Papers by Paulina Sabugal
Simmel Studies, 2024
This text proposes a reflection on relationships of love in today's society from a Simmelian pers... more This text proposes a reflection on relationships of love in today's society from a Simmelian perspective, with a focus on a specific phenomenon: migration for love. Since the 1990s love-motivated migration has emerged in the discussion of the growing importance of social networks and new technologies. Using this social phenomenon that links love and migration as a strating point, the aim is to discuss its relation to some Simmelian concepts such as bonding, cohesion and sociability. This work highlights that migration for love is a typical example of a modern society in which individuals have had to seek new ways to relate and to love, which in turn affect living as a couple and building sentimental projects.
This text proposes a reflection on relationships of love in today's society from a Simmelian pers... more This text proposes a reflection on relationships of love in today's society from a Simmelian perspective, with a focus on a specific phenomenon: migration for love. Since the 1990s love-motivated migration has emerged in the discussion of the growing importance of social networks and new technologies. Using this social phenomenon that links love and migration as a strating point, the aim is to discuss its relation to some Simmelian concepts such as bonding, cohesion and sociability. This work highlights that migration for love is a typical example of a modern society in which individuals have had to seek new ways to relate and to love, which in turn affect living as a couple and building sentimental projects.
Revista Iberoamericana de Comunicación RIC, 2021
La idea del amor romántico es un producto de la modernidad (Giddens, 1992). A partir de la narrat... more La idea del amor romántico es un producto de la modernidad (Giddens, 1992). A partir de la narrativa inverosímil y endulzada que el amor románti- co ha propuesto desde sus inicios en el siglo xviii, se empezó a alimentar el imaginario de las relaciones amorosas a través de diversos productos cultura- les (cine, literatura, música y televisión, entre otros) lo cual tuvo un fuerte impacto en las relaciones de pareja. Sin embargo, paralelamente a la difusión y reproducción de esta narrativa, los actores sociales han encontrado novedo- sas maneras de establecer una relación amorosa. El amor ha prevalecido más allá de los límites geográficos y ha construido nuevas posibilidades de pareja en gran medida gracias al uso de tecnologías de la información y la comuni- cación (tic) (Roca i Girona, Soronellas Masdeu, & Bodoque Puerta, 2012). Estas parejas “globales” se caracterizan por constituirse más allá de los confi- nes religiosos, culturales, étnicos y son precisamente este tipo de experien- cias, cada vez más frecuentes, las que han rediseñado el campo de los afectos y de las emociones (Beck, 1995; Beck & Beck- Gernsheim, 2012). A partir de una investigación etnográfica realizada en Italia con parejas biculturales: hombres italianos con mujeres mexicanas que migraron a Italia por amor, se explora cómo el matrimonio, la familia, la sexualidad y los roles de género se construyen y deconstruyen a partir de nuevas y diversas narrativas del amor, imaginarios, medios de comunicación y tecnologías.
IM@GO Journal of the Social Imaginary, 2024
This text aims to explore the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on intimate life and the new... more This text aims to explore the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on intimate life and the new sex-affective configurations that arise thanks to an increasingly frequent use of this technology in everyday life in contemporary society. To do so, I will try to outline a new "epistemology of love" by asking the following questions: is love an imaginary emotion, and can we consider digital love a "real" love? With the development of AI, computer applications are being created that have been particularly significant in the relational domain, for example: personal assistants. An intelligent personal assistant is an application created by AI that provides information, advice or entertainment to users according to their needs and concerns. Due to the high cognitive capabilities of this technology, it is hypothesized that users can engage in human-like relationships and even develop feelings and emotions towards an AI application as they do towards humans. The article hypothesizes that in this new context where social relationships and technology are connected in a virtually seamless way, we can simultaneously produce and share our imaginaries of love. Several questions arise from this premise: How does this type of virtual love relationship fit into today's society, is it possible to maintain emotions such as love without needing to embody them, and what impact will this new imaginary of love have on love relationships in the future?
Simmel Studies, 2021
Simmel belongs without doubt among the classics of sociology. He dedicated his academic efforts t... more Simmel belongs without doubt among the classics of sociology. He dedicated his academic efforts to the foundation of sociology as a discipline and to the exploration and understanding of society at the beginning of the 20th century. With his unique approach he established both what we know as formal and as relational sociology. Formal sociology because he approached the analysis of society via social forms, relational sociology because he understood society as a web of social bonds and strings, of reciprocal actions and effects (Simmel, 2009: 26). As a sociologist, Simmel explored different forms, objects, and relations in society. Although his last works date back more than a century, his production continues to be of great value when engaging with contemporary questions in our social universe, and offers the reader a chance to discover answers to and potential perspectives on current social affairs and phenomena.
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.
Paulina Sabugal, 2018
I saggi della rivista sono sottoposti a un processo di double blind peer-review. La rivista adott... more I saggi della rivista sono sottoposti a un processo di double blind peer-review. La rivista adotta i criteri del processo di referaggio approvati dal Coordinamento delle Riviste di Sociologia (CRIS): I componenti del Comitato scientifico sono revisori permanenti della rivista. Le informazioni per i collaboratori sono disponibili sul sito della rivista:
Seventy- three per cent of Mexican migration to Italy are women (Institute of Mexicans Abroad, 20... more Seventy- three per cent of Mexican migration to Italy are women (Institute of Mexicans Abroad, 2016) and most of them have fallen in love with an Italian man. They said they had left a job, a house and a family to realize a kind of European dream. Unfortunately, sometimes the dream does not go as planned. Through a detailed analysis of 35 interviews with migrant Mexican women from different Italian regions and by using an ethnographic approach; this article argues that there is a love migration phenomenon in Italy. This kind of migration, which has not been motivated by a political or economical reason, is out of the Mexican migration studies for its apparently low numeri- cal consistency. As a result, the process of being a woman in another country is most of the times ig- nored. Hence to work with identity, love and migration some important questions may arise: How is it to be a wife, a mother or a widow when migrating? How does the identity have to change or adapt? What are the cultural heritage patterns that are followed and what are the ones that are lost? The study invites to explore this questions from a interdiscplinary approach to discover another side of the migration phenomenon.
