Papers by Alessandro Niero
Studi slavistici, Jul 12, 2023
Considerazioni sulla poesia russa tradotta in italiano tra il 1987 e il 2022 Oltre trecentosessan... more Considerazioni sulla poesia russa tradotta in italiano tra il 1987 e il 2022 Oltre trecentosessanta volumi di autori singoli e più di quaranta pubblicazioni collettanee: ecco la base quantitativa per quanto andrò dicendo 1. Ma, prima, tre premesse:
Saggio sulla presenza del tema dei numeri in alcune liriche del poeta russo Iosif Brodskij
Terra Ferma, 2013
Prima antologia italiana di un classico della poesia non-ufficiale russa, Igor' Cholin, corre... more Prima antologia italiana di un classico della poesia non-ufficiale russa, Igor' Cholin, corredata da note (p. 106) e da un saggio conclusivo (pp. 107-120)
Иосиф Бродский, русский на Венецианском Лидо, 2011
Il graffito giapponese sopra il faro veneziano è del tutto misterioso, chissà cosa dirà, cosa… 2
Per un repertorio bibliografico della poesia russa tradotta in italiano (1987-2022), 2022
The paper is bibliographical and lists a series of translations of Russian poetry into Italian ca... more The paper is bibliographical and lists a series of translations of Russian poetry into Italian carried out between 1987 and 2022.
Before the bibliographical part, there are some introductory pages that specify the types of publications examined: anthologies, journal issues related entirely or partially (but significantly) to Russian poetry in Italian, and single volumes devoted entirely to poets writing in Russian.
The paper aims to provide materials for a future history of Russian poetry translated into Italian.
Europa Orientalis, 2011
Analisi della poesia "Lido" di Iosif Brodskij sullo sfondo della ricezione letteraria d... more Analisi della poesia "Lido" di Iosif Brodskij sullo sfondo della ricezione letteraria di Venezia nella cultura russ
Children's Readings: Studies in Children's Literature
The article offers a review of 20 th century Russian children’s poetry translated into Italian. D... more The article offers a review of 20 th century Russian children’s poetry translated into Italian. Despite the fact that Russia can boast a great tradition of children’s literature in verse, the number of existing Italian translations is not very large and the authors translated are only some happy few. They are Vladimir Mayakovskiy, Osip Mandel’shtam, Boris Pasternak, Korney Chukovskiy and Samuil Marshak. Their not very many texts have mostly appeared for little publishers with scarce circulation. Attention to formal aspects has also not always been impeccable, and no Italian poet has systematically devoted himself to elaborate Italian versions that could aspire to true aesthetic autonomy. This is why, in spite of some notable translations in recent times, we must continue to speak of Russian poetry for children as the great absentee on the Italian cultural scene.
The article analyses the way Angelo Maria Ripellino translated in 1967 – fifty years after the Oc... more The article analyses the way Angelo Maria Ripellino translated in 1967 – fifty years after the October Revolution! – Vladimir Mayakovsky's long poem Lenin for the Turin publishing house Giulio Einaudi. Judging by the words spent by Ripellino in his Preface to the book and in a letter about Lènin he sent to one of the editors of Einaudi, Guido Davico Bonino, the translation appears to be an intriguing example of work carried out not as the personal choice of the translator, but as a gentlemen agreement between him and the publisher (a sort of social'nyj zakaz, a "social commitment" fulfilled by Ripellino, who at that time was known as the best interpreter of Russian poetry of the first part of the 20th century). Despite this unfavourable circumstances and, consequently, a presumable low degree of congeniality between the translator and the translated one, Ripellino's work is extremely interesting as it reveals an approach to poetic translating that is strikingly...
Russian Literature, 2002
HacTo~ma~ cTaT~,a Bo3I-IrIKaa npri r~epeBoJle nOBeCTH EBrerirIa 3aMaTrri-Ia 'OcTpoBIITJttte ' (19... more HacTo~ma~ cTaT~,a Bo3I-IrIKaa npri r~epeBoJle nOBeCTH EBrerirIa 3aMaTrri-Ia 'OcTpoBIITJttte ' (1918) Ha m'a~r~UCKrIfI n31,iI( (CM. Zamjatin 1999). Bo Bpeu~l pa6oTbI Ha~l nepeJIo~eHHeM TeKCTa C OAHOrO ~I3t,iKa Ha ~lpyrof~, ripe)llipmIrI-MatOIllI4~ ee riaxo)ItlTC/I B ti)~eaJit,ttOM iioJIo~eitriil, riO3BOYlltIOIJ/eN eMy BOfITI/I B "~AHOCTHnb" riepeBoArIMoro aBTopa H, rio Mepe co3)laHrI~ "IaOBOrO" TeKCTa, gI4ejlprITbCa n ero TBopqecI~y~o JIa6opaTopmo. B HaJBeM csIyuae, cam 3aUJtTriH npIIXOllIlT riaM ria IIOMOIKt,. KaK H3BeCTriO, OH yAe~ax oco6oe BI~I~MaHrie "c~poeHrIIO" C~OHX ripOH3Be)IerirI~. EMy CBO~CTBeHHH~,I Cl~OC06I-IOCTb K TOqHOMy aHa~H3y npoI~ecca cytoBecrioro WBopqeCTBa ri, rJiaBrioe, K TeOpeTI, IqeCKriM d~opMyJII, IpOBI~aM pe3yJIgTaTOB 0TOro arlam~a. ~J~ 6oa~me~ ~CriOCTH n3no;~erirI~, CTaTt, g pa.3~e~eua Ha HHe-CKOJIt, KO riyHKTOB, COOTBeTCTBytOII~HX TeM MeCTaM TeopeTw-IeCKHX BI~ICKa3BI-BaHtI, If~ 3aMaTHria, g KOTOpI~IX, XOTg CJIOBO "CHMyJ~bTaHri3M" IIp~MO H He ~poH3~eceHo, ~aex ce6a 3HaTh IIOCTO~tHriOe cTpeMJIeH~e K HeNy.
Tradurre figure / Translating Figurative Language, 2014
Papers by Alessandro Niero
Before the bibliographical part, there are some introductory pages that specify the types of publications examined: anthologies, journal issues related entirely or partially (but significantly) to Russian poetry in Italian, and single volumes devoted entirely to poets writing in Russian.
The paper aims to provide materials for a future history of Russian poetry translated into Italian.
Before the bibliographical part, there are some introductory pages that specify the types of publications examined: anthologies, journal issues related entirely or partially (but significantly) to Russian poetry in Italian, and single volumes devoted entirely to poets writing in Russian.
The paper aims to provide materials for a future history of Russian poetry translated into Italian.