/N
Formato: 17 x 24 cm
disciplina Augusti, the soldiers had relationships with women who are qualified in the epigraphs with the same terminology used for the iustae nuptiae (coniunx, uxor and, less often, sponsa and marita).
Le stele funerarie, fatte incidere da familiari, amici, clienti o, talvolta, dagli stessi defunti, ci consegnano, infatti, il ritratto ideale del buon medico, correggendo e ridimensionando l’immagine negativa che spesso le fonti letterarie hanno costruito.
Un contributo essenziale per una più corretta e completa comprensione del problema può venire anche dalle fonti giuridiche che fanno riferimento, a proposito della scelta di medici pubblici da parte delle curie cittadine, alla probitas morum e alla peritia artis e, nel tardo impero, invitano espressamente gli archiatri delle regiones dell’urbe ad occuparsi dei tenuiores senza pretendere ulteriori emolumenti.
Seit dem ersten Jahrhundert n.Chr. nimmt die Zahl der Ärzte zu, die mit Stolz auf ihren Grabsteinen die Ausübung ihres Berufes als Quelle wirtschaftlichen Wohlstandes und sozialen Ansehens hervorheben. Zahlreiche Inschriften führen die ausgeübte Spezialisierung an oder stellen die familiären Verbindungen in den Vordergrund, andere dagegen setzen neben den Namen einfach nur die Bezeichnung medicus.
Besonderes Interesse gilt einigen Epigraphen, in denen sich die Auftraggeber unter Hervorhebung unverkennbar ethischer Prinzipien, von den am häufigsten vorgebrachten Stereotypen und Anklagen wie Geiz, Raffgier und Inkompetenz distanzieren. Die Stelen, in die im Auftrag von Familienmitgliedern, Freunden, Patienten oder den Verstorbenen selbst Inschriften eingegraben wurden, liefern uns so das ideale Bild des guten Arztes und korrigieren bzw. schwächen das oft durch literarische Quellen geschaffene negative Bild ab.
Ein wesentlicher Beitrag für ein genaueres und vollständigeres Verständnis des Problems kann auch bei juristischen Quellen gefunden werden, die sich in Bezug auf die Auswahl von öffentlichen Ärzten vonseiten der Bürgerschaftskurien , auf probitas morum und peritia artis berufen, und in der späten Kaiserzeit die Oberärzte der regiones Roms ausdrücklich auffordern, sich um die tenuiores zu kümmern, ohne weitere Bezahlung zu verlangen.
Absolute trust in the educational function of literary studies, attention to education but also to the training of students, great appreciation for the pedagogical function of public schools, the choice of teachers of undoubted morality and competence and the importance of a decent place in which to study are the fundamental points present in the oratio by Eumenius who, with consistency and generosity, undertook to apply them concretely for the good of his city.
The study of fiscal issues has always benefited from the contribution of epigraphy: various provisions issued by the competent authorities and made public carved on stone or other durable materials have made it possible to know the names of certain taxes, those responsible for collecting them, their scope and, more rarely, some of the collection procedures; on the other hand, the names and duties of many actors in the tax field have been transmitted by the funerary epigraphs. However, while there is a considerable amount of information on ancient taxation, many questions remain unanswered. The contributions presented at the international conference held in Catania from June 29 to 30, 2019 and published in this volume are intended to shed light on a number of issues concerning the Roman tax system and to formulate new hypotheses regarding much debated and so far unresolved issues.