Conference Presentations by Carlo Arrighi
Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Giuridiche e Studi Internazionali, Università di Padova (17 di... more Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Giuridiche e Studi Internazionali, Università di Padova (17 dicembre 2024).
University of Mannheim, Germany (June 13-15, 2024)
Marzabotto, Italia (30 settembre - 2 ottobre 2022)
Seville, Spain (March 18-19, 2021)
Pula, Croatia (October 15-17, 2020)
Classicamente Antiquitates Vulgares (Siena, 29 maggio 2020)
Italian-German Historical Institute Trento, Italy
September 18-20, 2019
Papers by Carlo Arrighi
Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi, vol. 8 (2024)
Ricerche di storia politica, Quadrimestrale dell'Associazione per le ricerche di storia politica"... more Ricerche di storia politica, Quadrimestrale dell'Associazione per le ricerche di storia politica", 2/2024, pp. 159-170
Memoria e Ricerca, 2024
Ente di a erenza: Università di Bologna (unibo) Copyright c • by Società editrice il Mulino, Bolo... more Ente di a erenza: Università di Bologna (unibo) Copyright c • by Società editrice il Mulino, Bologna. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Per altre informazioni si veda Licenza d'uso L'articoloè messo a disposizione dell'utente in licenza per uso esclusivamente privato e personale, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini direttamente o indirettamente commerciali. Salvo quanto espressamente previsto dalla licenza d'uso Rivisteweb,è fatto divieto di riprodurre, trasmettere, distribuire o altrimenti utilizzare l'articolo, per qualsiasi scopo o fine. Tutti i diritti sono riservati.
Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi, vol. 7 (2023)
"Storia e Futuro", no. 56 (2022)
Giornale di Storia, n. 39 (2022)
Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi, vol. 6 (2022), n. 18 (2022)
Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi, vol. 5 (2021)
Academia Letters, 2022
In the Sixth Century A.D. the Western world changed. Alongside the consolidation of the post-Roma... more In the Sixth Century A.D. the Western world changed. Alongside the consolidation of the post-Roman kingdoms in Western Europe, aesthetic standards and traditional social and cultural references also changed. A united Europe[1] under the Roman eagles was a distant memory and gave way to a fragmented entity composed of an extremely fragmented territory.[2] In the West, the Roman Senate definitively collapsed[3], so rapidly that halfway through the century the term Romanitas had already lost its cultural value and was merely a linguistic and symbolic category.[4] Although Romanitas was disappearing in Europe, the traditional[5] antipathy between Romans and barbarians, with its moral labels, was perpetuated. The stereotyped link between skin colour, specifically dark skin, and human nature-and thus Ethiopians and a demonic nature-not only continues in the sixth century, but now also imposes itself on other physical features[6]. For example, like Manilius in the Astronomica[7], Boethius calculates a degree of darkness[8] shifting from a shade similar to obscurity (fuscus) to absolute black (nigerrimus). The result is that peoples classified as Ethiopians have the same black skin colour, but they are distinguished by different intermediate shades. References to the cultural tradition of previous centuries are recurrent, both in ecclesiastical and secular contexts. In the correspondence[9] between the Bishop Fulgentius and the deacon Ferrandus, the climatic theory that was so widespread in the past and never completely disappeared now returned.[10] Indeed, Fulgentius tells of a boy with an Ethiopian skin coming from the farthest boundaries of a distant land, where the extreme heat of the sun burns people's skin, making them black. On the other side, from a secular point of view, in the midsixth century Jordanes, a gothic high functionary at the court of Constantinople, depicting the peoples the Goths have come into contact with,[11] mentions the Silori, not surprisingly dark-skinned and with black and ruffled hair. In the second half of the sixth century, the Catholic side supported a distinction between
GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis, 4 (2021), 2, 15-23
Academia Letters, 2021
Rather than a traditional article, the following pages have been conceived as a sort of itinerari... more Rather than a traditional article, the following pages have been conceived as a sort of itinerarium. As in the case of itineraria, the stages marked here are those of a road already walked in the past and, at the same time, they provide a guide for those who wish to journey this same road. This contribution aims to present the relationship between Roman identity and barbarian otherness, with particular attention to the aesthetic standards used to represent barbarians in Latin narratives from the first to the sixth century A.D. Indeed, barbarians are often represented by ancient authors as beastly creatures, displaying aesthetic features far different from those with whom they came into contact (as they probably were). Too rarely, however, their supposed peculiarities are shown. Several different populations were subsumed under the label "barbarian," made homogeneous by their shared diversity, both linguistic (hence the origin of the term 'barbarian') and physical (for example, their skin colour), and their ferocity. Nothing could be more demeaning for an event than to be classified as barbaric, and nothing is easier to represent. The Greek world triggered this idea, and the Roman world gathered evidence and propagated it with its geographical and cultural conquests. Hence, since the Roman world encouraged the process, it is useful to examine narratives provided by Latin authors and to provide an overview of these barbarians who, a mix of reality and imagination, continually shift from one era to another, from the political sphere to the quotidien, endlessly creating a representation of what can be defined as a recurring "cultural paradigm." 1 1 With regard to the reconstruction of the ancient social classification in contemporary collective memory, see P.
Glocale. Rivista molisana di storia e scienze sociali, giugno 2021, Vol. 15, pp. 249-258
Conference Presentations by Carlo Arrighi
Papers by Carlo Arrighi