Key words: auto representation, love and migration, identity, simbolic violence, bicultural relationship, narrative, gender.
Resumen A través del análisis de la obra El rumor del incendio del grupo de teatro mexicano Lagar... more Resumen A través del análisis de la obra El rumor del incendio del grupo de teatro mexicano Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol, se pretende hacer una revisión de los orígenes del teatro documental y discutir las posibilidades que éste tiene como medio de comunicación, al mismo tiempo que confronta la reali-dad y la ficción y establece un diálogo entre la historia oficial (colectivo) y la historia personal (individual); esto bajo el entendido de que el teatro se trata al mismo tiempo de un discurso simbólico y una estrategia comu-nicativa. Abstract Documentary Theatre: between reality and fiction Theater is both a symbolic discourse and a communication strategy. The aim of this essay is to review the origins of documentary theater, discuss its possibilities as a means of communication, and analyze the way it confronts reality with fiction by establishing a dialogue between official history (the collective) with personal history (the individual). The case under study is the play El rumor del incendio, by the Mexican theater group Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol.
Mexican migration in Europe is both an interesting and a significant example in which the cultura... more Mexican migration in Europe is both an interesting and a significant example in which the cultural identity, the social subjects and how this phenomenon interacts with the power asymmetry are questioned. Most of the studies on Mexican migration are focused on the United States and Spain because of their statistical significance. As a consequence, there are not so many case studies available, especially in Europe. The Mexican community in Italy has been excluded from migration studies due to its apparently low numerical consistency. However, it is one of the largest Mexican communities in Europe. This paper aims to analyze some of the different ways through which the social representation and the identity constructions are embedded in the migration phenomenon in an effort to demonstrate how the dispositives of power are articulated through the material productions of culture and the complexity of social composition forms. It also aims to show the relationship between migration, identity and representation in the modern globalization crisis context. The paper is part of a PhD research in Political Sciences at Pisa University in Italy in collaboration with the Humanist Studies Department of Roma Tre University in Rome. Its main objective is to analyze some of the problematic points in the process of trying to build an identity and how the social representations change when facing migration, considering the Mexican migration in Italy as a case study.
Thesis Chapters by Paulina Sabugal
TESIS para obtener el grado de MAESTRA EN COMUNICACIÓN
Book Reviews by Paulina Sabugal
Simmel Studies, 2024
This book, edited by Massimo Cerulo (ordinary professor of sociology at Federico II University in... more This book, edited by Massimo Cerulo (ordinary professor of sociology at Federico II University in Naples) and Adrian Scribano (researcher and sociologist at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research in Argentina) offers a fresh and new look at the role of emotions in classic sociological authors such as Émile Durkheim, Max Weber, Gabriel Tarde, Charles Horton Cooley, Harriet Martineau, Karl Marx, Norbert Elias, Vilfredo Pareto, George Herbert Mead, Ibn Khaldun and, of course, Georg Simmel. Cerulo and Scribano’s text is not only innovative in its content but also in the way the book is structured. The editors have had the sensitivity and attention to bring together men and women who are researchers, scholars and professors from different countries around the world who engage in dialogue with classic authors from various historical periods. This effort also allows us to see the richness of dialogue between the global south and north through terms, concepts and theories that have accompanied classical sociology from its beginnings to the present day.
Books by Paulina Sabugal
Pisa University Press, 2024
Più del 50% delle persone che migrano dal Messico all'Italia sono donne. La maggior parte di loro... more Più del 50% delle persone che migrano dal Messico all'Italia sono donne. La maggior parte di loro afferma di aver lasciato il proprio paese per amore. Le emozioni raramente vengono prese in considerazione dagli studi classici sulle migrazioni. Studiando invece intreccio tra amore, donne e migrazione con un approccio interdisciplinare sorgono alcune domande: in che modo l'identità femminile muta o si adatta da un paese all'altro? È meglio essere considerate "donne innamorate" che "donne migranti"? Come cambia l'idea del matrimonio e della sessualità nel nuovo contesto culturale? Questo libro esplora il fenomeno attraverso l'analisi delle narrazioni delle protagoniste.
Alimentando existências: o trânsito de pessoas, experiências e comidas, 2023
This book is about trajectories. Trajectory is a concept that comes from physics and talks about ... more This book is about trajectories. Trajectory is a concept that comes from physics and talks about the distance travelled. When it was appropriated by the social sciences, it became a notion that thinks about distance within a space that is not physical, but chronological, the space of life. That's why we talk about trajectories of lives, of beings on the move, in the interactive, symbolic and procedural dynamics of practising life, in its daily life, rituals and spatialities. Many of the texts in this book talk about trajectories, both geographical and chronological, but what really connects all the chapters is the idea of everyday life, those things we do while we're just trying to live our lives. And everyday life is linked to themes that permeate all the chapters: food, family, the role of women. And the themes that drive us come together in two concepts: intimacy and identity.
Papers by Paulina Sabugal
Key words: auto representation, love and migration, identity, simbolic violence, bicultural relationship, narrative, gender.
Thesis Chapters by Paulina Sabugal
Book Reviews by Paulina Sabugal
Books by Paulina Sabugal
Key words: auto representation, love and migration, identity, simbolic violence, bicultural relationship, narrative, gender.